Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 280 Catching a Cat Climbing the Bed

Chapter 280 Catching a Cat Climbing the Bed

Does her family Yehuang have the habit of sleeping with things in his arms?Why did she only move a little, and Mo Ziye hugged her into his arms.

Still hugging so tightly?

Ye Xiaozhu looked out the window speechlessly, feeling the firmly fixed arm on her body, there was only one thought in her heart.Yehuang's figure is really good, her arms are so strong, she can be lifted up with one hand.

She can only escape from Mo Ziye's embrace unless she uses her strength.But that would definitely wake Mo Ziye up. After thinking for a while, she decided to take a roundabout tactic.Wait a little longer, when Mo Ziye is almost asleep, if she moves again, maybe Mo Ziye will change his position and let her go.

Ye Xiaozhu didn't dare to move, and just lay there stiff.

After lying down for a while, eyelids began to fight, Ye Xiaozhu shook his head, forcing himself to cheer up, but slowly, his breathing became longer and longer.

On the other side, Mo Ziye, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened them.The bright star eyes are still extremely bright in the dark night.

He pursed his lips, smiled lightly, carefully picked up the quilt, and covered Ye Xiaozhu over his body.But he lay outside the quilt, wrapped his arms around her, and held her gently in his arms.

Before going to bed, Mo Ziye made a decision, he had to let her become his wife quickly, otherwise he would go crazy if he endured like this.

Early the next morning, Ye Xiaozhu frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and his mind went blank for a few seconds before he realized that something was wrong with the interior decoration.

She remembered that her room had pink walls, why is this room blue?
She suddenly opened her eyes wide and realized that she crawled into Mo Ziye's bed last night and was pressed here.I planned to run again in the middle of the night, but Emperor Ye's arms were so comfortable... She fell asleep.

Ye Xiaozhu turned his head cautiously, praying that Mo Ziye would not wake up, but just as he turned his head half way, he saw Mo Ziye's propped up body out of the corner of his eyes.

"Are you awake?" There was a hint of teasing in the deep voice.

Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corners of his mouth, and smiled stiffly: "Well, good morning Yehuang..."

"Morning." Mo Ziye propped his head on his hands and smiled evilly. "I didn't expect to catch a kitten crawling on the bed early in the morning. What a surprise."

"Uh, I... no, I didn't..." Ye Xiaozhu instinctively wanted to deny it.But she was lying on Mo Ziye's bed, the evidence was solid.

"Cough! Emperor Ye, in fact, I have an unspeakable problem, that is, I like sleepwalking!" Ye Xiaozhu coughed, and said solemnly: "I may have fallen asleep last night and forgot to lock the door, so I ran to you The room is here. You have to believe me, I really didn't climb into your bed."

"Are you sleepwalking?" Mo Ziye's eyes were full of jokes, he didn't see a sleepwalking person last night.

"I'm really sleepwalking, uh-huh, Emperor Ye, you have to trust me, after all I'm so reserved, right." Ye Xiaozhu said, pulling off the quilt, and blinking her big eyes innocently.

Mo Ziye didn't speak, but looked back at Ye Xiaozhu with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After watching for a few seconds, Ye Xiaozhu didn't dare to look at each other again.Looking down, I saw Mo Ziye's exposed chest, and then down, it was the abdominal muscles...

She secretly swallowed, and couldn't help stretching her neck. When she saw the black pajama pants, her eyes were full of disappointment.Then his eyes returned to Mo Ziye's abdominal muscles.

The legendary eight-pack abs!And the mermaid line!It's so handsome!

"Are you satisfied?" The low voice sounded like a temptation.

Ye Xiaozhu nodded her head in satisfaction, and couldn't help reaching out her little hand to touch Mo Ziye's abdominal muscles.

"Hmm..." She squinted her eyes and made a sound similar to a kitten.

These are Emperor Ye's abdominal muscles!She has the abs that thousands of girls dream of!Ho Ho!Not only is it smooth, it's also strong and feels great in the hand.

She stretched out her small hand and poked it hard, as if she had poked it against a hard wall, but she couldn't poke it in at all.

Ye Xiaozhu grinned, with a nymphomaniac smile on his face.

Mo Ziye raised his eyebrows, his eyes darkened a lot.He quickly turned his eyes away, not to feel the little hand touching him.

"I didn't expect that you can not only climb on the bed, but also your ability to stretch out your hands makes me very impressed."

A faint joking voice sounded, and Ye Xiaozhu finally realized it.

She quickly withdrew her hand and shrank under the quilt. "Ahem, illusion, that is an illusion!"

After looking left and right, Ye Xiaozhu got up from the bed with a red face, and ran back to her room as fast as someone was chasing her.

Leaning against the door of her own room, she touched her flushed little face, her heart beating wildly.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to be caught climbing the bed, but after sleeping in Mo Ziye's arms all night and touching Mo Ziye's abdominal muscles, what does embarrassment matter?

Ye Xiaozhu clenched his fists and decided to climb the bed tonight.Who made her Yehuang's embrace so comfortable, and her abdominal muscles so easy to touch!
After returning to the room, Ye Xiaozhu had washed up, and Xiao Jiu had already come to pick them up when she went downstairs.

As soon as he saw Ye Xiaozhu, Xiaojiu's face immediately filled with smiles. He remembered that Ye Xiaozhu had troubled him for several days, so he said with a flattering face when they first met: "Ms. Xiaozhu, good morning, last night Did you sleep well? Brother Ye has no schedule today, so I can go to the company to accompany you. I have brought breakfast, let's go downstairs to eat first."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, didn't care about Xiao Jiu's attitude at all, just peeked at Mo Ziye who was sitting at the dining table.

Embarrassed, she walked to the dining table, Ye Xiaozhu greeted her, and sat down to eat with small mouthfuls.Mo Ziye's face was calm and unwavering, but occasionally he would glance at Ye Xiaozhu.

Xiao Jiu looked around strangely, confused.

After eating and going to the company for training, Ye Xiaozhu was a little embarrassed all day long, not daring to look at Mo Ziye, and became extremely shy.

Everyone in the company had a strange feeling, as if Ye Xiaozhu had changed, only Mo Ziye curled his lips, very calm.

Back at the villa at night, Ye Xiaozhu hid directly in her room. She was not shy, but was thinking about how to sneak into Mo Ziye's room at night.If Emperor Ye locked the door, she would have no chance.

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door, and Mo Ziye walked in calmly with a computer in his hand.

"It turns out that the door is really not locked, no wonder it sleepwalks out."

Mo Ziye said, his eyes were full of jokes.

Ye Xiaozhu blushed and said shyly, "Emperor Ye, why are you here?"

"The bridal chamber."

Mo Ziye said calmly, but Ye Xiaozhu was thinking wrong.

She got up from the bed with a blushing face, took the computer and walked to Mo Ziye's side.

"The bridal chamber, the bridal chamber, hehehe..." With a flattering smile, she lowered her head and dared not look at Mo Ziye.

I'm afraid that my thoughts will be exposed.

The familiar fox girl appeared in the center of the screen, and the leisurely music played again.

When the two went online, they appeared directly in the wedding room.

Mo Ziye glanced at the screen, and said lightly: "The last time you disliked me for my bad way of flirting with girls, remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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