Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 284 This Rockery Is Pure During the Day

Chapter 284 This Rockery Is Pure During the Day

"No." Mo Ziye said in a calm voice, "They won't move so fast."

"Then why did Emperor Ran be so nice to Sister Yang? Not only did he make 'love at first sight' at the fan meeting, but now he started to pursue Sister Yang in fancy ways, and he didn't avoid people at all. I think Sister Yang must have a baby I'm going to ask her some other day." Ye Xiaozhu nodded, thinking she was right.But he didn't realize that Mo Ziye's handsome face had already turned dark.

Opening up the relationship is already one step faster than him. If he has a baby sooner than him, isn't it a few steps faster than him?

With a dark face, Mo Ziye said in a deep voice, "Intensify your training these few days. After filming the MV in mid-September, follow me to City S, and then go to your hometown on National Day."

"I have been training very hard, and I have never been lazy." Ye Xiaozhu missed the point of Mo Ziye's words, thinking that Mo Ziye was talking about her training.

Mo Ziye continued to darken his handsome face, his eyes were calm, thinking about this month's itinerary.After filming the MV, I will take her to meet his parents, and then go to her hometown. When I come back from my hometown, it is best to let the two parents meet directly.

He needs to hold on tighter, he doesn't like to fall too far behind.

They walked in silence for a while, neither of them spoke.Turning the corner, I came to the rockery. Ye Xiaozhu looked at the dark rockery and whispered, "Sister Yang and I would go around the rockery when we came here. Although the mountain is small, it will make people feel good."

"Then let's go up there too." Mo Ziye thought Ye Xiaozhu wanted to go, so he led her up the rockery.

Ye Xiaozhu hesitated, and couldn't help but whispered: "Master Xianggong, are you going to take me to the grove? But the rockery is too dark, I dare not..."

"With me here, don't be afraid." Mo Ziye put his arms around her, still thinking about how to arrange for the two parents to meet.

Would this arrangement be too fast, too abrupt, too disrespectful to Ye Xiaozhu?
The two of them were strolling on the rockery, and occasionally they met a young couple sitting on a rock holding hands, whispering something to each other.

Ye Xiaozhu suddenly felt very envious. She and Mo Ziye have been together for so long, it seems that she has never held hands and chatted like a normal couple, and she has never said anything that is not nutritious and boring.

She was the one chasing between them, and he waited quietly for her to get closer.

The night was spreading, and the bright moonlight fell on the ground through the layers of tree shadows. Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but look at her and Mo Ziye's clasped hands, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

The man's low and deep voice sounded beside him, Ye Xiaozhu shook his head and smiled, his eyes were extraordinarily bright in the night like ink.

"I just feel happy to be able to hold your hand for a walk like this."

"I never thought that I could walk in the park hand in hand with you like now, but now I can suddenly do some very ordinary things, and I feel a little incredible."

Ye Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice: "After all, you are always a super idol. You don't look like the kind of person who will go to the park with girls. Wherever you go, there will be a large group of people around, so quiet in the park I’m afraid I haven’t felt it for a long time walking in the park.”

Mo Ziye was silent, the girl's soft voice touched the bottom of his heart, his eyes darkened slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up nicely, "It's been a long time, so long that I can't remember when was the last time."

"But I don't like walking. If I'm not with the person I like, I won't waste my time on walking."

There was a sudden silence all around, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but stop, and stared blankly at Mo Ziye, " just said you like me?"


"If you clearly say 'the person you like', isn't that person me?"


"It's me!" Ye Xiaozhu smiled triumphantly, and leaned her little head on Mo Ziye's arm, even if the man was too arrogant to admit it, it was good for her to know.

The slightly cool night was even more beautiful than usual, and the rockery that I was used to seeing was also more beautiful than usual. The two walked in and out of the not-so-big rockery for several laps before leaving.

Mo Ziye put on his hood and mask, and walked out from the other side of the park to pick up his car.Ye Xiaozhu was quietly waiting for him at the exit of the park.

After taking a bath at night, Ye Xiaozhu was so tired that he fell asleep after a while, and didn't do anything else.

Early the next morning, when Ye Xiaozhu packed up and went downstairs to eat, he saw Xiao Jiu going out with Mo Ziye's suitcase.

She was a little puzzled and said, "Sister-in-law, uh, Ziye, where are you going?"

"I have a lot of schedules to catch up during this period, so I can't accompany you in City H. You go to City C on NO.19, and we will meet there." Mo Ziye waved his hand and asked Ye Xiaozhu to eat at the dining table. There are two laptops. "Let's have a bridal chamber while eating. I'm in a hurry today, and it may be late at night when I'm done."

"Oh." Ye Xiaozhu started the game, hung up the number in the bridal chamber, and then bowed his head to eat.

She didn't expect Yehuang to be away for so long, nearly half a month, she would miss him.

After eating for a while, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but said, "Can I call you when I miss you?"

"Of course, as long as it's not a live broadcast, I will answer your call no matter what time it is." Mo Ziye raised his hand and rubbed Ye Xiaozhu's hair, with reluctance in his eyes.

It's just that, in order to free up time for National Day and after that, he has to be busy during this time.

After dinner and the bridal chamber was over, Mo Ziye stood up, and suddenly moved to Ye Xiaozhu's side and kissed her on the forehead.

"I will miss you."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, pouted and said, "If you miss me, kiss me again, I don't mind you taking advantage of me."

"Heh~" Mo Ziye smiled lightly, reached out to stroke the girl's soft hair, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Xiao Jiu stood awkwardly by the door, neither entering nor retreating.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Xiao Jiu turned around and backed out. Isn't it because the plane was late, just change the ticket, isn't it just that he was late for the recording program, and no one dared to say anything if he played a big game as his brother Ye.

But if he dared to go in and interrupt Brother Ye and Sister Xiaozhu's farewell, he could guarantee that Ye Xiaozhu would hate him for the rest of his life.

After waiting outside for about 10 minutes, Mo Ziye came out. The man was wearing sunglasses, so he couldn't see the thoughts in his eyes, but his thin lips were unusually rosy.

Xiao Jiu lowered her head, pretending that she didn't see anything.The vehicle drove away, but Ye Xiaozhu still huddled in the house and did not come out.

She logged out of the game account, turned off the computer and washed up before going out the door. The driver was already waiting outside the door, and the busy training all day began again.

Busy from morning to night every day, there is almost no time for rest. Ye Xiaozhu is either in school or training in the company. The only time for rest is when he is on the road in the car.

At that time, Ye Xiaozhu would check Weibo and fan groups to find news about Mo Ziye.Then from time to time, Gu Qingran pursued Nan Anyang's news show with a look of affection.

On September 9th, after a week of consecutive bridal chambers, Ye Xiaozhu's little girl from the fox family was successfully pregnant. The moment she saw the system prompt, Ye Xiaozhu was extremely proud.

(Team formation) Zhulin Tingyu: "Master Xianggong, I am pregnant with your baby."

(End of this chapter)

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