Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 269 Princess, Your Knight Has Arrived

Chapter 269 Princess, Your Knight Has Arrived
"Xiao Zhu is right. You can't surround Xiao Zhu just because of curiosity, asking the bottom line. Then Xiao Zhu said, but he didn't believe it." Xiao Hanxue took a breath and turned to Ye Xiaozhu, "I'm sorry Xiao Zhu, I take back what I just said The problem is, I was wrong."

Mengmeng also said: "Xiao Zhu, I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of the teacher who taught me these years, my parents, the country that raised me, and even more of you. I believe you, you and Emperor Ye are the same. It does not matter."

As soon as the two of them apologized, the girls around them became even more embarrassed.

These girls, Ye Xiaozhu, looked very unfamiliar, probably because they wanted to ask her a question, so they came to observe their big class.A few girls silently retreated to the side, but a few girls still stood where they were, and one of the girls with a better temperament looked at Ye Xiaozhu with disdain.

"Tch, what are you pretending to be, and what are you talking about about privacy. Isn't it because you want to debut as a celebrity, and a celebrity has no privacy, everything should be exposed and let people know."

A girl next to her pulled her and whispered, "Ning Yue, forget it, if she doesn't want to talk, don't ask."

Ning Yue snorted, raised her face and looked at Ye Xiaozhu with her nostrils up. "What are you afraid of? He wants to be a star, so he dare not refute us. He is afraid of leaving a dark history."

Xiao Hanxue and Mengmeng are very guilty because they asked the question that Ye Xiaozhu only answered, and they are still being blamed.The two retorted loudly in anger: "Don't go too far! Because of Xiaozhu's status, I don't want to argue with you, so you just bark like a mad dog here, like a shrew!"

"That's right, that's right, worse than a shrew! Who said that celebrities have no privacy, why can't they have privacy? You can't bully Xiaozhu just because she is easy to talk to!" Mengmeng is like a hen guarding her chicks. In front of Ye Xiaozhu.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the two of them, feeling a little moved in his heart.

Ning Yue snorted, she was too lazy to talk to Xiao Hanxue and Mengmeng, but looked at Ye Xiaozhu provocatively. "As far as your appearance is concerned, I'm actually not worried at all that Emperor Ye will fall in love with you. As for Nan Anyang, I'm not worried. Anyway, I'm Emperor Ye's exclusive knight, so what happens to Gu Qingran has nothing to do with me. "

"Exclusive knight?" Ye Xiaozhu smiled lightly with the corners of his mouth pulled.In groups, there are usually Wei Fans, who just like one member of the group and treat the other members indifferently.

Most Weifans are good, An Jing likes her idols, votes for idols, and makes lists for more resources and exposure.But some Weifan behaviors will especially blacken the idols I like.Sometimes because of those irrational fan-only behaviors, not only fans will quarrel, but sometimes it will rise to idols, especially in groups with a large number of people.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at Ning Yue with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. "Emperor Ye will be ashamed to have an exclusive knight like you."

"Ye Xiaozhu, don't think that you're a great backup dancer for Emperor Ye! Maybe you won the position of backup dancer by some means! The entertainment industry is so chaotic, what right do you have to be proud of me! I have nothing to do with Emperor Ye, but I'm clean, much better than a dirty woman like you!"

Xie Shuangxue, who was watching all this, immediately darkened her face, and said in a cold voice: "Student, please pay attention to your words. I reserve the right to legal proceedings for every word you say to my artist today. Whether it is you I will truthfully convey to the lawyer the matter of seeking my artist’s privacy, or if you insult or slander my artist. All the students present are witnesses. If you solemnly apologize to our artist Ye Xiaozhu now, we will Don't pursue it anymore, or I will hand it over to the lawyer, and let the lawyer find you in person."

"Tch, you celebrities are disgusting. If you have something to do, you can find a lawyer. What's the use of finding a lawyer. It's just to cover up your dirty things." Ning Yue was dissatisfied, but her tone was not as strong as before.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at her coldly, his eyes swept over the strawberry print on her neck.Said softly: "Dirty? How the hell did you know that this baby is dirty? At least this baby will not go out with a hickey on his neck like you, and then boast that he is 'clean'. Make it yourself Does your face feel good?"

"My boyfriend left it, it's none of your business! You envy me for having a boyfriend." Ning Yue smiled triumphantly, but she didn't notice that the eyes of the people around her had changed.

The people beside her kept pulling her and persuading her in a low voice. "Ning Yue, let's go, let's not stay here anymore, your words are too much."

"What am I doing too much, I'm telling the truth. Which woman in the entertainment circle is clean, and she has the nerve to hook up with my Emperor Ye, shameless!" Ning Yue turned in Ye Xiaozhu's direction fiercely. Roll eyes.

"I think it's you who are shameless." A cold voice broke in, with suppressed anger in it.

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback, looked towards the door, and found that Nan Ange was standing there at some point.

"Nan Xiaocao, why is our high-cold school grass here?"

Xiao Hanxue turned around and whispered to Ye Xiaozhu, "Princess, your knight is here."

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled weakly.She and Nan Ange haven't seen each other for a long time, she didn't expect to meet under such circumstances this time, she was a little embarrassed.

Ning Yue frowned and looked at Nan'an Ge, her tone was still bad, but it was not as exaggerated as before. "Nan Xiaocao, you have nothing to do here, don't interrupt."

"It's the first time I've seen a shameless woman like you who found a 'boyfriend' to mess around with, and then ran to Xiaozhu and yelled that you were clean, but you were just a worn-out shoe worn by others. Clean?" Nan Ange snorted coldly, speaking in a cold voice, and didn't bother to look at Ning Yue as if disgusted.

He walked directly in front of Ye Xiaozhu, with complex emotions in his eyes, but in the end it only turned into a shallow sigh. "Don't you dare to speak up after becoming a star? Don't you dare to fight back when this kind of thing shouts in front of you?"

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corner of his mouth, and glanced at Ning Yue from the corner of his eye. "I am a person with the burden of being an idol, and I don't care about things that are not up to the grade. This kind of barking wild dog Xuejie will help me clean up, and I don't need to do it myself."

"Ye Xiaozhu, who do you think is inferior? You, a celebrity, dare to curse people? I'm going to post your words on the Internet, so they can see what kind of person you are!" Ning Yue was furious. grit your teeth.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at her calmly, and said in a low voice, "You've been barking here for so long, don't you just want me to scold you? If I don't scold you, I'm sorry for your trouble."

"I was in a good mood today, and I went out with the Goddess' baggage, but I ran into a wild dog barking, which made me drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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