Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 264 She is very precious now

Chapter 264 She is very precious now
Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, watching Mo Ziye resentfully disappearing at the door.Is there any way to defeat her Emperor Ye?She fell!
When they woke up the next day, Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran had already left, and Xie Shuangxue, who had disappeared for a day, reappeared. They had breakfast, packed their luggage, and flew back to City H.

After getting off the plane, Xie Shuangxue drove directly to Mo Ziye's villa, and then took Ye Xiaozhu to the cloakroom upstairs.

Faintly, Ye Xiaozhu had a strange feeling that she seemed to be smashed again...

Sure enough, the cloakroom opened, and the entire room was filled with exquisite ladies' clothes, jewelry, bags and shoes.

"Boss prepared these for you. He said that as an artist, these are all necessary. From now on, you are not allowed to take the bus when you go out. There will be a special driver to pick you up, or call me. If If you want to go to a crowded place, you must bring a bodyguard with you, and I'll introduce you when I go downstairs." Xie Shuangxue said, picking out a student-style but very majestic suit from the closet.

"For your opening ceremony tomorrow, just wear this to school. The boss said that as long as there are classes, you should try your best to go, and don't leave a bad reputation. After class, I will pick you up and return to the company for training."

"En." Until this moment, Ye Xiaozhu had the feeling of wanting to be an artist.

There was nothing wrong in the afternoon, she took the clothes and asked Xie Shuangxue to take her and Nan Anyang home, because Nan Anyang injured his foot and didn't want his parents to know, so he stayed at Ye Xiaozhu's house.

In less than ten days, when I went home again, I felt like a world away.Ye Xiaozhu shook his head, cleaned the room, and called his parents before going to the game for a while.

Mo Ziye was not around, she was quite bored, so she started alchemy in the city.Until ten o'clock in the evening, Mo Ziye didn't go online or call her.

When it was eleven o'clock, Ye Xiaozhu took the initiative to call Mo Ziye, and the phone indicated that the phone was turned off, even Xiao Jiu's phone was turned off.

No information could be found on Weibo and fan groups, so Ye Xiaozhu had to sleep.The next morning, when I called Mo Ziye, the phone was still turned off, but Xiao Jiu's phone got through.

Xiao Jiu's voice was a little hoarse, but his tone was very solemn. "Sister Xiaozhu, Emperor Ye has a very important event to attend today. He was on the plane last night and got off the plane in the early morning. He hasn't gotten up yet."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, and asked casually, "Is it a very important event? Why didn't Emperor Ye mention it yesterday."

"Yes, it is a very important private event, so there is no itinerary. Sister Xiaozhu, are you up now, when are you going to school?"

"Well, I arrive at the school at eight o'clock, and I have to enter the school around nine o'clock. Our school's opening ceremony is very simple. It's just the leaders giving speeches and student representatives giving speeches. One morning is enough. I will go back to the company for training in the afternoon, and wait After Emperor Ye gets up, let him call me." After Ye Xiaozhu finished speaking, she hung up the phone without asking any more about the private event.

After packing up with Nan Anyang, Xie Shuangxue was already waiting outside the door when they went out.She drove a brand new nanny car today, with a dedicated driver, and a Hummer driving the road, with four bodyguards sitting on the Hummer.

Ye Xiaozhu clicked her tongue, feeling like she was precious. "Sister Xue, I'm just going to attend the opening ceremony, do I really need such a big show? I'm a student..."

"At the same time, you are an artist who is about to debut." Xie Shuangxue smiled, opened the car door and helped Nan Anyang get into the car.

Ye Xiaozhu shrugged her shoulders. Although she had trained for a few days, she still felt unreal about her debut.

The vehicle started and stopped at the school gate. Ye Xiaozhu strongly urged Xie Shuangxue not to let the bodyguards follow.But the four burly men still followed behind Ye Xiaozhu, causing the students passing by all around to look at them strangely.

A few people went to the principal's office first. Xie Shuangxue had contacted the principal a long time ago. The principal was very enthusiastic and specially asked Ye Xiaozhu's mentor to bring Ye Xiaozhu back to the classroom, and even the four bodyguards who followed were able to enter the classroom.

Seeing this battle, without waiting for the instructor to explain, a few classmates who usually have a good relationship with Ye Xiaozhu surrounded him.

"Xiao Zhu, what's your situation? You have bodyguards."

"I read Weibo, Xiaozhu, is it really you who danced with Emperor Ye? You are so handsome!"

"Xiaozhu, cough... Forget it, I won't ask you anymore. Anyang, tell me, at the meeting the day before yesterday, Emperor Ran confessed his love to you, right? Right? My family, Emperor Ran!"

"Anyang, you were really confessed by Emperor Ran?! No way! Tell me it's not true!"

While speaking, the teacher instantly became a mess, and all the students rushed towards Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang.No matter male or female!Even the mentor listened with pricked ears behind.

The bodyguard quickly protected Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang inside, and Xie Shuangxue said loudly: "Students, be quiet! Please calm down! Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang are our classmates. If you have any questions, please ask them one by one. will tell everyone."

After finishing speaking, she whispered to Ye Xiaozhu: "It's time to test you, use the skills that the teacher gave you in the past few days, how to answer questions from reporters and media, and think about what to say and what not to say. "

Ye Xiaozhu's mouth twitched into a wry smile.Surrounded by so many classmates, she doesn't even have time to think, what do you think?

Roaring from the bottom of his heart, Ye Xiaozhu still smiled gracefully as much as possible, and said very calmly: "Now is class time, is it really good for everyone to gossip like this?"

"Let me just say it briefly. I am indeed the backup dancer for Emperor Ye, and I have also signed a contract with a brokerage company and plan to make my debut in a while. So if you want to sign an autograph, you can make an appointment in advance, but you have to wait for a group photo." You can only finish class. Please continue to treat me as a classmate, I will be shy if I am so enthusiastic."

Ye Xiaozhu smiled gracefully, which was generous but not humorous, without any sense of domineering.

Xie Shuangxue was a little surprised, she didn't expect Ye Xiaozhu to perform so well.In fact, she didn't know that except for Ye Xiaozhu who seemed a little 'wretched' in front of Mo Ziye, she was a standard goddess at other times, the kind who killed nerds every minute.

"What about Anyang? Did Emperor Ran really confess his love to you? Did you agree to Emperor Ran? We are classmates. We know you don't have a boyfriend. Have you agreed to Emperor Ran, Anyang?" The classmate let Ye Xiaozhu go , and went to Nan'anyang again.

Nan Anyang pursed his lips, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't have a boyfriend, you have to agree to Gu Qingran, you nymphomaniacs."

"Anyang, have you forgotten that you used to hold your phone every day and say that Emperor Ran is handsome? Could it be that Emperor Ran is not handsome? Could it be that he looks particularly ugly up close? I heard that some celebrities have extremely bad skin , the real person is very ugly."

"Emperor Ran is much more handsome than on TV." Nan Anyang snorted, too lazy to say more. "The instructor is watching from the sidelines. You guys are still not going back. After the ceremony starts, everyone will be present, and our class will be the only ones who will be criticized by name."

 It's May 5th and there's nothing to say, anyway single kids hold me tight.Just like the last February 20th, it was just an ordinary Friday, so why did it have to be called 2? It was a resentment from a fox who had been single for many years. (PS: Boring babies, you can confess your love to me in the book review area, I will be your Oppa tonight)
(End of this chapter)

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