Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 268 You Always Make Her Pregnant

Chapter 268 You Always Make Her Pregnant

At seven o'clock in the evening New York time, Mo Ziye got off the plane, and when he turned on his phone, he received a message from Ye Xiaozhu. He shook his head and smiled slightly.

Beijing time is twelve hours ahead of New York time, which means that this is the starting point of the morning after Ye Xiaozhu sent the message, which is about the time she wakes up.

Mo Ziye got into the car and called Ye Xiaozhu.

"Hey, Emperor Ye, good morning." Ye Xiaozhu's voice was soft and soft, with the hoarseness of waking up in the morning.

"Just got up?" Mo Ziye smiled lightly, a touch of tenderness melted into his star pupils.

"Well, I just woke up." Ye Xiaozhu flinched on the bed, rubbing against her like a cat. "It feels so good to be woken up by Emperor Ye's call."

"Get up when you wake up, I will send you the account number and password, and you can play the game by yourself."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ye Xiaozhu was a little slow to react just after waking up.

"I'm in New York, and I'm a bit busy with my schedule. I'm afraid I won't be able to meet you. I'll send you the account number and password in a while. I'll leave it to you to handle the bridal chamber and pregnancy." At ten o'clock in the morning, it was her At ten o'clock in the evening, his night is her day, her day is his night.

He has almost packed his itinerary during the day these few days, and when he is free at night, Ye Xiaozhu is either in class or training, and he never meets up to go together.He couldn't bear her to stay up late, so he could only tell her the account number and password, and let her open it by herself.

"No way, you can't come, Emperor Ye, for such a big matter as pregnancy?" Ye Xiaozhu smiled bitterly, "Emperor Ye, you always want me to conceive myself."


Mo Ziye almost burst out laughing, there was a deep smile in his deep voice. "Just double-open the bridal chamber. After you are pregnant with a child, I will protect you personally."

"Er... this is not good." Ye Xiaozhu was a little unhappy.

Although it's just a game, it doesn't make any difference if Mo Ziye goes online personally, but Ye Xiaozhu still finds it weird. "Forget it, I'd better wait for you to come back before the bridal chamber. It feels too weird to open the bridal chamber by myself."

"When I come back, everyone else may be pregnant, is that okay?" Mo Ziye asked in a low voice.

"Well, the big deal is a few days later than them, I'm fine."

"But I don't like being later than others." Mo Ziye said flatly: "How about this, you take your laptop with you, and when I have time, I will call you, and then you can find me in the game."

"With you?"

"Well, I'm off the activity at night, and I can wait to find you at eleven o'clock, when you just take a lunch break."

"Okay, then it's settled. After the bridal chamber, Ye Huang, you go to sleep. The baby system will officially open the day after tomorrow, and we will make an appointment at noon." Ye Xiaozhu smiled, and chatted with Mo Ziye for a while before hanging up the phone. There was a happy smile on my face all day long.

Go to school in the morning, and there are two big classes in a row.When get out of class was over, the students gathered around Ye Xiaozhu again, very curious about what happened to Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran yesterday, but the strange thing was that Nan Anyang didn't come, so everyone's attention was focused on Ye Xiaozhu.

Facing the rush of questions, Ye Xiaozhu could only smile wryly.

Several roommates also came to Ye Xiaozhu's side, Xiao Hanxue asked in a low voice: "Xiaozhu, don't you really have something to do with Emperor Ye? I watched the video, and Emperor Ye gave you his earphones It's..."

Mengmeng also nodded aside, her face full of curiosity.

There were other students around him, and when Xiao Hanxue asked this question, someone followed him and asked: "Yes, yes, that earphone Yehuang has been wearing for a long time, and it often appears by Yehuang's side, see It can be seen that Emperor Ye likes it very much. Not only did he put the earphones on for you, but he also put them on for you himself, this behavior is too intimate!"

Is it intimate?Ye Xiaozhu blinked, but didn't feel close, as they usually do.Ye Huang not only handed her the earphones, but also wiped her sweat, gave her chopsticks, and brought her vegetables...

Thinking of Ye Xiaozhu's sudden surprise, these actions are very common for her and Mo Ziye, but for the two 'friends', or the relationship between superior and subordinate colleagues, it is indeed a bit too close.

It's just that she was used to this kind of intimacy, so she didn't notice it.

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, smiled lightly, and said, "Don't get me wrong, Yehuang and I are just colleagues. I have been a backup dancer for Yehuang before, so Yehuang handed me the earphones. Yehuang He looks very cold, but he is actually a very considerate person. Maybe because I am his fan relationship, Emperor Ye took care of me. But the relationship between us is very pure, please don't make random guesses. "

She said, secretly adding in her heart: "At least they are still very pure physically, and now it's just a spiritual platonic love. '

"But Emperor Ye is too kind to you, I don't think he is so kind to other backup dancers."

"And Emperor Ran, what is the relationship between Emperor Ran and Nan Anyang? Is he really pursuing Nan Anyang? I don't believe it!"

"Ye Xiaozhu, please tell us quickly, we are really curious!"


The students chattered and looked at Ye Xiaozhu eagerly, their faces full of thirst for knowledge.

Ye Xiaozhu was still smiling, but the smile in his eyes was much colder.This kind of entanglement similar to nougat is really disgusting.

Just because she is an artist who is about to debut, can she ignore her privacy?

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, and said lightly, "I'm sorry, I've told you all I can say. I don't know anything about the matter between Emperor Ran and Nan Anyang. Class is about to start, everyone should go back to your seats."

"What's the matter if you talk about it? It's not about losing a piece of meat. We care about you."

"That's right, don't be so stingy, tell us. We really want to know..."

The female students around continued to pester Ye Xiaozhu while complaining.The male classmate is a lot more sensible, but just surrounds him in the distance, secretly listening to gossip.

The smile in Ye Xiaozhu's eyes completely cooled down. When she saw Xiao Hanxue and Mengmeng from the corner of her eyes, she found that they didn't ask the question with others, and she felt a little better in her heart.

Standing up, Ye Xiaozhu said with a very calm face: "Sorry, I can understand everyone's thirst for knowledge, and I can take this thirst for knowledge as concern, but I can't say too much, because it involves my privacy, and I don't know what to say. It involves the privacy of Yehuang, Randi and Nan Anyang. We have been classmates for three years, and everyone knows how disrespectful it is to invade privacy. Please don't use the word "care" to engage in moral kidnapping. It's not that you care about me, so I should open up and tell you everything about myself."

"Does that mean that I also use the name of 'caring' to ask you all kinds of things, and you will answer me?"

"And I said it, and you wouldn't believe it, why should I say it."

After Ye Xiaozhu finished speaking, the expression on her face was still calm, neither angry nor disgusted, she just calmly watched everyone around her.

Everyone who caught her gaze involuntarily looked away, not daring to meet her gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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