Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 283 Going to the Park for a Quiet Meeting

Chapter 283 Going to the Park for a Quiet Meeting
The aura is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it cannot be ignored.And a person with too strong aura, even if he hides in the crowd, is still frightening.

Mo Ziye's face was cold, and a powerful aura radiated from his body. People around him couldn't help but look sideways at him, and they all distanced themselves from him.

It seems that the person hidden under the hood is here to smash the field.

The boss was also a little surprised, and forgot to turn over the big skewers that were grilling.

Ignoring the reactions of the people around him, Mo Ziye lowered his voice and said flatly, "I want six big skewers, and put more peppers."

The boss was taken aback, and quickly handed the big string to Mo Ziye, without mentioning the money.

Mo Ziye left after paying the money. His handsome face was covered under the hood, and he was wearing a mask, so no one recognized him.

Ye Xiaozhu watched from the side, sweating a little.After receiving the big skewers, as a foodie, she didn't rush to eat, but said cautiously: "Baby, I'll go shopping by myself next time. You seem to be robbing others when you go shopping."

Mo Ziye ignored Ye Xiaozhu's words, but said softly, "I'm not a baby."

"Baby is a nickname! Do you want me to call you Oppa?"

"No, I don't like to have the same name as others, but I don't mind if you bring the title from the game to reality."

Ye Xiaozhu tilted his head, quickly took a bite of a large skewer and said, "Master?"


"Well, you're talking about Mr. Xianggong, right?" Ye Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide and whispered, "You're molesting me."

"I'm giving you a chance." Mo Ziye said solemnly, "If it's about molesting, I'm the one who's being taken advantage of."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked twice, then nodded silly. "Yes, calling you Mr. Xianggong, I did take advantage of you."

After all, her family's Emperor Ye's status was there, and she definitely made money by calling him Mr. Ye.

But why does she always have a strange feeling?It was as if she had been tricked away by Emperor Ye with two tricks.

The two held hands, Mo Ziye took off his mask, and ate a big skewer like Ye Xiaozhu.It's just that there are still many people in the night market, so Mo Ziye has to keep his head down to avoid other people's eyes.

Fortunately, the lights were not very bright, and no one noticed him.

After eating the big skewers, Ye Xiaozhu went to buy ice porridge again, this time she didn't ask Mo Ziye to buy it, but went by herself.

After shopping in the night market for more than an hour, Ye Xiaozhu patted his stomach to show that he was full when the market was about to end.

Mo Ziye smiled helplessly: "How long have you been hungry, and you actually ate all the food stalls one by one."

"Eh heh, it's a rare opportunity." Ye Xiaozhu pointed to the park beside him, and said expectantly, "My lord, let's go for a walk in the park. It's a quiet night, let's go to the park for a quiet meeting, how swollen?" ?”

Thinking that she ate so much just now, it would be better to walk for a while, Mo Ziye nodded, "Then let's go."

The park is open and only requires tickets to enter when events are held.On ordinary days, everyone can enter at will. There are many rockeries inside, beautiful scenery, and a small lake for boating.

Across from the night market is the park. When Ye Xiaozhu and Mo Ziye walked in, they were very quiet, and there was no one in sight.

Ye Xiaozhu hugged Mo Ziye's arm and whispered, "Cough, my lord, I want to ask you something. Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Not afraid." Mo Ziye lowered his head and took off his mask and hood.

The park is very dark and there are no lights, so he is not afraid of being seen.

The small body holding his arm shrank, and the arm could touch lumps of soft flesh.Mo Ziye's eyes darkened a lot, and he whispered, "Are you afraid?"

Ye Xiaozhu nodded his head, "Well, I regret it, I shouldn't have proposed to come in, why don't we go back?"

There are many trees in the park, and occasionally there is a rustling sound when the wind blows through.Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help hugging her even tighter.

Mo Ziye pulled out the arm held by Ye Xiaozhu, pulled her into his arms, and said softly: "Jindu is here, let's just walk for a while, I haven't been to the park for a long time."

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback for a moment, and began to feel sorry for Mo Ziye again. "Then let's go for a while, but my lord, you must hold me like this, otherwise I will be afraid."

Saying that, Ye Xiaozhu put his hands directly around Mo Ziye's waist, and the two bodies were tightly attached.

"Master Xianggong, I'm not eating your tofu, I'm really scared." Ye Xiaozhu buried her head in Mo Ziye's arms, pretending that she was an ostrich and couldn't see anything.

The little body in his arms shrank, and Mo Ziye knew she was afraid, but he naturally wanted to enjoy his girlfriend for a while longer.

Mo Ziye said in a low voice, magnanimous and careless, "Since you are afraid, let me hug you for a while."

"Thank you, Mr. Xianggong." Ye Xiaozhu was grateful for Dade's acceptance, and buried his little head deeper.

With Ye Xiaozhu in his arms, the two walked slowly like conjoined twins.

Mo Ziye said softly: "There is nothing to be afraid of, there are no ghosts in this world."

"I know not, but I'm still afraid." Ye Xiaozhu still buried her head, not daring to look outside.

After walking for a while, Ye Xiaozhu got used to it. She raised her head, looked around like a little rabbit looking into the wind, and said after finding that there was no danger, "Master Xianggong, have you looked online recently? The news about Sister Yang is very popular."

"I heard something from Xiaojiu that Qingran went to your school."

"Yeah, I even signed autographs for my classmates. I heard that I would take Sister Yang to the cafeteria for dinner, but I guess I didn't go there, and there was no report on the Internet." Ye Xiaozhu leaned her head in Mo Ziye's arms and hugged her Her arms were strong and powerful, which gave her an endless sense of security. It seemed that as long as she hid in Mo Ziye's arms, she didn't need to be afraid even if there were ghosts.

"Hey, Emperor Ran doesn't know what's wrong, but he really surprised me by chasing Sister Yang in such a high-profile way. I think that when Sister Yang chased Emperor Ran, Emperor Ran ignored him and fell asleep. It changed after that."

"Sleeping?" Mo Ziye raised his eyebrows, "Qing Ran and Nan Anyang are together?"

"Gah? Your Excellency, you don't know." Ye Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment, thinking that Gu Qingran and Mo Ziye had mentioned this matter, but Emperor Ye didn't expect to know.

"Now I know." Mo Ziye lowered his eyes, he didn't expect them to move so fast.

"Ahem, Mr. Xianggong, if you know it, you will know it. Don't tell others."

"You think I'm the same as you, so gossip?" Mo Ziye turned up the volume a bit, but his voice was deep, as if he was a little unhappy.

"Well, I don't gossip, I just find it strange." Ye Xiaozhu pouted, and said in a muffled voice: "Master Xianggong, do you think it's because Sister Yang has a baby that Emperor Ran treats her differently?" changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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