Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 270 Acting in an Idol Drama

Chapter 270 Acting in an Idol Drama

Ning Yue blushed with anger, but because of the bodyguards behind Ye Xiaozhu, she didn't dare to do anything to Ye Xiaozhu, so she could only say: "Return the burden of the goddess, I think you are a woman, don't be ashamed to be lazy with my Emperor Ye. Ye Xiaozhu, listen up, my Emperor Ye won't like you, get away from Emperor Ye quickly!"

Ye Xiaozhu took a flat look at Ning Yue and sighed slightly.Turning back to Xie Shuangxue, she said, "Sister Xue, you can deal with this mad dog. I won't be in the next class. Please tell your instructor."

Xie Shuangxue nodded, looking at Ning Yue with bored eyes.

Ye Xiaozhu turned to Nan'an Ge and said with a smile, "Shall we go out and have a chat?"

Nan Ange nodded, and turned to block Ning Yue and let Ye Xiaozhu pass.Then he followed up.

Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Ange found a relatively quiet place on campus, and four bodyguards were walking around not far away.

For a while, the two of them didn't speak, Ye Xiaozhu looked at the students who looked at them from time to time in the distance, and sighed slightly.

Nan Ange also sighed, "It's only been a summer vacation, and the changes are so big."

"Yeah, the changes are so great that I have a feeling that things are right and wrong." Ye Xiaozhu shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "I'm only 22 years old, and I have such a state of mind, ah, old man Already."

"You still know that you are only 22 years old, so you are ashamed to say that you are old." Nan Ange smiled, and was silent for a while before asking: "Is he treating you well?"

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, and said with certainty: "Yes, Emperor Ye is very kind to me. So Ouba, you don't need to worry about me anymore, it's time to find your own happiness."

Doesn't she even need his concern?
This girl is really heartless.

Nan Ange smiled wryly, and said softly: "Stinky girl, I never thought you would be a person who forgot about your brother when you got a man. You were given so much sugar for nothing when you were young."

"Oops..." Ye Xiaozhu blinked, knowing that Nan Ange didn't want her to feel guilty, so he chuckled, "Who said that, I still remember the time when you secretly gave me candy when I was young. Because you gave me candy too many times. Too much, Sister Yang was jealous, and we had a fight because of you at that time."

"Really?" Nan Ange's eyes were a little astonished.

"Of course, but then I generously gave half of the candy to Sister Yang, so we got back together." Ye Xiaozhu smiled with her teeth bared, as if thinking of something, her eyebrows and eyes curled up in a smile.

Nan Ange looked at Ye Xiaozhu, feeling endless bitterness in his heart.He thought she would be his, like a guardian since childhood, she would eventually become his bride.

But now it seems that he is too confident and too delusional.

However, as long as she is happy, he can slowly forget her.

Nan Ange shook his head, and half-truthfully said: "Xiaozhu, if Mo Ziye treats you badly, just abandon him and come back to me. I will treat you ten thousand times better than him."

"Really?" Ye Xiaozhu blinked her sharp eyes, and smiled: "I know Ouba is the best for me, but Ouba must be happy too."

The two chatted for a while, and Xie Shuangxue waved from a distance.

Ye Xiaozhu tidied up her clothes and looked at Nan'an Ge very seriously. "Oba, I'm leaving. There's still training in the afternoon. In order to catch up with my prince, I've worked very hard to grow up. You also have to find your princess as soon as possible, and I will send you a big gift bag."

After speaking, Ye Xiaozhu nodded and left, leaving Nan Ange alone with deep and complicated eyes.He found his princess, but he was not a prince in her life.

After getting into the nanny car, Xie Shuangxue asked casually, "What did you say to him?"

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corner of her mouth, said with a wry smile, "It's nothing, it's just an idol drama."

"Idol drama?"

"Yeah." Ye Xiaozhu shifted his gaze out of the window without further explanation.

She and Nan Ange didn't usually have such personalities, but this meeting took too long and the scene was too embarrassing, neither of them knew what to say.

Not only did Ye Xiaozhu feel powerless in this "idol's bitter drama", but even Nan'an Ge felt uncomfortable.

But Ye Xiaozhu really didn't know what to say to Nan'an Ge.I am afraid that they will never be able to return to the simple brother-sister relationship they used to have.

The car drove all the way, and when they arrived at the company, Ye Xiaozhu settled down and started training.She didn't ask how Xie Shuangxue handled Ning Yue's matter, nor did she ask if any of her classmates would post this matter on the Internet. She believed that as a manager, Xie Shuangxue was capable of handling everything.

Next, Ye Xiaozhu went to classes and training during the day, and was so busy that the sky was dark. When he was free at night, he played games, made alchemy, and chatted.Occasionally, they would receive a call from Mo Ziye, and the two chatted casually, talking about trivial things they usually encountered.The days are both plain and fulfilling.

On September 9th, the day when "Sword Dance World" opened the baby system, Ye Xiaozhu rushed to school with her laptop on, and suddenly found that her class was surrounded by many people.

She looked around in surprise, everyone was shouting, she couldn't hear what they were saying, she could only hear the word 'Randi'.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, looking at the crowded classroom, a terrifying thought popped into his head.

Did Emperor Ran come to their classroom?
The bodyguard opened the way, Ye Xiaozhu managed to walk into the classroom under the protection of the bodyguard, and suddenly found that there were more people in the classroom. The word "Randi" is endless.

She sighed faintly, and found a corner to sit down, feeling as if ten thousand grass mud horses had galloped by in her heart, she was speechless for a long time.

It was Gu Qingran who was surrounded by many classmates.He sat beside Nan Anyang with a gentle face, as if he could not feel the fiery eyes of many students beside him.

"Student Anyang, you skipped class for three days, will you be scolded by your instructor?" Gu Qingran moved closer to Nan Anyang, his cold voice was gentle and gentle, as if teasing.

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding students burst into screams. Gu Qingran was so used to it that he didn't even blink his eyes.Nan Anyang covered his ears, as if he couldn't bear it.

"Gu Qingran! You are not finished, don't you need to go to work, so many fans are waiting for you, don't you need to comfort the fans? Why do you have to follow me." When Nan Anyang said this, he was wronged and depressed .

From the opening ceremony to now, Gu Qingran has pestered her for three whole days, no matter where she went, Gu Qingran would follow her.Even if it's street food, Gu Qingran will be by her side.

Remembering that no matter what she does these days, she will be surrounded by many people, and there are people discussing her and Gu Qingran everywhere on the Internet, Nan Anyang feels that life has nothing to love.

Gu Qingran shook his head, blinking his eyes charmingly. "Work is never finished, and you can't give up everything because of work. And my knights will understand my feelings. For me, nothing is more important than pursuing you."

(End of this chapter)

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