Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 261 Threatened by Evil Forces

Chapter 261 Threatened by Evil Forces

Nan Anyang was taken aback, looked at the mobile phone handed to him, and rubbed his little hands, "Ah? Let's just call. He's at work, so it's inconvenient to answer, and his salary will be deducted."

"Shouldn't you answer your girlfriend's phone anytime and anywhere? It seems that he doesn't treat you very well." With a smile in his eyes, Gu Qingran called out the dial button. "If you don't dare to call him, I can call for you. Some things are indeed more suitable for us men. Don't be afraid that his salary will be deducted. I will make up for him."

Nan'an glared at Gu Qingran angrily, "Emperor Ran, you are such a superstar, why should you chase after me?"

"Who made you so dazzling in my eyes, the more you reject me, the more I can't extricate myself." Gu Qingran smiled charmingly, and the moment the smile came out, the fans whispered.

He put away the phone and said with certainty: "Girl, just admit that you don't have a boyfriend. Even if you do have a boyfriend, I won't give up on you. Anyway, from today onwards, you are my woman gone."

After finishing speaking, Gu Qingran turned around, walked up to the other two female fans without giving Nan Anyang a chance to refute, and said very gentlemanly and elegantly: "Sorry, I have a girlfriend now, so To keep a distance from women, shall we just shake hands?"

With idols right in front of them, the fans were both excited and sad, tears kept falling, but they still nodded their heads pretending to be calm.

Gu Qingran shook hands with them one by one, sent them off the stage, and walked back to Nan Anyang. "This girl who made me fascinated after meeting, can you tell me your name?"

Nan Anyang took a breath, and his first reaction was not to say anything, but the fans in the audience looked at her with burning eyes, as if she dared to reject Gu Qingran, they dared to tear her up.

Nan Anyang can understand this feeling, after all, she used to be one of them, idols have someone they like, it's sad, but as long as idols are happy and happy.But if that woman dared to reject Aidou, she would tear that woman apart in minutes.

Dare to reject the idols they are holding in their hands, their high combat effectiveness can break through the universe!
Nan Anyang swallowed, and stared at Gu Qingran resentfully, "My name is Nan Anyang."

"Nan Anyang, what a good name, it suits you very well." Gu Qingran smiled, his voice was soft as if he was reciting his lover's name. "No wonder it shines like the sun. It turns out that your name is Anyang. From now on, I will formally pursue you until you marry me."

Nan Anyang pursed his lips, not daring to reject Gu Qingran, nor did he dare to stare at him openly.She could only lower her head, the fans thought she was shy, and blessed them while feeling sad.

The host finally came to his senses and announced that the meeting was over, and the bodyguards began to let everyone leave.When stepping off the stage, Ye Xiaozhu found that the host's back was all wet.

She had already been recognized by fans, so Xiao Jiu didn't hesitate, but walked up to Ye Xiaozhu and asked her to go backstage.

Ye Xiaozhu pushed Nan Anyang's wheelchair, followed Xiao Jiu to leave, went backstage, and found that Nan Anyang was bored and silent, and Gu Qingran was laughing beside her.

Ye Xiaozhu grinned and greeted Gu Qingran, but ran to Nan Anyang without talking to her boyfriend, and said happily, "Quack, Sister Yang, let me interview you, and Emperor Ran suddenly confessed to me What does it feel like?"

"I was threatened by evil forces. If there were not so many fans of his in the stands, I would definitely reject him." Nan Anyang said, glaring at Gu Qingran fiercely, but there was not so much anger in his eyes, he was a bit shy a feeling of.

Gu Qingran spread his hands and said, "A proper retreat is a very desirable method. After all, the evil forces are quite powerful, and fans are all over the world."

"If a villain succeeds, aren't you afraid that you won't be popular?"

"Well, it's okay. After all, I've been popular for ten years, and I'm still getting more and more popular." Gu Qingran smiled indifferently, "And even if I'm not popular anymore, you don't have to worry that I can't afford you. You have a lot of savings, and you can't spend it all in your lifetime."

Nan Anyang was so angry that he didn't know what to say, and felt that Gu Qingran was becoming more and more rascal. "The last time you told me to make it public, didn't I refuse? Why did you suddenly confess?"

"You refused last time. Didn't I respect your opinion? But it's been a few days since today and last time, so it can't be counted as one." Gu Qingran spread his hands, his face full of innocence.

Nan An angrily rolled his eyes several times, and could only continue to stare at him.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes twice, thinking that she was a super big light bulb sandwiched between the two of them.He had no choice but to step back to look for Mo Ziye, but as soon as he reached Mo Ziye's side, Mo Ziye turned around, obviously ignoring her.

"Yehuang, what's the matter with you?" Ye Xiaozhu was full of doubts.

Mo Ziye glanced at her, took out his phone and continued to stay with her.When I got backstage, I didn't even say a word to him, but I was ashamed to ask him what's wrong. "I'm busy."

"Uh, but you're not busy with anything." Ye Xiaozhu continued to be confused.

"I'm busy." Mo Ziye glanced at her, as if to verify his words, the phone rang suddenly.

Mo Ziye deliberately shook the phone in front of her before picking it up: "Hello, Lan'er."

Ye Xiaozhu's eyes lit up in an instant, her small hands were tightly clutching Mo Ziye's palm, her big eyes were sharp and sharp.

That look is surprisingly cute.

Mo Ziye sighed helplessly, and suddenly felt that he couldn't get angry with Ye Xiaozhu who looked like this.He whispered: "Xiao Zhuye is beside me, do you have time to talk to her?"

"Yehuang, are you helping your girlfriend to become a star? Then I have to treat this fan well, after all, this fan has a lot of background." Lan'er said teasingly.

Mo Ziye didn't care, just handed the phone to Ye Xiaozhu.

"Hey, Sister Goddess, I didn't expect you to call Emperor Ye." Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, holding a small hand on Mo Ziye's as before.

"Well, I want to ask Emperor Ye if he will come to help fight at night. If he doesn't come, my gang can win. If he comes, I'm afraid I can only be second." Lan'er's tone was a little teasing , also a little helpless.

Ye Xiaozhu said in surprise: "I thought you were looking for Emperor Ye for some show or something, but to play games, sister goddess, are you and Emperor Ye usually so free?"

"I'm fine. I haven't had enough drama recently, so I have a lot of time..." Lan'er spoke very casually like a friend she hadn't seen for a long time, and told Ye Xiaozhu about her recent itinerary and work.

Ye Xiaozhu listened carefully, paying close attention, but she didn't realize that she was holding Mo Ziye's little hand, and Mo Ziye had already held Mo Ziye's hand in his hand, and was gently stroking it.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xiaozhu said excitedly: "Yehuang, is there anything else, let's go back to the hotel if there is nothing else, I have an appointment with the goddess sister to help."

(End of this chapter)

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