Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 282 Emperor Ye is CP

Chapter 282 Emperor Ye is CP
Decided to take him home?
Mo Ziye curled his thin lips and smiled lightly: "Okay."

He took Ye Xiaozhu's hand and walked into the garage to pick up the car.

Seeing the hands they held, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but smile sweetly.She went shopping with Emperor Ye, or went to the night market, it was too unbelievable.

Even on the road, Ye Xiaozhu's eyes lit up with excitement.

Taking Mo Ziye to go shopping in the night market, she felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment, as if she had pulled down the high god's mansion from the altar, she was extremely excited.

"Ye Huang, the night market is in front of us, let's find a place to park." Ye Xiaozhu pointed at the night market not far away, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

Mo Ziye nodded and started looking for a place to park.

The night market they went to was next to a park. It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening. Although there were a lot fewer people than before, it was still very crowded.

After finding a place to park, Mo Ziye put on his mask and hat before getting out of the car with Ye Xiaozhu.

Ye Xiaozhu also wore a peaked cap, and looked around excitedly. "Yehuang, do you know, in fact, the night market was my favorite place to visit with Sister Yang, because there are a lot of snacks in the night market. After training in the club, we would walk here, eat something, and then walk back."

"Many people say that the food in the night market is unhygienic and inedible, but Sister Yang and I think that eating happily is the most important thing." Ye Xiaozhu said, stretching out his small hand to hold Mo Ziye's big hand, and Mo Ziye naturally He held her back, his fingers intertwined, and the two hearts became closer.

"Stay with me, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to go to the night market in the future." Mo Ziye sighed, with some helplessness in his voice.

Ye Xiaozhu smiled sweetly, and said a little arrogantly: "As long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter if I can't go to the night market for the rest of my life."

"Well, in the future we can go abroad, go a little farther, find a place where not many people know me, and then hold hands with you and go shopping in a fair manner."

"Well, I think it's a bit difficult. You are so famous, so many people like you, but you are the king who is popular all over Asia. It is really difficult to find a place where not many people know you." Ye Xiaozhu grinned. mouth, he smiled: "So I still think that I will train hard, strive to become popular as soon as possible, and then stand by your side. This wish is simpler."

"That's good, I don't have to walk with Qingran when I walk the red carpet in the future."

"Quack, you must not know it. There is a saying in our knight circle that you and Randi are CPs, so every time they walk on the red carpet, they walk with actresses. It's just you two, or you don't participate. Or let’s go together. There are not a few knights in the knight circle who love you and Randi CP.” Ye Xiaozhu smiled, and would never admit that when she watched Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran before, she was also passionate a feeling of.

Mo Ziye shook his head helplessly, and said softly, "If Qingran and I are CP, heh~ then I must be Gong."

"Enen, because you have a perennial poker face, so everyone thinks that you are abstinent and aggressive, and Randi is gentle and arrogant, quack...don't tell Randi." Ye Xiaozhu smiled and grinned. Xiaozui looked happy.

The abstinence-type assault is very suitable for him.

Mo Ziye shook his head and lowered his hood.

While talking, the two came to the night market, Ye Xiaozhu and Ye Xiaozhu stared at the food stalls on both sides, eager to pounce on them and eat one by one.

"Quack, Ziye, do you want to eat big skewers?" Ye Xiaozhu raised his finger and pointed to the big skewers stall surrounded by many people.

Mo Ziye said flatly: "Don't eat, eat too much meat so late, you will get fat."

"Oh..." Ye Xiaozhu's voice was full of unconcealable disappointment. "Actually, the big skewers at his house are delicious. Otherwise, it would be so late and there are so many people around."

Hearing the disappointment in her voice, Mo Ziye raised the corners of his mouth amusedly, and the thin lips covered by the mask outlined a doting arc. "You have to keep in shape. If you are fat, you have to lose weight. Losing weight is very hard."

"But the big skewers are delicious..." Ye Xiaozhu insisted on culinary nature, determined not to give up.

"If you promise me one condition, I'll let you eat whatever you want tonight."

"What condition?" Ye Xiaozhu looked at Mo Ziye warily.Her hooded eyes were hidden in the dim light, and she couldn't see clearly.

"We'll talk about the conditions later, as long as you agree." Mo Ziye pursed his lips, his starry eyes sparkling.

"Well, what if there are some particularly excessive conditions... Then I'm not very suitable?" Ye Xiaozhu pouted, because she was tricked by Mo Ziye too many times before, and she left a shadow.

"It won't be too much. I'm your boyfriend. Will I still hurt you?"

Ye Xiaozhu nodded weakly.

Mo Ziye's eyes sank, he looked around twice, and said lightly: "The big skewers are delicious. There are so many people queuing up. It must be very satisfying to eat and walk around with two big skewers. Well, the one in front Does it sell ice porridge? It’s just right to eat some ice porridge after eating a bunch of skewers... That old lady sells cotton candy, the shape is the same as roses, it’s very beautiful, and it’ll make you happy when you eat it..."

"Emperor Ye..." Ye Xiaozhu called out resentfully, all the smells in his nose were the aroma of various foods.She struggled for two seconds, and said viciously: "Yehuang, you can't make too much of a condition, and I can eat whatever I want tonight! You have to eat with me!"

"Okay." Mo Ziye's eyes hidden in the dark curved up.

It's not up to him whether the conditions are too high, but she agreed anyway.

"Then I'll go buy a big skewer, how many do you eat, Emperor Ye?" Ye Xiaozhu asked excitedly.

Mo Ziye lowered his head, wrapped his hands around Ye Xiaozhu's shoulders, and whispered in her ear, "Call me by my name, little idiot. If you call me wrong again, I will punish you."

"Isn't this in front of outsiders..." Ye Xiaozhu blushed, wondering what the punishment Emperor Ye would give her would be.

"We came to the night market secretly. You call Ye Huang because you are afraid that everyone will not know who I am." Mo Ziye shook his head helplessly, "Stand here and don't move. I'll buy it for you."

"Yeah." Ye Xiaozhu lowered her head shyly.

Mo Ziye gave her a doting look, and went to buy her a big skewer.

Just two steps away, he was grabbed by Ye Xiaozhu.Mo Ziye tilted his head and said in a low voice, "What's the matter? Are you scared by yourself?"

"No... that, I want four big skewers, you ask him to put more peppers."

"..." Mo Ziye nodded speechlessly.

He actually thought she would be afraid, really... How could an unrestrained foodie be afraid?She should only have a big string in her mind now, and she never thought about whether he would be recognized by others.

Squeezing into the crowd, the expression on Mo Ziye's face instantly turned into indifference.There are so many people, he has to come into contact with others, and every time he meets a person, he becomes a little colder.

(End of this chapter)

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