Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 285 Women Should Make Up More

Chapter 285 Women Should Make Up More

(Team formation) Moran Ziye: "Thank you Madam, I will try my best to protect you from now on."

Ye Xiaozhu grinned stupidly, looking at the petite fox girl on the screen with a happy expression on her face. "Quack, Mr. Xianggong, should you say something now?"

"say what?"

"For example, what should I do if I give birth to a girl? What if I give birth to a boy?" Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help fantasizing while holding the girl's heart.Yehuang should be able to say classic love words like 'I will protect you two when you give birth to a girl, and we will protect you when you give birth to a boy'.

But after waiting for a while, a line of faint words jumped out on the screen.

(Team formation) Moran Ziye: "It doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl, I can afford both."

"You... are too moody." Ye Xiaozhu pouted, extremely depressed.

(Team formation) Moran Ziye: "Then how do you think I should answer?"

"...You can guess for yourself. Anyway, a man like you who doesn't understand style deserves to have no girlfriend!" Ye Xiaozhu was extremely depressed, pouted and logged off.

Mo Ziye squinted his eyes, looked at the person who left him offline, opened the webpage silently, and searched: 'Will a woman's personality change drastically after pregnancy? '
The answer on the Internet is unified: 'yes'.

Mo Ziye narrowed his beautiful starry eyes again, and added a sentence. 'Will being pregnant in the game affect reality? '
This time the answers were varied, and some even asked if he was stupid to ask such a stupid question.

Mo Ziye closed the webpage, and sighed helplessly with calm eyes.None of these normal answers can be applied to Ye Xiaozhu, after all, his girl character is too detached.

It seems that he can only take care of her as a 'pregnancy', and it would be good to practice it beforehand.

After making up his mind, Mo Ziye took out his mobile phone and called Xie Shuangxue: "Recently, Xiaozhu's training should not be too tight, and you can rely on her as much as possible according to her affairs. If her temper changes too much, don't worry about it. Just give me a call. Go buy her some nutritional supplements, don't make her work too hard."

On the other end of the phone, Xie Shuangxue was stunned for a while before saying, "Boss... Xiaozhu?"

"Well, if you have a baby in the game, you need to take good care of it in reality."

Xie Shuangxue was taken aback by Mo Ziye's tone of reason.

It took her a long time to come back to her senses after hanging up the phone, her heart was in a mess like running through countless grass mud horses.

After living in her twenties, she heard for the first time that pregnancy in the game also needs to be taken care of in reality.If it wasn't Mo Ziye who said this, she must have thrown the phone and cursed at her asshole.

But this was said by Mo Ziye, Xie Shuangxue knew that Mo Ziye would never joke with her.So after hanging up the phone, she went to buy a lot of nutritional products and came back, all of which nourished the body.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the several big boxes that Xie Shuangxue was holding, and said with black lines all over her head, "Sister Xue, do you think Emperor Ye asked you to buy it?"

"Well, women should take more supplements. They look good, are in good health, and are not prone to aging." Xie Shuangxue put on an expression of 'see how good the boss treats you', and opened the nutritional supplements one by one.

Ye Xiaozhu was speechless. Just when he was about to call Mo Ziye, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

"Hello, Xiao Zhuye, do you miss my sister?" Nan Anyang opened the door with a ruddy face and greeted excitedly.

"Where did you die? You haven't come to see me for so long. Is it really good to leave me and elope with Emperor Ran?" Ye Xiaozhu gave Nan Anyang a blank look, but saw Gu Qingran coming from the door with a faint smile on his face. walked in.

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback, and quickly pulled Nan Anyang kindly, and said sweetly: "Sister Yang, I miss you so much after a long time. Why don't you come to see me when you have time? Why don't you spend more time with Emperor Ran."

Nan Anyang said speechlessly: "Okay, stop flattering, Gu Qingran won't kill you."

Ye Xiaozhu said dog-leggedly: "Sister Yang, how can you even call yourself Emperor Ran by your first and last name? It's so disrespectful."

During this period of time, she swiped Weibo and could always see Gu Qingran's pursuit of Nan'anyang. She went up to book the entire restaurant, the entire theater, down to the roadside stalls and street shops.As long as there is Nan Anyang, there will be Gu Qingran.

A carload of flowers will also be sent to make the whole classroom full of fragrance.

It is really a car of flowers, or a sports car, and that sports car was also given to Nan Anyang in the end.

Ye Xiaozhu remembered that in the video on the Internet, Gu Qingran said that he said that the exclusive driver of that car belonged to Nan Anyang, so he also belonged to Nan Anyang.

He is obviously a member of a group, why is there such a difference in the level of love talk?

Ye Xiaozhu sighed for a long time, and said resentfully: "Sister Yang, why don't you go out with Emperor Ran to show your love and abuse dogs, what are you doing here? You don't want to abuse me in front of me, do you?"

Gu Qingran couldn't help laughing, "Little Zhuye, will you be abused by us?"

"Yes, after all, your rank is too high, and I'm alone now." Ye Xiaozhu lowered his head, his face full of resentment.

Nan Anyang rolled his big eyes twice, and said to Gu Qingran: "Didn't you come to the company to record, then go get busy, I'll talk to Xiao Zhuye."

"Okay, then don't stand for too long, sit on the sofa for a while." Gu Qingran warned before leaving.

Xie Shuangxue looked at the situation and said to Ye Xiaozhu: "I'll go and tell the vocal teacher that today's class will be late. You and Anyang can chat for a while first."

"Okay, thank you sister Xue." Ye Xiaozhu smiled sweetly.After Xie Shuangxue left, she immediately locked the door of the lounge, and then cautiously approached Nan Anyang, "Sister Yang, tell me, do you have Emperor Ran's child?"

"Huh?" Nan Anyang was taken aback by the question.

"If you didn't have Randi's child, how could Randi treat you so well all of a sudden? Could it be that she was really pregnant?" Ye Xiaozhu looked up and down, wishing he had a pair of see-through eyes.

Nan Anyang rolled his eyes to the sky, and didn't bother to pay attention to her. "My aunt just left the day before yesterday, and she is pregnant with your sister. Did you see this from the Internet?"

"Not pregnant?" Ye Xiaozhu touched Nan Anyang's belly in disbelief, as if she could feel it.

"Ye Xiaozhu! Just once, do you think Emperor Ran is a god, and you can hit it once?"

"Not without one hit." Ye Xiaozhu pouted her mouth, and suddenly looked at Nan Anyang in surprise. "Just once? Didn't pounce again after that? What are you doing these days?"

Nan Anyang raised his eyebrows angrily, and shook Ye Xiaozhu several times. "What the hell happened to you today? Maybe it's because my aunt is coming again, so she's insane? Do you dare to wake up my mother?"

"Well, I'm just jealous... Why can't you throw me down, but I can't. Hey..." Ye Xiaozhu sighed, feeling that the whole person is not well.

"Sister Yang, when are you going to take Emperor Ran home? Two days ago, Ouba called me and asked about you and Emperor Ran." Ye Xiaozhu changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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