Chapter 279

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, looking at Mo Ziye obsessively.

As the gentle light fell, the doting smile on Mo Ziye's lips was too dazzling.

"Emperor Ye, I..." Ye Xiaozhu was slightly stunned, and said with a blushing face, "I've always been very reserved."

"Yes, I know." Mo Ziye stroked Ye Xiaozhu's long hair, and kissed her lips a few times before letting go of her.

If he keeps hugging, who knows if he can hold back... After all, she is getting more and more attractive.

Suppressing the dick in his eyes, Mo Ziye pretended to be calm, went to sit on the sofa, patted the seat beside him, and asked Ye Xiaozhu to sit down.

After Ye Xiaozhu sat down, Mo Ziye asked, "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

"No... just, there is something I want to tell you."

Ye Xiaozhu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Mo Ziye very seriously. "Yehuang, I saw your interview abroad."

"Oh." Mo Ziye lowered his eyes and asked calmly, "What's the matter, are you unhappy because of this? I didn't say anything bad about you."

"Yeah, it's because you never said bad things about me, so I..." Ye Xiaozhu sighed, feeling very embarrassed.

"Yehuang, I really like you, and I really want to be with you. I really want to. But... I don't want to become famous by making scandals with you. That's not what I want."

Ye Xiaozhu lowered her head, her small head showed her stubbornness. "I know that my approach is very contradictory. I want to be with you, but I don't want to rely on you to become popular. In fact, I don't need to enter the entertainment circle, just be happy with you. But...Yehuang, I I really hope that I can stand upright by your side, so that all passers-by, fans, and knights will recognize us and think that I am worthy of you. Instead of accepting me reluctantly because I like you, I want to get everyone's blessings... ..."

The soft and ethereal voice sounded muffled, carrying her little persistence.

Mo Ziye looked at Ye Xiaozhu, his starry eyes sparkled.

After a long while, Ye Xiaozhu raised his head, with a complicated expression on his small face, but there was a firm light shining in those black eyes. "Yehuang, can you support me?"

Those eyes looking at him were too dazzling, how could he refuse?

Mo Ziye curled his lower lip, turned his eyes away, and said softly, "If you go to City S with me, I will promise you."

"I'll go!" Ye Xiaozhu didn't even ask why he was going to S City, but just nodded and said loudly, "I'll go, I'll go!"

"Okay, then we'll go after the National Day." Mo Ziye nodded, and then said, "What do you need me to do? When a reporter asks you in the future, do you want me to speak ill of you?"

"Don't...why say bad things about me." Ye Xiaozhu pouted, and said weakly: "You just treat me as an ordinary artist under your banner, and I'm your former backup dancer, and I don't contact you in private. That kind. When there is no one else, we will love, love~"

"It's like having an affair." Mo Ziye glanced at Ye Xiaozhu, but he didn't insist like before, "Okay, just do as you said."

He lowered his eyes, and there was a dark light in his eyes.She can do whatever she wants to make troubles, anyway, after the National Day, she can't make troubles anymore.

After resting for a while, Xiao Jiu delivered food. After eating, Mo Ziye and Ye Xiaozhu went to the game room and went to bed early.

After sitting on the plane all day, Mo Ziye went to bed early.But Ye Xiaozhu couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning, she always felt that she was a bit too hypocritical, and she said that she didn't rely on Ye Huanghong, and she was not raised in Ye Huang's captivity, alas...

After lying down for a while, but still unable to fall asleep, Ye Xiaozhu got up and sneaked out of Mo Ziye's room.

Emperor Ye must be asleep now, and I don't know if he locked the door... If he didn't lock it, quack...

Ye Xiaozhu lightly twisted the doorknob, her nervous palms were covered with sweat.

There was a 'click', a shallow sound, to Ye Xiaozhu, it was like the sound of nature.

She opened the door lightly, even breathing deliberately low.

Mo Ziye, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes the moment the door opened, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.But in an instant, the corner of his mouth curled into a doting smile, and then he closed his eyes again, pretending that he was in a deep sleep.

Ye Xiaozhu walked slowly to Mo Ziye's bedside. It was only a dozen meters away, but she walked for 5 minutes.

The whole person is like a cat, every movement is almost inaudible, and the breathing is also abnormally low.

Ye Xiaozhu's heart beat extremely fast when she thought that she would be able to see Ye Huang's sleeping face soon.

When staying in the villa a few times before, Mo Ziye first locked her in his room.Afterwards, Ye Xiaozhu had a subconscious mind that Mo Ziye would definitely lock the door.

But when I tried it today, it was not locked.Quack... Her family Ye Huang must have never thought that she would sneak in.

Wow, Kaka, she just watched it for a while, and then went back after reading it!
Ye Xiaozhu seemed to convince herself, but also seemed to swear.After finally walking to the bed, she lowered her body and watched carefully.

The room was dark with tulle curtains drawn.

But it took too long to get to the bed, Ye Xiaozhu's eyes had already adapted to the darkness.

Although the pores on the face cannot be seen clearly, the general outline can still be seen clearly.

Mo Ziye closed his eyes, his chest rose and fell weakly, although he couldn't see his perfect handsome face clearly, it was still seductive.

Ye Xiaozhu swallowed, and suddenly found that her Yehuang was not wearing a shirt...

The arms and chest are exposed, and you don't need to touch it to know that it must be strong and powerful.

Ye Xiaozhu bent over and stretched out her upper body on the bed.She couldn't help but look down, wanting to see if Mo Ziye was wearing underwear, in case he was naked... Oh ha ha.

As soon as the evil thoughts in his heart came up, he saw Mo Ziye move, stretch his arms upwards, and put them directly on her body.

His strong arms rested on Ye Xiaozhu's forward leaning upper body, directly pulled Ye Xiaozhu onto the bed, and threw his body on Mo Ziye.

When Ye Xiaozhu came back to her senses, she found herself lying on the bed sideways, her body was held in Mo Ziye's arms, and her legs were still on Mo Ziye's body.

What's happening here?Emperor Ye woke up?

Ye Xiaozhu waited for 2 minutes, then said cautiously, "Emperor Ye? Are you awake?"

What answered her was Mo Ziye's long breathing.

Ye Xiaozhu waited quietly for two minutes, thinking that her Yehuang must be a heavy sleeper, he didn't wake up when she threw on him.

So Ye Xiaozhu decided to get up and go back to his room.If Mo Ziye woke up tomorrow and found her in his bed, then the 'reserved' praise she got today would be in vain.

Ye Xiaozhu turned around and wanted to crawl under the bed, but found that Mo Ziye's arm was firmly fixed on her body.

As soon as she moved, Mo Ziye also moved, his arms retracted, and he directly pulled her into his arms, and his legs pressed against her.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes twice, a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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