Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 272 Today's Gu Qingran is Very Handsome

Chapter 272 Today's Gu Qingran is Very Handsome

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback, and couldn't help looking at Gu Qingran, who didn't expect Gu Qingran, who was as gentle as a gentleman, to be so angry when angry.

Nan Anyang twitched her lips, she had seen Gu Qingran like this before.It's just that he didn't expect him to treat fans like this, and his eyes were a little surprised.

"Emperor Ran, we were wrong." The girls said in a low voice, their tone was very aggrieved, but there was faint excitement.

Ye Xiaozhu glanced around and found that not only the girls who were being trained were excited, but many students were also excited.She raised her forehead slightly, and she knew the inner activities of these people without guessing, it wasn't that "Emperor Ran is so handsome and manly, he is so attractive when he is angry!" 'That's 'Emperor Ran actually yelled at me, don't stop don't stop! '
Ye Xiaozhu lowered her head helplessly, not wanting to see the students around her, afraid of seeing her former appearance.

Gu Qingran's peach blossom pupils narrowed for a moment, and continued to say in a cold voice, "Not to apologize to me, but to apologize to Anyang."

"But Emperor Ran, we're right. She was holding her ground and refused to accept you. She's obviously your fan, but she still doesn't agree to your pursuit of her. It's really hypocritical."

When Gu Qingran heard this, he was so angry that he almost laughed. "Who said that if she is my fan, if I like her, she will agree? If she is really what you said, if I like her, she will agree, then she is not the person I like."

"It's also because of this that the more you reject me, the more I can't extricate myself." Gu Qingran lowered his head and turned to Nan Anyang, showing a doting and infatuated smile.

Nan Anyang rolled his eyes, looking helpless.But she was very happy that Gu Qingran could protect her like this.

"Okay, you guys apologize to Anyang." Gu Qingran still turned sideways, the meaning of maintenance was obvious.

"Emperor Ran, do you have someone you like, so you don't want our fans anymore?" Those people were still relentless.

Gu Qingran glanced at them lightly, and said in a deep voice: "My knights will all bless me. Even if they don't like Anyang very much, they will recognize Anyang. Even if the knights will be sad and sad, they will still leave a message for Anyang. Call her Mrs. Ran, let her take good care of me, and say that she is the most beautiful girl in the world, so I like her. It is my knights who do this."

"They will never say a bad word about Anyang, nor will they question Anyang's intentions. Such people are my knights, and you are fans at best."

After Gu Qingran finished speaking, the huge classroom was completely silent, and the crowd outside couldn't hear what Gu Qingran said, but just followed in silence.But all the students who heard Gu Qingran's words looked at each other in blank dismay.

Unexpectedly, one day, the idol I like will say that he is not a knight, but a fan.Cavaliers and fans have the same meaning, but there are clear differences.

The little girls were taken aback for a moment, and ran out with pale faces, crying faintly.

After they left, Gu Qingran winked at Xiaolang, and Xiaolang and the bodyguard began to persuade the students to return to their seats.

Coincidentally, the instructor had already arrived at this time, and he was a famously strict instructor, and the students around him all returned to their seats.

Ye Xiaozhu looked sideways at Nan'anyang, then at Gu Qingran, and felt that today's Gu Qingran was very handsome.Gu Qingran can protect Nan Anyang like this, she is satisfied as a best friend.Although she is not Gu Qingran's exclusive knight, while following Mo Ziye, she also pays attention to Gu Qingran's dynamics. Gu Qingran's ability to say such words is simply speaking of the hearts of the 'knights'.

Ye Xiaozhu nodded in satisfaction, sure enough, her brother Yehuang is the same as Yehuang, praise him!
But Nan Anyang just remained silent, and the emotion in his heart spread.Although he didn't say anything, his eyes softened a lot.

After class, Nan Anyang sat with Ye Xiaozhu, and Gu Qingran sat with Xiaolang.The four of them stood next to each other, with bodyguards sitting in front of and behind them.

Ye Xiaozhu listened to the class very seriously, but Gu Qingran kept looking sideways at Nan Anyang.But Nan Anyang was playing with his mobile phone under the table with his head down.

On Weibo, the matter of Gu Qingran's coming to the college has become a hot topic.Some students even edited the scenes just now into a long video very quickly and posted it on the Internet.

Nan Anyang was speechless, surprised at the speed of the students, but couldn't help but look at the comments under the video.

Many people left messages saying: "Wow! That classmate named Nan Anyang is so happy, so envious, so envious! Promise Randi!"

Some people also said: "I think those girls in the video are right. Nan Anyang is the knight of Emperor Ran. Why does he pretend to refuse to agree if he likes Emperor Ran? Don't hit me, I am also a knight of Emperor Ran. , I just can’t figure out what Nan Anyang did.”

But more people left a message saying: "Emperor Ran, I am the one you mentioned who cried and left a message to Nan Anyang. Although I don't want to call her Mrs. Ran, but if you like it, we will try our best to accept and bless you."


After reading the message for a while, Nan Anyang felt relieved.He knew that Gu Qingran's anger in public would not cause any disturbance.

Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he found a message in the private message.

Nan Anyang clicked on it casually.In the past two days, her Weibo has been known by others, and like Ye Xiaozhu, she has set the private messages of unfollowed people not to be reminded, so she cannot see the private messages of people who are not followed by her.

Opening it casually, Nan Anyang thought it was a private message sent by an official Weibo such as Weibo Secretary and Weibo News, but unexpectedly it was Gu Qingran.

She looked up in surprise, and found that Gu Qingran was looking at her, with a seductive curve on the corner of her mouth.

Nan Anyang was taken aback for a moment, his heart beat a few beats suddenly.

She hurriedly lowered her head, hesitated for a moment before clicking on the private message.

Gu Qingran: "Anyang, the instructor has seen you several times, stop playing with your phone." '
Nan Anyang grinned, and a new private message popped up again.

Gu Qingran: "Anyang, what do you want for lunch?"Shall we go to the school cafeteria to eat? It's been a long time.Can eating in the cafeteria be like other couples, feeding each other?I am looking forward to it. '
Nan Anyang raised his eyebrows speechlessly, and went to the cafeteria, they will still be surrounded.Little hands lit up, Nan Anyang replied on Weibo: "I refuse! I don't want to be surrounded by people when I eat, I will choke to death."

"Anyang, you have to get used to it. You will be watched wherever you go with me. You have to get used to this kind of sight early."

"I don't want it!" Nan Anyang just finished replying the message when he heard the instructor pat the table.

"That classmate, stop playing with your phone with your head down. Stand up and answer this question." The instructor raised his finger in the direction of Gu Qingran, and said with some doubts: "Student, have you ever come to my class before?" ?”

"Why do I think your face is so familiar? It's strange." The instructor raised the glasses on his nose and stared at Gu Qingran carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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