Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 263 Let's Live in Love Time

Chapter 263 Let's Live in Love Time

"Eh hehe, hehe..." Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled helplessly, but she received an online reminder from Nan Anyang and Gu Qingran, and she muttered in a low voice. "Sister Yang and Emperor Ran are online, they are going online to upgrade their husband and wife level."

"Maybe, if we finish the gang fight tonight and do some flowers in the bridal chamber, our husband and wife level will be full." Mo Ziye said lightly, and then continued: "Tomorrow afternoon, you will fly back to City H , The day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony of your school, you are going to attend."

"Oh, I see." Ye Xiaozhu nodded, and school will start soon.In a blink of an eye, she and Emperor Ye had known each other for a whole summer vacation.

"I'm going to City Z tomorrow. I have a program and a few interviews. I can't go back to City H with you. Do you need me to attend the school opening ceremony the day after tomorrow?" Mo Ziye turned his head and looked at Ye Xiaozhu.

"Ah? Emperor Ye, what are you doing at my opening ceremony?" A picture of Mo Ziye appearing in her school flashed in Ye Xiaozhu's mind.

If Mo Ziye really went, there would be no need for the opening ceremony. Many students would definitely turn into crazy fans, and the mentors with higher combat effectiveness would definitely rush to the front. After all, Mo Ziye has too many fans up.

"Shouldn't I go to your opening ceremony?" Mo Ziye tilted his head, his starry eyes swept over her suspicious eyes. "My girlfriend's school opening ceremony, as a boyfriend, I should naturally attend." By the way, I put my own mark on her, indicating that it is his property, and no one else is allowed to peep.

"Ahem, who said that her boyfriend is going away..." Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corner of his mouth, but he didn't realize what Mo Ziye was thinking.All that was imagining in my mind was the scene where Mo Ziye appeared.

"No, Emperor Ye, you can't go! If you go, the ceremony will not go on." She refused directly, with a very serious expression on her face. "Ye Huang, you should let go of this idea, you can't go to our school with your status, the fans will be overwhelming."

"Oh?" Mo Ziye narrowed his eyes slightly. She refused so simply. Could it be that there is something or someone in the school that he cannot see?
"Forget it." As he said that, Mo Ziye lowered his eyelashes, and a look of domineering flashed in his eyes.

In the game, the music starts to change.The leisurely and comfortable music gradually turned into a fierce drumbeat. Ye Xiaozhu said quickly when he heard it: "Ye Huang, the help battle has begun, let's go fight the help battle."

"En." Mo Ziye hummed lightly, with a cold expression on his face.

The gang war started, and all the players who participated in the gang war were moved to a specific space. Mo Ziye turned on the gang voice channel, deliberately lowered his voice, and said calmly: "Today's gang war is a melee between the fifth-level guilds. After the start of the war, we will unite with Ice Dance Piaoling and Honesty Trading Company to destroy the desperate Kuangba Central Plains. Then we will fight in civil war, defeat Honesty Trading Company, and then destroy Bingwu Piaoling, the dancing girl of the world. Let's fight casually and die Also remember to pull a few backs."

In the gang, the players began to buckle '1' to show that they understood.

Then the gang war started, the four major guilds were divided into four directions, southeast, northwest, and gang members could not attack, but the names of other gangs were all red, indicating that they could attack.

Ye Xiaozhu stood in the first row, and as far as he could see, there were densely packed famous players.She couldn't help smiling, aiming at the Tyrant Central Plains.

When the gang battle started, Mo Ranziye rushed out first, followed by Ye Xiaozhu.All the players from the east, west, north, and north rushed towards the Kuangba Central Plains in the south, gathering together in a mighty way.

The use of group battle skills is much less, basically throwing out big moves and skills, whoever has the highest defense and who has the strongest combat effectiveness is the king of group battles.

Mo Ranziye rushed into the Kuangba Central Plains gang in the first place, unleashed his big moves, and began to increase blood non-stop.The players who dominate the Central Plains bypass him, as if they know that his defense is amazing, and no player is willing to attack him.

While attacking, Ye Xiaozhu searched for the names of Fate and Goddess Ao Shi, and did not find them until after Kuangba Zhongyuan was wiped out.Didn't come?

She tilted her head in doubt, and suddenly a message popped up.

System prompt: Integrity firm has conceded defeat in this help battle, and won the rank No.3 in the help battle.

System prompt: Bingwu Piaoling conceded defeat in this gang battle, and won No.2 in the gang battle ranking.

System prompt: Congratulations to your gang for winning No.1 in this gang battle. All Qingzhuyeyu gang players will experience +130% and gold coins +130% in the next week. I wish you a happy game.

(Gang) invites you to eat worms: "The dancers and the others said that the boss came, so they stopped fighting and wasting time, so they just surrendered."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes twice, and secretly glanced at Mo Ziye on the other side from the corner of his eyes.Under her calm and handsome face, Huang Ye of her family has such a strong fighting power that the other two gangs have directly surrendered.

She clicked her tongue, finished the gang battle, had a daily bridal chamber with Mo Ziye, and then used private chat to chat with the world-famous dancer.

After chatting for a few words, Qingshi Dancer suddenly said to her: "Little Zhuye, Emperor Ye is jealous."


"Yehuang dragged Chongchong to practice PK because you were playing with me, so he wanted to play with Chongchong, and Chongchong came to me crying." Lan'er couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect Yehuang to be so childish." , It’s so cute to be jealous. Hahaha, I won’t delay the sweet time between him and you, you can spend your love time, and I’ll comfort Chong Chong.”

What love time, Ye Xiaozhu was embarrassed by the words, her little face couldn't help but flush.

Stretching out his small head to look at Mo Ziye's screen, he saw that he was really fighting with you to eat Chongchong, and then the screen was full of begging for mercy by asking you to eat Chongchong.

Such a childish act of jealousy is really cute~
Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help laughing, and rushed towards Mo Ziye, with a "pop" of her small mouth, she directly kissed Mo Ziye's face.

"Huang Ye, let's have a love time, I think the hotel bed is very comfortable and soft, how about we spend a good night together?"

"If you don't agree, I will leave you and don't want you anymore. I won't talk to you anymore!" Ye Xiaozhu imitated Nan Anyang's method and said something similar.

I thought that Mo Ziye would get angry and fall down in a rage like Gu Qingran, but who knew that Mo Ziye just looked at her calmly and said softly: "Just ignore it, if you can do it if."

"Yehuang, what do you mean? You think I can't leave you?" Ye Xiaozhu pouted angrily.

"Can you leave me?" Mo Ziye asked indifferently.Looking at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, he stood up, and said softly: "Since you don't want me to go to your school, then spend your love time by yourself."

"Yehuang, you are not angry, are you? I am doing it for your own good..."

"Hmph." Mo Ziye glanced at Ye Xiaozhu and walked back to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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