Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 259 Let Me Participate in the Rest of Your Life

Chapter 259 Let Me Participate in the Rest of Your Life
Ye Xiaozhu grinned awkwardly, she knew that some of these fans would recognize her.I just didn't expect someone to say it so loudly.

The host was also a little embarrassed, with cold sweat breaking out on his face.He was able to host a fan meeting for superstars like Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran. Who knew that Emperor Ye didn't play the cards according to the rules and said he liked girls who were more 'dirty'. I found 'Tuo' and was exposed again, how can I get back to this situation!

The host was wailing from the bottom of his heart, but he put on a professional smile on his face. Years of experience made him immediately think of a way to deal with it even if he was embarrassed. "Haha, if you know about such a thing as Emperor Ye, don't say it, it will make your Emperor Ye unable to step down from the stage."

The fans below laughed, Mo Ziye picked up the mic, and calmly said to the fan who was talking: "You only know a lot of people."

The low voice was extremely flat, with a hint of reproach in it, as if blaming the fan for talking too much.

The blamed fans were taken aback, folded their hands and shouted. "Ahhh! Emperor Ye scolded me, actually scolded me! Emperor Ye, please teach me a few more words!"

"Yehuang, I also know the backup dancer sister! I know too! You can also train me, yell at me!"

"Emperor Ye, I want it too! I want it too!"


Fans shouted, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help turning his head, couldn't bear to look at the scene off the court.She was determined not to admit that she had been a member of it before.

The scene became chaotic, and the host hurriedly maintained order. "Everyone, don't argue, don't shout! We are giving out benefits now, and these two beauties who failed in telepathy can also shake hands with you Emperor Ye. Then the beauty who won the victory, Emperor Ye's heartbeat and bear hug are waiting I'm following you."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, envious and jealous eyes shot from the audience, she pursed her lips, and stared at Mo Ziye with starry eyes.

The host asked them to stand in the middle of the stage and asked Ye Xiaozhu, "Are you ready? You can start when you are ready."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded excitedly, and Mo Ziye opened his arms on the other side of the stage, with the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, as if inviting her.

"Ultimate benefits for knights - bear hugs and heartbeats, let's start!"

When Ye Xiaozhu heard the sound, she ran towards Mo Ziye like a wild horse running away, her small body slammed into Mo Ziye's arms hard, and hugged him firmly.

"Take it easy, doesn't it hurt?" A shallow deep voice came from above her head, so shallow that only she could hear it.

Ye Xiaozhu shook his head, hugged Mo Ziye tightly, put his ear on Mo Ziye's chest, and listened carefully.

The host interviewed her excitedly. "How does it feel to be hugged and heart-thumping with Emperor Ye? How is Emperor Ye's figure? Is it as strong as imagined?"

After asking several times, Ye Xiaozhu ignored him.It wasn't until fans wailed that the host came over and pulled Ye Xiaozhu away.

"How does it feel to hug Emperor Ye? How does your heart feel? Did you hear your heartbeat?"

Ye Xiaozhu tilted his head, glanced at the host, and said loudly: "It feels good and refreshing, but I don't want to tell you the specific feeling."

"Uh, you are the Emperor Ye hugged by thousands of knights. Just be generous and tell us how it feels to hug Emperor Ye?" do not cooperate.

"Hmm... okay." Ye Xiaozhu thought for a while, and said very seriously: "Yehuang's heartbeat is very strong."

"and then?"

"Then I won't tell you." Ye Xiaozhu grinned and ran offstage by himself.She doesn't want to tell others what it's like to hold Emperor Ye, don't give them room for fantasy!

The host looked at Ye Xiaozhu in a daze, until Mo Ziye coughed lightly, then the host reacted, and quickly said: "Okay, then we will now let Emperor Ran choose the knights who will participate in the telepathy."

The fans who were not selected shouted again. Gu Qingran hooked his lower lip and said softly: "No. 6, No. 56, No. 106."

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but glanced sideways at Nan Anyang beside her, and sure enough, she was number 106.

Nan Anyang was sitting in a wheelchair with a very flat expression on his face, not as happy as other selected fans, but not too cold.

She nodded and walked onto the stage by herself.In fact, the sprained foot is not that serious, and there is no problem walking by herself, but Gu Qingran is worried about her and insists on her using a wheelchair.

Nan Anyang nodded, and within two steps, she heard the fans exclaim. She raised her head in doubt, and Gu Qingran suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Beautiful lady, you are injured." Gu Qingran smiled slightly, as if he didn't know her, and said softly: "If you are injured, don't move around. Can I carry you on stage?"

Nan Anyang blinked in astonishment, but Gu Qingran hugged her without waiting for her to speak.

On the gorgeous stage, the lights filled the air, and even the steps were shining brilliant blue.Gu Qingran walked slowly step by step with Nan Anyang in his arms. Every time his long legs moved, he was extremely careful, as if he was holding a fragile treasure in his arms.

Off the court was the envious voice of the fans. Nan Anyang's mind was a little blank. This was a live media broadcast. How dare Gu Qingran hug her?
Gu Qingran had a calm expression on his face, he carried Nan Anyang onto the stage, and sent her directly to his throne sofa.

Putting down Nan Anyang, he still had a calm face, stepped back slightly, and said gracefully like a gentleman: "Since you are injured, don't move around, just sit here."

Nan Anyang was slightly taken aback. There were so many fans in the audience, as well as reporters and cameras, she could only blink and nodded.

Gu Qingran smiled lightly, turned to face the camera, and suddenly said, "I want to tell you one thing."

The host was taken aback for a moment, and quickly continued: "Emperor Ran, what do you want to say?"

Nan Anyang's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but look at Gu Qingran with wide eyes.

The tall body stood in front of her, blocked the scorching lights on the stage, also blocked the jealous and envious eyes of the fans, and even blocked the cold and probing camera.Inexplicably, Nan Anyang felt very safe, but what did he... want to say?
The woman's sixth sense told her that what Gu Qingran was going to say next might have something to do with her.In just an instant, Nan Anyang's breathing became cautious.

Gu Qingran faced the fans and the camera without looking away.The clear and cold voice was firm and solemn, "I think I fell in love with a girl, and I fell in love with her at first sight."

As he spoke, he slowly turned his head and looked at Nan Anyang, his evil eyes were full of affection. "This beautiful girl, I like you, can I ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"I have a house, a car, and savings. I'm in good shape and can support my family. Can you give me a chance to participate in the rest of your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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