Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 278 I miss you so much

Chapter 278 I miss you so much
The reporter reacted very quickly, knowing that Mo Ziye didn't want to answer directly, that's why his words were unclear.

The reporter smiled, and suddenly said: "Yehuang, you have been known as the cold emperor for ten years since you debuted. If you have nothing to do with this Ms. Ye Xiaozhu, you will directly expose the scandal. You're hanging around here with me, aren't you?"

Mo Ziye curled the corner of his mouth, smiled lightly, and said lightly, "Am I cold? Why don't I know."

The reporter showed a clear look on his face, and then changed the subject. "Yehuang, I heard that Ms. Ye Xiaozhu was your backup dancer before, right?"


"How do you think she dances?"

"Not bad, I think it's very good, no worse than a professional dancer."

"Yehuang, are you explaining to Ms. Ye Xiaozhu by answering this way?" The reporter followed closely, "I remember a video broke out on the Internet, and it was also a statement made by your Chinese dancers. It seemed to be questioning Ms. Ye Xiaozhu's dancing level, are you going to help her explain publicly this time?"

Listening to the reporter's question, Ye Xiaozhu's nervous hands were sweating.If Emperor Ye admitted that he explained it for her, then their relationship would be self-evident.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help praying: Don't admit it...


Maybe Ye Xiaozhu's prayer played a role. In the video, Mo Ziye said flatly: "No, do you think I need to explain to her?"

"Everyone can see how she dances, and I don't need to help explain it at all."

"Ye Huang, you are protecting Ms. Ye Xiaozhu inside and out of your words. It seems that you have a good relationship, right?" The reporter spared a moment and didn't ask directly.

Mo Ziye twitched the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "She was my backup dancer, of course we have an unusual relationship. Moreover, she is also an artist under my contract and will debut in a while."

The reporter's face was obviously stunned, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he said, "A signed artist?"

"Well, my private agency. Since I mentioned it, let's do an advertisement. Not long ago, I opened a private agency 'Princess Project', looking for girls between the ages of 15 and 25 from all over the world Hey, as long as you have confidence and self-confidence, you can submit your resume to the company." Mo Ziye said, and then raised his hand, and a job advertisement added later was displayed on the screen.

The reporter said without giving up: "Ye Huang, you didn't deny the scandal, is it because she is an artist of your company, or is it because it really happened."

"Oh, it seems that you are very concerned about my private life today." Mo Ziye smiled faintly, and said softly, "But isn't today an interview with me on my views on fashion?"

The reporter smiled awkwardly, knowing that Mo Ziye didn't want to talk anymore, so he immediately changed the topic.

Ye Xiaozhu watched the video nervously. The short 10-minute video made her nervous hands sweat.

After watching the video, she immediately looked through the comments below. Many people said that maybe she and Yehuang really had a relationship, so Yehuang didn't deny it.Some people also said that she didn't deny it because she was an artist of Ye Huang's private agency.

You can say anything, but what is certain is that Mo Ziye did not deny the scandal, which made Ye Xiaozhu popular again.

Putting down the phone, Ye Xiaozhu turned to Xie Shuangxue and said, "Sister Xue, do you think I should be happy or sad?"

Xie Shuangxue asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"A new artist like me has been on the trending searches several times, and his popularity and exposure rate are no less than that of third-tier stars. I should be happy, right? But why am I so depressed?" Ye Xiaozhu said quietly: " Every exposure is related to Emperor Ye, as if I became popular because of Emperor Ye, it's too sad."

"Xiao Zhu, how many people want to get involved with our boss and haven't had a chance yet. You are the first one in ten years, shouldn't you be happy?"

"I'm's just that my self-esteem has been hurt..."

Ye Xiaozhu lowered his head, his eyes were resentful.

After waiting for a while, Mo Ziye came out from the VIP passage. He was dressed in a refreshing and stylish outfit, just like a walking pictorial, which made people fall deeply.

But Ye Xiaozhu rarely showed a nympho smile, but instead stared at Mo Ziye with resentment.

Mo Ziye looked at her strangely, but didn't ask any questions.After getting in the car, the car drove directly back to Mo Ziye's villa. Xiao Jiu, Xie Shuangxue and all the bodyguards left. Only Mo Ziye and Ye Xiaozhu were left in the villa.

Mo Ziye asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, are you unhappy when I come back?"

"No, I'm very happy." Ye Xiaozhu shook his head, drooping his little head, falling into his stubbornness.

Mo Ziye took off his coat and put on a well-tailored T-shirt. With a slight lift of his arms, he could see the perfect silhouette.

He lowered his eyes, and found that Ye Xiaozhu didn't look at him lewdly, but still lowered his head, as if he didn't see him.

Mo Ziye sighed slightly, and walked in front of Ye Xiaozhu, the two of them were very close, so close that they almost stuck together.

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback for a moment, and a warm feeling came from his head.She knew that this was Emperor Ye's head-touching...but she was not in the mood to respond now.

She raised her head resentfully, her little head just raised.

Mo Ziye's kiss fell down.

The warm touch, with a somewhat eager breath, raging violently.

Ye Xiaozhu was stunned, with a pair of big eyes open, the whole person was stunned.

Emperor Ye actually kissed her... and kissed her so passionately...

Ye Xiaozhu's heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help leaning against Mo Ziye's arms.

As if he felt that she was not focused enough, Mo Ziye pried open her white teeth, and aggressively occupied the territory with his aggressive tongue.

After a long time, Mo Ziye let her go.

Ye Xiaozhu leaned limply on Mo Ziye's body, breathing in the air with great gulps, his eyes were clouded, and his little face was blush seductively.

Mo Ziye couldn't help laughing, bowed his head and drank a few times before whispering, "I miss you very much."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, his whole body was in a state of intoxication.

"I miss you."

The deep voice sounded on the face, with the unique gentleness of whispers between lovers, shallow, and intoxicating.

As if he didn't get Ye Xiaozhu's answer, Mo Ziye said it again persistently. "I miss you."

Ye Xiaozhu lowered her head with a blushing face, and said shyly, "I miss you too..."

The girl in his arms was like a cat, huddled in his arms, his whole body was soft, so he didn't dare to exert any strength for fear of hurting her.

Mo Ziye couldn't help laughing, lowered his head, and whispered in Ye Xiaozhu's ear, "You look like a reserved woman now."

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback for a moment, but when he looked up, he saw a wicked smile on Mo Ziye's face.

 Cough cough... I'm asking for a recommendation ticket, I'm asking for a reward, I'm asking for a message... Well... There is an event in the book review area, and you need [-] activity points to participate. I beg everyone to get restless in the book review area, and make a mess of things, okay? ~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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