Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 260 Treating You With All Tenderness

Chapter 260 Treating You With All Tenderness
The sudden confession stunned everyone.

Mo Ziye lowered his eyes, and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.This method of cutting first and then gathering together is very good. In front of so many fans, Nan Anyang must not dare to refuse.Even if you will be angry afterwards, but you have already marked her, are you afraid that she will run away?
Thinking about it, his gaze shifted to Ye Xiaozhu, thinking of her wish to stand upright beside him, Mo Ziye sighed silently.It's not difficult to hook up with a stupid fan Jiayan dog, but it's rare to have to satisfy her wish.

Under the stage, Ye Xiaozhu held her heart in both hands, watching Gu Qingran's domineering actions, the girl's heart burst instantly.But all the fans were stunned for a while, and shouted together: "Randi! This is not true, tell me it is not true, how could you fall in love with a girl at first sight? You have seen so many beauties , how could you fall in love with such an ordinary girl at first sight? We don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Gu Qingran turned his head to the side and looked at the audience lightly. "Is she very ordinary? Maybe in your eyes, she is just an ordinary person, but she shines in my eyes abnormally, just like the sun, almost blinding my eyes and melting me .”

"Emperor Ran! Woohoo, isn't it? How could this be possible! Emperor Ran, woooooo..." The fans shook their heads and burst into tears.On the live webcast, a large number of swiping screens and bullet screens made the live broadcast one by one, almost paralyzed.

The stage was very close to the seats of the fans, and Nan Anyang could even see the pained expressions on the fans' faces.Crying like losing a prince whom he had a crush on for a long time.

In the past, on Weibo, I often saw people say: "Chasing stars is like a gorgeous and grand secret love. The person I love with all my heart may never know me for the rest of my life." '

She should be happy and touched. Although the process of being able to know Gu Qingran, get close to him, and understand him was not so beautiful, in the final analysis, it was because her initial goal was wrong.

Now, she and him have made such a big circle before returning to the track of normal people.He confessed, and in front of so many fans and the media, almost all the fans in the world witnessed this incident, which means that he will not leave her easily.As he had said before, by revealing it to her, he bet his entire career.

Then, should she try to accept him once?Give him a chance, and give yourself a chance?
Thinking about it, Nan Anyang pursed his lips, his eyes gleaming brightly.

Looking at the fans crying bitterly in the audience, Gu Qingran smiled lightly, and said softly: "I have been in the entertainment industry for so long, and my scandals have been widely spread, but you are still here, always with me. Now I If you found the woman you love, will you leave?"

"Maybe someone will say that they stayed with me before because they didn't believe those gossips were true and they wanted to believe me. You guessed it right, the reason why the previous gossips were called gossips was because they were all fake, but this time it's Really. I found the girl I fell in love with at first sight, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, so I really hope everyone can bless us."

"I'm 26 years old this year. I'm at the age when it's time to fall in love and start a family. Seeing that you have someone to accompany you, I feel relieved. So, I should also think about my own affairs, right?"

The clear and cold voice reminded the fans present that they have boyfriends and girlfriends themselves, why can't they accept that idols have someone they like?

The sobs of the fans were much smaller, and some fans choked up and said: "Emperor Ran, we bless you... woo woo woo, we wish you happiness... We will work hard to make money, and when you get married, we will give you a big Share money, woo woo woo..."

Gu Qingran couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "Thank you for your blessings, there is no need for share money, you just need to bless us."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Nan Anyang affectionately, only to find that Nan Anyang was looking at him angrily with a cold face.

Gu Qingran removed the microphone and quickly reminded in a low voice. "Anyang, save me some face in front of so many fans..."

Nan Anyang glanced at him, raised his hand to pick up Gu Qingran's microphone, and said very firmly: "Emperor Ran, your confession is so sudden, it shocked me, although I really want to promise you, but I have a man friend."

"Ah??? How dare you reject our Emperor Ran?!" The fans who were still choking up immediately glared at Nan Anyang with their red eyes.

Nan Anyang forced a smile, knowing that if she really dared to reject Gu Qingran, she might not be able to get out of the meeting venue alive, so she made up a lie. "I'm not rejecting Emperor Ran, it's just that I have a boyfriend. It's not good to abandon my boyfriend who has been in love for many years because of Emperor Ran, right?"

While talking, Nan Anyang had a wronged and innocent expression on his face.

Gu Qingran twitched the corners of his mouth, sighed leisurely, reached out to ask Mo Ziye for his wheat, and then said with a bit of resentment: "Girl, you don't look like someone with a boyfriend."

"Whoever said I don't have one, I have many people chasing after me."

"Well, I believe you will be chased by many people, but I also believe that you don't have a boyfriend. If you have a boyfriend, you will hurt your feet and come to the meeting with so many people? Are you afraid of hurting you?" Gu Qing ran cold Said in a low voice, looking at Nan Anyang very calmly.

"Who says it won't happen? If you don't believe me, ask the fans at the scene to see how many of them have boyfriends." Nan Anyang looked towards the audience.

Fans immediately shouted: "Emperor Ran, she has a boyfriend, don't like her anymore! I don't have a boyfriend yet, and no one is chasing me, Emperor Ran, do you like me?"

"I don't have a boyfriend either, Emperor Ran, you like me!"

Gu Qingran lowered his eyes, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.With a helpless expression on his face, he said, "Do you really have a boyfriend?"

Nan Anyang nodded immediately.

"Then you hurt your foot, he must be very worried. He sent you here? If he didn't send you here, it can only mean that he doesn't care and doesn't care about you. You don't want such a boyfriend."

"Eh...he is earning money to support his family, fighting for our future happiness..." Nan Anyang's tone was a little weak.

She originally planned to agree to Gu Qingran, but when he was talking to the fans, he discussed the money of the married couple and never asked her opinion at all, so Nan Anyang changed his mind temporarily.

"Money can never be earned, but there is only one lover. I will not let my girlfriend go in and out of so many places when she is injured." Gu Qingran took out her mobile phone with a very serious expression on her face . "Call your boyfriend, I want to talk to him. If he can't give you happiness, then you leave him and come to me. I will give everything and treat you tenderly."

(End of this chapter)

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