Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 273 Signature Session in Class

Chapter 273 Signature Session in Class

"Hahaha, he is Gu Qingran, of course you will find him familiar, mentor."

The classmates booed.

Gu Qingran put down his phone, stood up with an embarrassed smile on his face. "Hello, tutor."

The instructor was taken aback, and couldn't help but walk up to Gu Qingran and look at him carefully. "Gu Qingran? Are you Gu Qingran?"

Gu Qingran nodded, still smiling a little embarrassedly.

"I didn't expect a big star to come to my class to observe, hahaha, what a surprise." The instructor laughed, his face was flushed with laughter.

He reached out and patted Gu Qingran, and asked, "Are you here to shoot a show? Why didn't I see the camera?"

Gu Qingran shook his head, and before he could speak, a classmate said, "Teacher, Emperor Ran is here to chase his girlfriend, and the girl next door to him is the girl he wants to chase."

The instructor was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this answer.He looked back at Nan Anyang, and then turned to Gu Qingran and said, "Hahaha, it turned out to be chasing girls. But girls like boys who are good at studying. If you play with your mobile phone, you won't be able to catch up with your girlfriend. Come on stage and answer this question."

The instructor walked back immediately, Nan Anyang quickly glanced at the questions on the blackboard, and then gave Gu Qingran a look of 'take care'.

This big class is Ye Xiaozhu's major subject - English. Nan'anyang's English is mediocre in the first place, and she has just passed CET-[-].The instructor spoke so profoundly that she had no idea what the instructor was talking about.

Nan Anyang gave a look of 'I can't help', and Nan Anyang lowered his head and chuckled.

Gu Qingran looked at her dotingly, smiled slightly, and walked to the podium.

The tall body stood there, revealing a perfect figure faintly.The sound of students breathing in was everywhere in the classroom, Nan Anyang looked at the blackboard with his mouth pursed.

Gu Qingran raised his finger to the question, and asked softly, "Is this it?"

The instructor nodded, and said loudly: "Your stars' oral English is good, but you can't answer some profound questions. I don't know how your English is. If you can't answer, you can exchange it with your signature. I My daughter likes you very much, and she will be very happy to get your autograph."

The students couldn't help shouting: "Teacher, you cheated! You still bring such a signature? It's too much!"

The instructor smiled smugly and didn't care what the students said.

Gu Qingran looked at the topic with a calm expression, and said lightly: "Generally, another member of our group is very good at English, not only English, but also Korean, Japanese and French."

As he said that, the students below shouted in unison: "Ye Huang! Ye Huang!"

Ye Xiaozhu also yelled a few words in a low voice, and saw Gu Qingran pick up a pen and write a few words lightly.

Then he put down the pen, with a calm expression on his face. "Okay, let's take a look, Teacher."

"So fast?" The instructor was taken aback. This question is the focus of today's class. Gu Qingran answered it right just after he wrote it?

After reviewing the question quickly, the instructor couldn't help but said, "Well, the answer is correct, it's very good. It seems that my signature is hopeless."

Gu Qingran smiled lightly, took a pen and asked, "Where is the signature?"

The instructor was taken aback, quickly took out the textbook, and handed Gu Qingran a pen. "Here, here, just sign here. Um...can you write a sentence?"

The instructor smiled a little embarrassedly: "Just write and let her study hard. That child doesn't like studying recently, hey."

Gu Qingran nodded in understanding, and asked the tutor's daughter's name, not only wrote a few words to study hard, but also wrote words of blessing.

The instructor took out his mobile phone and took a photo with Gu Qingran before letting him go back.

The students below all had disdainful expressions on their faces, and couldn't help shouting: "Teacher, you are too much, and even used the class time to chase after stars. Seeing that our Randi is easy to talk, and asked Randi to sign, and let Randi take a group photo. , It’s too much! We have to complain to the principal!”

The mentor shook his head with a bit of embarrassment on his face. "Why don't we not have this class today? In the rest of your spare time, you can do your own activities. If you want to sign, you should sign, and if you want to take a group photo, you should take a photo? But it's agreed, you can't complain to me."

"Yeah! Long live the tutor!" The classmate roared, and rushed to Gu Qingran's position and surrounded him.

The bodyguards stood up immediately, protecting Gu Qingran dutifully.

Nan Anyang couldn't help standing on the table and yelling to the instructor: "I said you are too much, let Emperor Ran sign and take a group photo without asking Emperor Ran's opinion? You are not afraid of me complaining to you!"

The instructor waved his hands and said jokingly: "Haha, you feel sorry for Gu Qingran. Isn't it just to sign a few names? It's not bad. I just don't have anyone asking for it. If someone asks me for it, I will give each of them ten signature."

Nan Anyang was so angry that he wanted to jump, Gu Qingran stood under the table and protected her with both hands, his handsome face was full of worry. "Anyang, it's okay, everyone is your classmate, just sign a few names, it's for you to build a good classmate relationship."

"But why should the mentor decide for you? He's gone too far!"

The tutor quickly said: "If you don't want to sign, you can refuse, but I didn't say you can't refuse."

Nan Anyang glared at the instructor fiercely, this girl is too good at shirking responsibility, right?He didn't attend class and asked his classmates to ask for their signatures, and he said that Gu Qingran could refuse.

If Gu Qingran refuses, there will definitely be suspicions of playing big names.Although Emperor Ran has the qualifications to play a big role, but he has a lot of scandals with her recently, he is already on the cusp of the storm, and if the reputation of playing a big name is spread, who knows what troubles will be caused.

Nan Anyang was so angry that he didn't know what to say, he stood on the table and glared at his mentor several times.

Ye Xiaozhu patted her leg, asked Nan Anyang to lower his head, and whispered to Nan Anyang, "Go tell Emperor Ran that he will only sign if he has ten copies of his mentor's signature. Didn't the mentor say that no one asked him to sign?" , take this opportunity to let him know how it feels to be surrounded by people."

Upon hearing this, Nan Anyang nodded with bright eyes.After making a 'like' gesture to Ye Xiaozhu, he whispered this sentence to Gu Qingran.

After listening, Gu Qingran glanced at Ye Xiaozhu with a smile that was not a smile, and said in a cold voice to the students around him who wanted to sign: "Thank you, the tutor, for giving me this class so generously that I can give it to everyone. Sign, then all the students who are present today, I will sign for everyone."

"Everyone, don't worry, and don't squeeze. I'll just sit here and wait for everyone. However, in order to thank the tutor for his generous understanding, all the students who ask for my autograph need to find me with the autograph of the tutor."

"The instructor said that no one asked him for an autograph. So in order to satisfy the instructor's wish, I hope that all students can go to the instructor to get an autograph first, and then come to me."

Gu Qingran smiled very gently, as if he really wanted to satisfy the teacher's wish, and said very sincerely and calmly: "I remember the teacher said that each person will have ten shares. How about this, everyone tell the teacher what you want me to write , come here with the tutor's signature and blessing, and I will write according to the tutor's blessing."

(End of this chapter)

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