Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 267 Baby System Preplay

Chapter 267 Baby System Preplay
The phone fell on the table and made a 'snap' sound, causing Gu Qingran and Nan Anyang to look at Ye Xiaozhu.

Mo Ziye frowned, and asked softly: "What's the matter, did you see something angry?"

As soon as the deep voice came out, Ye Xiaozhu immediately retracted the anger on Ye Xiaozhu's face, and changed into a pained look.

"Oh, my mobile phone..." Ye Xiaozhu held the mobile phone and quickly checked it carefully.

Mo Ziye raised his brows lightly, and his forehead was covered with black lines. "If it's broken, I'll buy you a new one."

"Really?" Ye Xiaozhu stared at Mo Ziye with bright eyes, and said with a flattering smile, "Emperor Ye, I can actually buy it myself, as long as you reduce the contract share, I will receive two more notices." You can buy a new phone yourself.”

"No way." Mo Ziye refused calmly, picked up the chopsticks and handed them to Ye Xiaozhu, "What are you angry about?"

Ye Xiaozhu took the chopsticks and curled her mouth helplessly. "It's nothing, I just saw a very witty blogger who guessed our relationship too accurately."

"By the way, Emperor Ye, we are on the hot search." Ye Xiaozhu handed the phone to Mo Ziye, "This, your rumored girlfriend. Sigh, I didn't expect such a smart person to guess our relationship. almost."

witty?Mo Ziye curled his lower lip and looked at Weibo with satisfaction.If you say witty, it should be said that he is witty.He not only respected her choice, did not disclose the relationship between the two, but also called her his girlfriend. If it comes to wit, he is the most witty.

"There are not many people who can be in the entertainment industry who are not smart." Mo Ziye put down his phone and said calmly: "During this time, don't read Weibo, and don't read other news on the Internet. Concentrate on class and training. , go play games when you're bored."

"Well, I know." Ye Xiaozhu nodded, knowing that as soon as this hot search came out, she would be attacked by Ye Huang's radical fans again.There will definitely be many fans who can't accept the news and go to her Weibo to abuse her.

But this time was different from last time, last time she was alone, but this time she was accompanied by Mo Ziye.No matter what the fans say, she won't take it seriously.After all, she has Emperor Ye.

After dinner, Gu Qingran took Nan Anyang to a date, and Mo Ziye accompanied Ye Xiaozhu to train together.

In the midst of training, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help asking: "Ye Huang, is that song in your earphones your new song? It's a good listen."

"Do you like it?" Mo Ziye took a towel and wiped Ye Xiaozhu's sweat.

"I like it, as long as it is a song written by you, I like it." Ye Xiaozhu's face flushed, and the deer bumped wildly in her heart.

"As long as you like it." Mo Ziye rubbed Ye Xiaozhu's long hair, his eyes were full of doting.

Ye Xiaozhu tilted her head, and couldn't help asking: "Yehuang, is this song the accompaniment of the new song you sang to me at the concert last time? I think the tune is a bit different."

"No, this song is written for you." Mo Ziye smiled lightly, "You are going to debut as a singer, how can you not have your own song."

Songs written for her... Ye Xiaozhu held back the excitement in his heart, and whispered: "Hey, why do I think you wrote songs for me because I sang out of tune..."

"It's very self-aware."

"Ye Huang, you will not have a girlfriend if you are so straightforward." Ye Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue and continued training.

Sitting at the side, Mo Ziye looked at her hard-working and serious face, and smiled dotingly.

The devil trained all afternoon, and at six o'clock in the evening, Ye Xiaozhu dragged his exhausted body back to the dormitory.Mo Ziye had already left at three o'clock in the afternoon because of his schedule. This time he was going to the United States, and it would take a week to come back.

After dinner, Ye Xiaozhu took a look at the game, and a new announcement popped up on the login interface.Two very cute babies, a boy and a girl, jumped out.

The baby is very cute, with small mouth moving and spitting out bubbles, and there is a soft babbling sound.

Ye Xiaozhu was instantly turned into a bud.After staring at the two babies for a long time, he turned his gaze to the announcement.

Announcement: The baby system of Sword Dance World will be officially opened three days later, on September 9th. At that time, all players who have reached the full level of husband and wife can go to Sending Avalokitesvara to learn more about it.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help complaining, "What the hell is Songzi Guanyin..."

Then I went to the game with a full face of anticipation. In the game, the system notification would be refreshed from time to time, and players from the world and gangs were also discussing the baby system.

When Mo Ziye was not around, Ye Xiaozhu went to the city to start alchemy, and took a peek at the gang channel.

Invite you to eat insects: "Ahahaha, when the time comes, you will be envious. I heard that after birth, babies can pinch their faces. Quack, I must make the baby's appearance super cute. I am so envious of you!" A group of bachelors!"

Da Zonggong: "Cut! I'm not envious. What's so good about babies, they're just good-looking and fun. It's better to open the pet system. Pets can also increase combat power. It's fun to abuse monsters and players."

Tengsha Karaka: "Yes, if it's not possible, it's better to turn on the mount system, so as to save you from having to run with your legs everywhere. The map of "Sword Dance World" is so big, if you use light work to run, you have to wait for your internal strength , Running is too slow when you have no internal strength."

Fox's new tail: "Babies can also increase their fighting power. If they are well trained, they can increase their fighting power a lot when they grow up."

Bongsha Karaka: "Really? Where did you hear about it?"

Fox's new tail: "Songzi Guanyin, now you can learn more about it."

Seeing this, Ye Xiaozhu ran to the place where Guanyin sent the child, where many players had already gathered, whether they were married or not, they were all studying the baby system.

Ye Xiaozhu blocked the surrounding players, jumped in front of Songzi Guanyin, and clicked on the dialogue bar to learn more.

Sending Avalokitesvara raised her hands, and two balls of light gently floated out of her hands. Two cute little boys and girls were sleeping in the light balls.

Sending Avalokitesvara: "Life is the most sacred and inviolable. It brings not only moving, but also new life. What do you want to know?"

A dialog box pops up, and there are options at the bottom, from pregnancy to birth, to pinching the face to reshape the appearance and cultivation, there are detailed introductions.

Ye Xiaozhu looked carefully and found that giving birth to a child was very troublesome.First of all, the love between husband and wife is required, that is, the intimacy level of husband and wife must be at the full level, so as to give children a "complete" home.

Then you need to pay a thousand gold coins, the so-called proof of financial resources.This requirement means that many players cannot afford to raise babies. After all, the exchange rate of gold coins in "Sword Dance World" is 1:1.

Next, the couple will need to have a continuous bridal chamber for a week before they can conceive a baby.Then during pregnancy, the fighting power of female players will decrease little by little, and they can't fight often, otherwise they will have a miscarriage, etc., etc...

It's as real as if you really had to give birth to a child.

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, carefully read the introduction of Songzi Guanyin, and then picked up the phone to send a message to Mo Ziye. "Huang Ye, remember to yell at me when you get off the plane and finish your work. I want to have a baby in the bridal chamber."

(End of this chapter)

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