Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 287 Follow Me From Now On

Chapter 287 Follow Me From Now On

Gu Yiwei stood up and bowed to Nan Anyang.

Nan Anyang was taken aback, and Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help being taken aback, not understanding why Gu Yiwei apologized suddenly.

According to their understanding of Gu Yiwei, Gu Yiwei is a complete princess sick girl, such things as apologizing to others will never happen to her, right?

Gu Yiwei bent over and couldn't see the awkwardness on the faces of the two of them, but said very seriously: "I'm sorry, I was wrong about the previous thing. I didn't respect you and regarded you as those women who deliberately approached my brother. hope you can forgive me."

Such a sudden apology made Nan Anyang very embarrassed.If she doesn't forgive, she will look petty, but if she forgives, she feels that she can't express the resentment in her heart.

Nan Anyang sighed, and said softly: "You stand up first, if this appearance is seen by others, it will be as if I am bullying you."

Gu Yiwei immediately stood up straight without any hesitation. "You didn't bully me. I want to apologize. It's what I did wrong before."

Judging by her attitude, Nan Anyang knew that she was not the kind of scheming bitch, so he apologized to her publicly, and then wanted Gu Qingran to catch him thinking that she was bullying Gu Yiwei.

Shrugging his shoulders, Nan Anyang realized that he had a big brain.She smiled and said softly: "Okay, for the sake of your apology, let's talk."

A look of joy flashed in Gu Yiwei's eyes, and then he said: "Well, then I will continue with the question just now, do you like my brother?"


Gu Yiwei asked anxiously: "What does it mean? Don't you like it that much? Do you have anyone else you like?"

"It's okay means it's okay." Nan Anyang spread his hands, feeling that it was easy to see Gu Yiwei's thoughts.

" like my brother, but not as much as my brother likes you, right?" Gu Yiwei hesitated, and said: "Although you don't like my brother that much, but my brother is very attractive, you I will definitely like him very much in the future. Then let me ask the second question, have you ever thought about spending a lifetime with my brother?"

"Why do you ask this?" Nan Anyang tilted his head, and couldn't help but want to tease Gu Yiwei.

Gu Yiwei said in a hurry: "I want to confirm what kind of feelings you have for my brother. It is rare for my brother to like others. If you don't want to live with my brother for the rest of your life, then leave my brother early. If you dare Playing with my brother's feelings, I will never let you go!"

Ye Xiaozhu, who was watching all this from the side, couldn't help laughing.She patted Gu Yiwei on the shoulder, let her sit down, and then said to Nan Anyang: "Sister Yang, is it interesting to tease children? She is so much younger than us, and she is so innocent, so don't tease her."

"Gu Yiwei, you like your brother very much, right?" Ye Xiaozhu looked at Gu Yiwei and sighed softly. "So, not only is Emperor Ran a sister control, but you are also a brother control?"

"What the hell is brother control?" Gu Yiwei pouted, and said in a low voice: "My brother looks very powerful, he is very good outside, and many people like him, but he is very lonely. When I was young, I took care of him. I, on the other hand, have to train to make money, it’s really hard. When I grew up, I met a bad woman, so my brother had to send me abroad. I was taken care of by my brother very well, and I lived in a big house abroad , There are many nannies and uncles who accompany me, but my brother has to stay in the country alone, working very hard to make money."

Gu Yiwei lowered her head, her voice became smaller and smaller. "My brother is really hard. Every time I video with him, he is very busy, making money all the time. I told my brother that I don't have to wear gorgeous clothes or crystal shoes, but my brother said that My parents give me all the love that my parents lack, and they want me to be the happiest princess in the world. In fact, my brother doesn’t know. I don’t remember what it’s like to have my parents for a long time. In my memory, my brother is everything to me. "

"So, Nan Anyang, if you don't like my brother because you are angry with me, I am willing to apologize to you. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it. As long as you like my brother, don't hate my brother because of me Just do it."

Gu Yiwei raised her head, her eyes filled with tears.

Nan Anyang was stunned for a moment, she couldn't say anything to such Gu Yiwei.Gu Yiwei is a princess who is very sick, but her feelings are very sincere.If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it, and you will never force yourself, nor will you hide your feelings.

She couldn't help thinking that Gu Qingran had talked to her. He said that the woman he met before would often bully Gu Yiwei while he was away, but Gu Yiwei never said anything, just because that woman was his girlfriend.

Such a pair of brothers and sisters think about each other, and would rather be sad and hurt than wish each other well.Their parents passed away, and there were only the two of them left in the world, and the two of them depended on each other for life.One is working hard to grow up, and the other is sensible and does not cry or make trouble.

Nan Anyang suddenly felt that she could not say anything to complain about Gu Yiwei, and could understand why Gu Yiwei said that to her in the first place.She is using her small shoulders to protect her brother, her only relative in the world.

"I like your brother very much."

Nan Anyang sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "I like your brother no less than he likes me. So, you don't have to worry."

"Really? That's great!" Gu Yiwei's eyes were full of tears, but she couldn't help laughing out loud. "I'm going to tell my brother that the person he likes also likes him, so he doesn't have to worry..."

"Hey! Don't go!" Nan Anyang grabbed Gu Yiwei and threatened with a blushing face: "If you dare to tell your brother about this, I will ignore him! I can do it!"

"Uh...why? Shouldn't you say it out loud if you like it?"

"There is no reason, you are still young, so you don't understand, you can't tell him anyway!" Nan Anyang clenched his fists and threatened Gu Yiwei, "From today onwards, you will follow me. I will change your temper, princess If you are sick or something, you will not be able to make friends. Also, you are dead, and you were raised so innocently by Gu Qingran, so you should be honest with me in the future."

"Oh... well, for the sake of you being my future sister-in-law." Gu Yiwei nodded, feeling happy from the bottom of her heart.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, and silently stepped aside.She felt that she was abused not only by Nan Anyang and Gu Qingran's affection, but also by Gu Yiwei and Gu Qingran's brother-sister relationship, the most important thing!Why do Nan Anyang and Gu Yiwei seem to be so in love!
That's her girlfriend...

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the sky resentfully, and silently took out her mobile phone to call Mo Ziye, she needed to talk and comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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