Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 281 There are many people waiting for him to tease

Chapter 281 There are many people waiting for him to tease
Ye Xiaozhu shook his head quickly, and said with a simple face: "No, Emperor Ye, you remember wrongly."

"Really." Mo Ziye lowered his eyes lightly. "Whether I remember it wrong or you forget it, we can try it today."

"Try..." Ye Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment, "Don't! No need, Emperor Ye... I don't need to flirt, hehehe..."

She lowered her head and quickly clicked on the bridal chamber.

System prompt: Your wife Zhulin Tingyu invited you to a bridal chamber, do you agree?

Mo Ziye lowered his eyes and directly refused.

Ye Xiaozhu smiled awkwardly: "Yehuang, I'm very tired today, let's hurry up and have a bridal chamber. Then I want to rest early, really."

"Hmm." Mo Ziye snorted, Jun's face was slightly displeased.

Ye Xiaozhu invited the bridal chamber again, and Mo Ziye agreed.

It's just that the whole process was cold and didn't speak.

Ye Xiaozhu was speechless, she used to look forward to being teased, but Emperor Ye wanted her to be reserved, now she is reserved, and Emperor Ye wanted to tease her... What a trick!
It's better to wash up and sleep quickly, and then she climbed into bed in the middle of the night, quack...

Ye Xiaozhu thought wildly for a while, and suddenly saw what Mo Ziye was doing with his mobile phone.

She stretched her neck and secretly glanced at Mo Ziye, only vaguely seeing the Weibo interface.

Is Mo Ziye updating Weibo?
Just as he was thinking about it, Ye Xiaozhu's phone rang, indicating that he paid special attention to 'Mo Ziye' and updated Weibo.

She took a look, opened Weibo, and saw Mo Ziye posted a selfie.Additional text: 'I heard people say that I'm not good at teasing girls, is it true? '

Weibo's selfie is a wink with blinking eyes.

Ye Xiaozhu decisively saved the selfie, then looked at the somewhat familiar background, and said in a low voice, "Ye Huang, the selfie you just took is good at it."

Mo Ziye glanced at her and continued to ignore her.

Ye Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue, and said, "I don't think you are bad at teasing girls, really."

"Hmm." Mo Ziye snorted and looked down at the phone.

Ye Xiaozhu pouted and left a message on Mo Ziye's Weibo. "Yehuang, you are always so handsome, there are countless knights rushing to grow old without teasing you."

After posting the comment, Ye Xiaozhu looked at Mo Ziye expectantly. "Yehuang, I posted a comment, did you see it?"


"Then you don't intend to reply to me?"


"Then I'll wait for you." Ye Xiaozhu smiled sweetly, and hung up the game to browse Weibo.

Every 30 seconds, she would refresh and see that Mo Ziye had replied to other people's comments.

Huang Ye teased naturally: Look at my name!Watch out for my name!Who dares to say that Emperor Wuli Ye can't flirt with girls? Wuli Yehuang is a natural flirt, with a natural flirt physique, there is no need to deliberately flirt at all! '

After this message, Mo Ziye replied: "I think so too. '

Ye Xiaozhu clicked her tongue and asked in a low voice, "Ye Huang, why haven't you replied to me?"

"Hmm." Mo Ziye continued to fiddle with the phone.

In less than 1 minute, other people's comments were pushed up again.

Sheng Ye, a natural flirtatious girl: Ahhh!Who dares to doubt my baby's flirting skills!I beg you to tease me, baby!I beg! '

Mo Ziye replied: 'I am not a baby. '

After replying to two messages in a row, the fan circle became completely agitated.

Countless people started to post on Weibo, lamenting what happened today?The aloof Yehuang actually connected with the flop fans, which is simply irresistible.

Ye Xiaozhu pouted resentfully, and looked at Mo Ziye sadly.For 15 minutes in the bridal chamber, Ye Xiaozhu kept looking at Mo Ziye with resentful eyes, but Mo Ziye just ignored her.

After the bridal chamber, Mo Ziye put down his phone, put away his computer and went back to his room.Ye Xiaozhu looked at his movements and was dumbfounded.

She quickly took Mo Ziye's arm, and said quietly: "Ye Huang, don't be angry, okay? I was wrong, I was wrong, I really didn't say that you can't flirt with girls, and I didn't let you flirt. Fuck it, I beg it."

"I'm out of the mood."

"Don' about I flirt with you?" Ye Xiaozhu opened his hands and hugged Mo Ziye directly, hanging on Mo Ziye's body with his small mouth pouted to kiss him.

Mo Ziye stood up straight, looked down at her, then raised his head, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't reach him.

She tried her best to jump twice, but Ye Xiaozhu still couldn't reach it, and she was so angry that she groaned. "Yehuang! Bow your head, I want to kiss you!"

Mo Ziye turned his head, his handsome face was cold, and he said softly, "No."

"Yehuang, I'm your girlfriend..."

"Have you ever met a girlfriend who won't let you flirt?"

"If you don't let me tease you, you won't tease me forcefully. If I say I won't let you, you won't tease me!"

"Really?" Mo Ziye took out his phone, flipped out the Weibo he just posted, opened the comment section and handed it to Ye Xiaozhu to read. "Look, there are so many people waiting for me to flirt, why should I forcefully flirt with you?"

Ye Xiaozhu glanced at the comment below, crying and begging Mo Ziye to tease him, but he didn't expect that the purpose of his microblog was to prove his charm.

Ye Xiaozhu said anxiously: "How dare you! Mo Ziye, if you tease others, I will be angry!"

"What did you say?" Mo Ziye put down his phone, the expression on his face made it impossible to understand his thoughts.

"I... didn't say anything." Ye Xiaozhu flinched.

"You call me by my name." Mo Ziye lowered his head with a firm tone.

"Um, Emperor Ye, I'm just a little anxious, you won't be angry, right?" Ye Xiaozhu flinched again.

Mo Ziye looked at her and said very seriously, "It sounds good."

"The sound of you calling my name is very nice." Mo Ziye lowered his head and kissed Ye Xiaozhu, "Yehuang is what fans call me, but my name is Mo Ziye. You are my girlfriend, You should call me by my name, this is a reward for you."

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback for a moment, pouted and said, "The reward is so little. Besides, I'm your girlfriend, so kisses can't be counted as rewards."

"Oh? Then what reward do you want?" Mo Ziye looked at Ye Xiaozhu with a smile in his starry eyes.

"Well, let me think about it... How about it, Emperor Ye, you can go shopping with me."

"Shopping, yes. When are you going?" Mo Ziye nodded.

"Now, let's go to the night market. Anyway, it's dark and there are few people." When Ye Xiaozhu mentioned the night market, Ye Xiaozhu's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Okay, then you can change your clothes." Mo Ziye nodded and walked out of Ye Xiaozhu's room.

Ye Xiaozhu changed into her previous clothes, with a ponytail and a peaked cap.When she went out, she found Mo Ziye standing outside the door waiting for her.

He was wearing a baggy hoodie with a big hat that covered more than half of his face, and he also wore a mask on his face.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes, feeling sorry for Mo Ziye. "It must be very hot if you wear so much in summer."

Mo Ziye shook his head and said lightly, "It's okay. Let's go. I haven't been shopping for a long time."

"It's been a long time..." Ye Xiaozhu lowered his eyes, and suddenly felt very sorry for him.

"Emperor Ye... Ziye, didn't you say that you would go back to my hometown with me during the National Day? Then let's go, our old family is very good, and no one will surround you anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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