Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 277 The plan that the country wants to realize

Chapter 277
Ye Xiaozhu grinned, and said, "Ye Huang, okay, let's continue the appointment tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she turned off the computer and started training.

But he didn't know that Mo Ziye, who was in the foreign hotel, had a slight silence because of her words.

Isn't he good at teasing girls?
Thinking about it, he took a sticky note and wrote one stroke at a time: 'September 9th, one of them, it didn't come true. '

Looking up along this new line of handwriting, many words similar to this have already been written on it.

For example: 'September 9rd, there are two of them, which have not been realized. '

'September 9, hug two, unfulfilled. '


After finishing writing, Mo Ziye looked at the note very seriously.

The door was knocked suddenly, and Xiao Jiu's voice sounded outside the door: "Brother Ye, can I come in?"

Mo Ziye gave an 'hmm' before Xiao Jiu walked in the door.

Seeing the sticky note in Mo Ziye's hand, Xiao Jiu couldn't help but said, "Brother Ye, are you writing a plan to go back to China again? I'm really curious what plan you wrote, and where did you want to go?"

Mo Ziye shook his head lightly, his eyes were slightly calm. "No, I just write down the things I didn't do, and plan to realize them after I return to my country."

"Didn't do something?" Xiao Jiu tilted his head strangely, seeing that Mo Ziye didn't mean to explain, he said: "Brother Ye, let's review your schedule tomorrow, get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning, 05:30 Eat breakfast at [-], put on makeup at [-], and go at [-]..."

Mo Ziye listened casually, wiggling his slender fingers, and put away the note very solemnly.After Xiao Jiu finished speaking, Mo Ziye said softly: "Can the schedule be earlier, I want to return to China early."

Xiao Jiu was a little embarrassed and said: "Brother Ye, your daily schedule is already very full, and there are still two fixed programs that will be broadcast live. It will take the 7th at the earliest to complete all the work."

"There are three more days." Mo Ziye sighed slightly. "In the future, there will be fewer trips abroad, so don't make a long-term schedule for now. After Xiaozhu debuts, I will make new arrangements."

"Brother Ye, don't you want to be with Sister Xiaozhu? Doesn't Sister Xiaozhu need your help to make her debut, then she won't be popular so fast..." Xiao Jiu looked embarrassed.

Stars like Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran have full schedules.Almost at the beginning of the year, the whole year's trend was decided. There are too many partners involved in temporary changes, and too many things are involved in it. It is not easy to change just by changing.

"Brother Ye, why don't we start next year and try not to take foreign trips as much as possible?"

Mo Ziye raised his hand and knocked on the coffee table twice, and said lightly, "It's also possible, but whichever city I am in, Xiaozhu must also be in that city."

"Miss Xiaozhu...she hasn't made her debut yet..."

"You won't try to let her debut early?"

"But after debuting, sister Xiao Zhu won't become popular so quickly, after all, she doesn't want to rely on you..." Xiao Jiu took a deep breath, and was about to die of embarrassment.

"It's her business if she doesn't want to, it's your business what you do. Remember what I said to the reporter this afternoon?" Mo Ziye moved his long legs and walked out of the window.

Xiao Jiu was a little dazed, but couldn't help but recall what happened in the afternoon.Then he nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Don't worry, Brother Ye, I know what to do."

Outside the window is the night scene of New York City.

However, Mo Ziye didn't care to look at any scenery, and just put a smile on his lips that was sure to win.She didn't want to rely on him, but he wanted to imprint his mark on her so that she could never run away again.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

Ye Xiaozhu spends every day in intense class and training, and only takes half an hour at noon to play games, have a hole-in-the-wall with Mo Ziye, and chat for a few words.

"OK, that's all for today's training. Thank you for your hard work." The teacher clapped his hands and announced that get out of class was over.

Ye Xiaozhu immediately brightened up, and ran directly to the lounge.

This morning, Emperor Ye called her and said that he would return home by the evening flight.So throughout the day, Ye Xiaozhu was in a fugue state of excitement, wishing that time would pass quickly so that she could go to the airport to pick him up.

It was still early after class, Ye Xiaozhu took a shower, changed his clothes, and put on light makeup before leaving the company.

Xie Shuangxue waited for her downstairs with her bodyguards.

When several people drove to the airport, they found many fans around the airport.

Ye Xiaozhu looked around and sighed faintly. "Sister Xue, the news of Emperor Ye's return to China has spread today, right?"

Xie Shuangxue also sighed, "It should be, otherwise the airport wouldn't be surrounded by so many fans. But don't worry, the boss will come out through the VIP channel. Let's drive the car directly, and you can just wait for the boss in the car. BOSS will get in the car directly after getting off the plane."

"Okay, then I'll wait in the car." Ye Xiaozhu nodded.

Even if the airport didn't have so many fans around, she couldn't go inside the airport to pick up Mo Ziye. After all, she was having an affair with Mo Ziye recently, and many people knew her now.If she went to the airport to pick up Mo Ziye, wouldn't that be tantamount to directly admitting her relationship with Mo Ziye?

As a good young man with a bottom line, Ye Xiaozhu made his debut with inspiration and ability.

After the car was parked, Ye Xiaozhu turned on Weibo to check the latest news out of boredom.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a new video uploaded by 'TheKing Weiba'.The video should be an interview with a foreign program. The name of the program is marked on it, and it is also accompanied by a Chinese translation.

Ye Xiaozhu clicked on it and looked at it carefully. Her English is very good, and she can understand it without reading the translation.

The big black eyes stared obsessively at the screen, fixed on Mo Ziye's face.

"Wuli Yehuang's English is so sexy. When he comes back, he must tell me."

Ye Xiaozhu held her small face in her hands, and suddenly heard a reporter asking: "Yehuang, you have never been rumored to be scandalized in the ten years since your debut, but in China these days, there is a scandal about you that is spreading hotly. What do you have?" Want to explain?"

Ye Xiaozhu stared nervously at the screen, only to see Mo Ziye shaking his head, and said very calmly: "There is nothing to say."

The reporter asked again: "Yehuang, fans all over Asia are worried about this matter, why don't you take this opportunity to tell everyone."

Mo Ziye smiled lightly. "I have nothing to say. If I really need to say something, I hope my knights will not harass her."

"Ye Huang, are you protecting her? Are you indirectly acknowledging your relationship?"

Ye Xiaozhu held his breath and carefully stared at the screen.

"Protection? It doesn't count. After all, when rumors spread, both men and women will be affected. Compared with me, she is on the weak side. Only my fans will bully her, but her fans will not come to me. .As a gentleman, I naturally hope that the woman will not be implicated."

"Ye Huang, what exactly do you mean, can you explain clearly?"

"It's not interesting, I just hope that everyone will not disturb her. She is a very sensitive person, and I hope everyone can give her some private space."

Mo Ziye smiled lightly, but his words were still unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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