Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 271 She has to get used to it because of Mao

Chapter 271 She has to get used to it because of Mao

"Ahhh, Emperor Ran is so handsome! I want Emperor Ran to say that to me too!"

"Emperor Ran, I'll marry! I'll marry! Don't pursue her, okay? I'll marry!"


The fans surrounding Gu Qingran and Nan Anyang couldn't help but start talking.Seeing Gu Qingran pursuing Nan Anyang, they were both excited and sad.

But no matter what the situation is, fans hope that their idols will be happy.So even though it was sad, some people still said: "Nan'anyang, just promise Emperor Ran! When did Emperor Ran pursue others like this, you should almost agree."

"That's right. Didn't you used to be Emperor Ran's knight? You are so happy that Emperor Ran pursued you so much. Hurry up and agree!"

"You don't care about the scandal before Emperor Ran, do you? Men are not bad and women don't love them. Besides, Emperor Ran now says that he likes you and is willing to keep a distance from us for you. What else do you want?"

After many fans finished talking about Gu Qingran, they started talking about Nan'anyang again, and Ye Xiaozhu was dying of a headache.

She turned to ask Xie Shuangxue. "Sister Xue, it's so chaotic today, I guess I can't have a good class when the instructor comes, why don't I go back to the company to train?"

"No." Xie Shuangxue directly refused, and said in a low voice: "Randi is here, tomorrow's news headlines will definitely be Randi, and there will definitely be some on Weibo. Let's not talk about the exposure rate, if you leave today, When you become popular in the future, others will give you a black reputation for skipping classes. And if you stay now, it is a proof for yourself to be a good student."

"Really? But why do I think you asked me to stay for the sake of exposure?" Ye Xiaozhu blinked, and couldn't help but said, "Um, Sister Xue, don't you really do it for the sake of exposure? Think Use the relationship between Sister Yang and me to drag me into that circle?"

Ye Xiaozhu pointed at the students surrounding Gu Qingran and Nan Anyang.She and Nan Anyang are best friends. If she stays here for class, Nan Anyang will definitely come to her.Then Gu Qingran would also come over, so...Xie Shuangxue asked her to stay in class, on the one hand to avoid the reputation of skipping classes, and on the other hand to increase her exposure.

"Sister Xue, I haven't made my debut yet, don't you need to gossip about this kind of news?" Rubbing news about other people's love to increase exposure, this kind of thing is like saying that she is a super light bulb.

Thinking about it, Ye Xiaozhu trembled all over, and wanted to skip class while holding the textbook.

The crowd screamed, and Gu Qingran suddenly stood up. With the advantage of his height, he directly saw Ye Xiaozhu in the corner. "Xiao Zhuye, you are indeed a representative of good students, come and sit here."

As soon as this cold voice came out, the students all whispered, and even looked at Ye Xiaozhu with envy.

Regardless of whether Gu Qingran is pursuing others or not, being able to get a little closer to Gu Qingran is enough to make the fans excited and girls' hearts bursting.

Ye Xiaozhu grinned and looked at Gu Qingran with a wry smile. "Heh, heh, Emperor Ran, you come to our school to listen. I won't go there, it looks too hot over there, I still like the corner."

"Anyang is looking for you, are you sure you won't come?" Gu Qingran tilted his head, his evil eyes bent into a teasing arc.

"No, I'm used to staying in the corner, really." Ye Xiaozhu waved his hands repeatedly.

Gu Qingran turned sideways suddenly, reaching out his hand as if protecting something.

The crowd moved slowly, and Ye Xiaozhu could see the bodyguards starting to move.Slowly, a path gave way, and under the protection of the bodyguards, Nan Anyang walked to Ye Xiaozhu's side.

With a bitter face, Ye Xiaozhu said in a low voice: "Sister Yang, what are you doing here, don't drag me into suffering yourself."

Nan Anyang said with resentment: "I go to hell, and I have to drag you to hell."

"I didn't do anything to be sorry for you..." Ye Xiaozhu also had a resentful look on his face.

Gu Qingran then followed, and the students watching them also moved, seeing Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang having a headache.

"Student Anyang, do you also like to sit in the corner?" Gu Qingran smiled slightly, his eyes full of teasing.

In the past few days, Nan Anyang's attitude towards him has obviously improved, and Gu Qingran's pursuit of him is even more motivational. "I haven't been to college for a long time. How about you take me to the school after class?"

"No." Nan Anyang refused directly with a cold face, and said in a helpless tone: "Emperor Ran, can you take a rest? Didn't you see that there are more and more students around now? Do you think you caused The commotion is not enough? Or do you want to try your charm?"

Gu Qingran looked at the surrounding students, then smiled casually. "Anyang, you have to get used to these sights."

Why should she get used to it?

Nan Anyang leaned towards Ye Xiaozhu, and said with a depressed face, "I don't want it! Why should I get used to it, don't want it."

Gu Qingran raised his hand, not only looking very gentlemanly, but also pulling Nan Anyang into his arms domineeringly. "You can't lean on others, even women. If you are tired, my arms will always be open for you."

"You are enough." Nan Anyang sighed depressingly, and suddenly found that the eyes of many people shooting at her had changed.From the initial envy to deep hatred.

Nan Anyang was startled, only to realize that he was being held in Gu Qingran's arms.

She quickly sat up straight, stretching out her little hands to distance herself. "Emperor Ran, do you dare not touch me?"

"You are my girlfriend, why can't I touch you." Gu Qingran looked at Nan Anyang a little 'wronged', and his affectionate peach blossom eyes were full of smiles.

The eyes looking at her around her changed again, and became full of blame.

Nan Anyang heard someone whisper: "Why is this woman like this, she is so capable?!"

"Emperor Ran pursues her so much, but he still holds his ground and disagrees, so why pretend?"

"That's right, it's too much not to let Emperor Ran touch. Seeing the pitiful look of our Emperor Ran, my heart aches to death."

Nan'an's Yangqi face turned pale, and before she had an attack, Gu Qingran stood up.

The handsome face that was always covered with a gentle smile was suddenly replaced by an icy chill.

Gu Qingran raised his eyes faintly, and looked at the few people in the crowd who had just spoken, the cold voice seemed to come from a deep valley. "Apologize to Anyang."

"Emperor Ran, we..." Those people were stunned for a moment, and stood there stupidly.

This kind of Gu Qingran is too different from his usual image.At this time, he is no longer a gentle gentleman king, but more like a demon king who has been irritated, exuding cold anger.

"Emperor Ran, we didn't say anything wrong." The few people who spoke looked a little younger, and their voices were already crying.

Gu Qingran looked at them coldly, without moving at all. "Apologize to Anyang."

 I moved yesterday, and the Internet has not been installed today. Forgive me for my short legs. I wasted time by going to the Internet cafe to check the WiFi.An update will be added tomorrow as compensation for today's late update. (Don't ask why it's not today, there is still no internet today)
(End of this chapter)

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