Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 135 It's Her Bitter Trick Again

Chapter 135 It's Her Bitter Trick Again

After coming out of the bathroom, Nan Anyang wiped his hair, except for his slightly pale face, there was no abnormality in his expression.

She suddenly rushed towards Ye Xiaozhu. "Damn girl, since you know that my method is wrong, why didn't you say it earlier? Just wait for me to be rejected by Emperor Ran, right?"

Ye Xiaozhu was caught off guard by Nan Anyang and immediately raised his hand to surrender. "Sister Yang, you wouldn't have listened to me if I told you earlier. You'd ignore your stubborn temper even if I told you."

"It won't happen now, let's study how to continue to beat Emperor Ran." Nan Anyang chuckled, and suddenly said: "Well, based on Emperor Ran's impression of me now, I should be more obedient. Let's go first Let's study how you threw Emperor Ye down. Emperor Ye has a good background and his parents are still alive, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Actually, I don't need to pounce, really! There is no need to study." Ye Xiaozhu immediately raised his hand and surrendered when he thought of Nan Anyang's methods.

She prefers to do it bit by bit rather than forcefully.Feel the throbbing brought by every inadvertent touch, of course, if there is a chance to fall, she will not be soft.

"Cut... boring." Nan Anyang pouted, but didn't continue to persuade.

After tidying up, they walked out of the room.

Nan Anyang tugged at Ye Xiaozhu's T-shirt, frowned and said, "Xiao Zhuye, why are you wearing a T-shirt? It's a faint seduction?"

"Sister Yang, I'm not that wretched... Emperor Ye said he doesn't like women with a lot of flesh, alas, I burst into tears." Ye Xiaozhu lowered her head sadly.

"Don't like it? Will there be men who don't like it?!" Nan Anyang couldn't help raising his voice, and everyone's eyes were attracted to her.

Ye Xiaozhu quickly covered her mouth, and smiled around her.

Seeing them coming out, Mo Ziye nodded in satisfaction.Women, they really look good in clothes.However, he should build a swimming pool in the villa.

But Gu Qingran, who was sitting on the bow, didn't even look back as if he couldn't see them.Facing the sea, no one could see his expression.

"Hey~! Two beauties, come here to fish~" Lun Lun waved his hand to greet them.

Nan Anyang froze for a moment, then looked back at Gu Qingran.He didn't even look at her, because he really hated her.

She wiped a slightly bitter smile and walked to Lun Lun's side. "Okay, I haven't caught fish before, so I ask God for advice."

"Where is it, I'm not a great master." Lun Lun scratched his head, a little embarrassed.He took the fishing rod and explained it carefully.

Nan Anyang listened carefully, and the sea breeze blew slightly, blowing her pretty short hair.

Ye Xiaozhu thought for a while, then asked Leng Zixu for a fishing rod, and sat near Nan'anyang.At this time, she would not leave her best friend behind and find a man by herself.

"I fish here because it's easier to fish here." The voice was light, without too much ups and downs, as if he was muttering to himself.

Mo Ziye walked up to Ye Xiaozhu with the fishing rod, and said lightly, "Then I'll try it here too."

Seeing him coming, several people were stunned.Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes twice, and suddenly felt the fishing rod in his hand move.

"Ah, it seems that a fish has been bitten."

"No, you just fished." Leng Zixu walked over in disbelief, "Don't worry, I'll help you close the rod." As he said, he stretched out his hands and hugged Ye Xiaozhu from behind. The figure suddenly pushed him aside.

With a cold face, Mo Ziye said expressionlessly, "I'll help you."

Leng Zixu was stunned, Ye Xiaozhu was also stunned, and several people nearby were stunned.

Mo Ziye stretched out his hands and hugged Ye Xiaozhu from behind like a hug, then held her hand and lifted the fishing rod.

During the whole process, Mo Ziye remained expressionless, calm as if he was fishing by himself.But Ye Xiaozhu in his arms was blushing.

Her family Yehuang... Hug her... Do you want to be such a man!He even hugged him from behind.Woohoo, she is so happy, it must be her lucky day recently, to be able to touch her family Emperor Ye one after another.

Leng Zixu stared at Mo Ziye in amazement for a while.When did Brother Ye become so helpful?Helping Ye Xiaozhu again and again, could it be...?
With an expression of enlightenment on his face, he silently picked up the fishing rod and stayed away from Ye Xiaozhu.

Ye Xiaozhu caught a common sea fish and helped her collect the fish. Mo Ziye sat back in his seat calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Only the pink-faced Ye Xiaozhu was left thinking about it, and the surprised and puzzled onlookers.

Until noon, every time Ye Xiaozhu caught a fish, Mo Ziye would stand up and help her finish the fish as if nothing had happened.But Ye Xiaozhu was surprisingly lucky, a few people around did not catch a few, but she kept lifting the pole.

In the end, when Mo Ziye helped her catch the rod again, Ye Xiaozhu complained silently in her heart. Her Emperor Ye must have liked the process of finishing the rod, but he couldn't catch it himself, so he came to help her.

And until they returned to the resort, Gu Qingran and Nan Anyang never spoke again, like two strangers, neither looked at each other.

When eating at noon, Nan Anyang chose the place farthest from Gu Qingran, and she returned to her room after lunch.As if hiding from Gu Qingran, he didn't show up all afternoon.

Ye Xiaozhu also played absent-mindedly in the afternoon, most of the time he just sat quietly on the chair.

Dinner was scheduled for a barbecue by the sea. Seeing that Nan Anyang hadn't come, Ye Xiaozhu went back to her room to find her, only to find her lying on the bed sleepy with a high fever.

"Sister Yang, I'll take you to the hospital." Ye Xiaozhu hurriedly wanted to run out.

"Don't go." Nan Anyang said weakly: "I've taken the medicine, and I'll be fine in a while. Don't go out, if Emperor Ran finds out, he will think I'm pretending to be sick to seduce him again."

"Except for stomach medicine, there is no cold medicine here at all, do you think I'm stupid." Ye Xiaozhu sighed and walked outside sullenly. "If Gu Qingran really misunderstood, then he misunderstood. It is your body that is important, or his opinion of you. I really don't understand you."

She said, and walked out without looking back.

Nan Anyang froze for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Am I in a cocoon? I finally realized the mood of that kid who is 'Wolf is coming'..."

The room was silent, no one answered her.

Ye Xiaozhu ran out in a hurry, first to the room of the person in charge of the resort, but there was no one there.After thinking about it, she ran back to the beach again.Sure enough, the person in charge was there.

"Um, hello, can I ask where the nearby hospital is?" Ye Xiaozhu took a deep breath before asking, "Also, do you have antipyretics here, give them to me first."

Ye Xiaozhu was sweating profusely from running, panting heavily while talking.

Nan Xiaojia, who was helping with the barbecue, immediately handed over a bottle of water, "Xiao Zhu, drink some water first, does Anyang have a fever?"

Nan Xiaojia's voice was not too loud, but it attracted everyone's attention.The members of the backing dance troupe gathered around, only Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran did not move.

If you look closely, you can see the astonishment in Gu Qingran's eyes.

Is this another trick of hers?

(End of this chapter)

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