Chapter 288
It was in the afternoon, Mo Ziye had just finished an interview, and when Ye Xiaozhu was about to call, he received a call from Ye Xiaozhu.

When the exclusive ringtone set for her rang, Mo Ziye's lips curved gently.

"Ye Huang, I have been abused and need your support!" Ye Xiaozhu's pitiful voice came.

The smile on Mo Ziye's lips grew wider.He suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Hey, Emperor Ran and Sister Yang are here, and they came to the company to show their affection, and I was abused by them." Ye Xiaozhu said, looking at Nan Anyang and Gu Yiwei with a bit of aversion: "Then, I was also abused by Yang Sister and Yiwei are being abused, hey, I'm sad, I need Emperor Ye's comfort to get better."

"Yiwei went to the company?" Mo Ziye raised his voice slightly, "You didn't bully her, did you?"

"Hey, Emperor Ye, shouldn't you always care about whether I'm being bullied by her? It stands to reason that the two of us are in the same camp."

"Your fighting power is so high, I don't need to worry about it." Mo Ziye smiled lightly, and the fatigue of the past few days has disappeared a lot.

"Hmm, that doesn't sound good to my ears." Ye Xiaozhu pouted and said in a low voice, "Sister Yang and Yiwei are forming a clique in the classroom, and Emperor Ran is recording next door. I guess there will be some time after the recording is over." I want to come here to show my affection, so I plan to withdraw."

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is easy to accidentally hurt her poor dog that is left unattended.

Ye Xiaozhu stared, really ready to leave.

"Ye Xiaozhu, my sister-in-law said that she wants to have afternoon tea, will you go?"

As soon as she moved, Gu Yiwei waved at her. "Who are you calling? Could it be brother Ziye? I want to talk to brother Ziye too."

"No! It's not Mo Ziye, I'm talking to a very important person!" Ye Xiaozhu immediately refused.

Mo Ziye chuckled on the other end, half-closed his eyes and imagined her current appearance.It must be the look of a puppy guarding food with its teeth bared, right?Definitely super cute.

"Your important person is not brother Ziye? You are not loyal to brother Ziye. I want to call brother Ziye and ask him to dump you and stay with me!" Gu Yiwei pinched her waist, another Only hand holding mobile phone.

Nan Anyang pulled her back, and said in an elder tone: "Yiwei, this habit of yours is not good. If you call Mo Ziye, you are saying bad things about Xiao Zhuye behind your back. This behavior is very annoying. You To change."

"I called Brother Ziye in front of Ye Xiaozhu, isn't that considered speaking ill of her behind her back?" Gu Yiwei tilted her head, a little confused.

Nan Anyang was amused by her upright look, she had never seen someone who spoke ill of others so confidently. "Of course forget it. If I call your brother now and say that you don't like me and don't want me to be with your brother, what will you think?"

"I didn't say it."

"You've said it before."

"Er..." Gu Yiwei lowered her head, her curly hair drooping, like a repentant child.

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corner of her mouth, feeling inexplicably abused again. "Yehuang, did you hear the conversation between Sister Yang and Gu Yiwei just now? Well, the atmosphere between them is really weird."

Thinking of what Gu Yiwei said to Nan Anyang before, and thinking of Gu Yiwei's current attitude, Ye Xiaozhu has a feeling that a bad girl has been subdued, which is super weird.

"Yiwei's personality is not bad, but she was spoiled by Qingran." Mo Ziye said softly, "Give Yiwei the phone number, I'll have a word with her."

"Oh." Ye Xiaozhu responded, and handed the phone to Gu Yiwei.

Gu Yiwei picked it up with some doubts, and seemed very happy to hear Mo Ziye's voice.

Ye Xiaozhu hid aside and eavesdropped, but she couldn't hear what Mo Ziye said, she could only see Gu Yiwei nodding her head, and then she shed tears.

With her mouth open, she secretly pulled Nan Anyang to watch it together.

Gu Yiwei's tears kept falling, but she didn't make any sound.

She only saw her take a long breath, try to calm her voice, so that her voice could not be heard crying, and then said: "Well, brother Ziye, I understand, then do as you said, we will spend a while Goodbye time."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yiwei hung up the phone, watching the phone keep crying.

Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang stood aside, watching her silently.

After a few minutes, Gu Yiwei finally stopped crying. She put the phone aside, opened the handbag she carried with her, and began to touch up her makeup.

Ye Xiaozhu pushed Nan Anyang, and Nan Anyang said awkwardly: "Yiwei, are you okay?"

"Sister-in-law, I'm broken in love." Gu Yiwei choked up, but didn't shed any more tears.

Nan Anyang smiled, and didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "Well, Huang Ye is an idol, and there are many, many people who like him. He is with Xiao Zhuye, and you are not the only one who is broken in love. If you don't, you Hug and cry with fans?"

Ye Xiaozhu was speechless, "Sister Yang, is there someone who persuades you so much?"

Gu Yiwei nodded seriously, "Well, my sister-in-law is right, if brother Ziye announces his relationship, many fans will cry, and I will watch them cry when the time comes, and I will feel better that way .”

Ye Xiaozhu raised her eyebrows, not knowing how Gu Yiwei's brain circuit turned.

Gu Yiwei quietly touched up her makeup, carefully repairing the makeup on her face. After about ten minutes, except for her eyes were still a little red, she couldn't tell she had cried.

She put away the cosmetics, turned her head and asked Nan Anyang seriously, "Sister-in-law, brother won't be able to see that I'm crying, right?"

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She thought that Gu Yiwei was a person who cared a lot about her image, and she would touch up her makeup immediately after crying, but she didn't expect that she didn't want Gu Qingran to see it.

Thinking of the hot pot soup splashed on Gu Yiwei when they met last time, she didn't say anything.Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but look at Gu Yiwei with admiration.

Nan Anyang checked her makeup carefully before nodding: "Well, I can't see it."

"That's good." Gu Yiwei smiled and turned to look at Ye Xiaozhu seriously. "Brother Ziye told me a lot, so I understand. Although I can't bless you all now, I won't sue you again with Brother Ziye."

"Ye Xiaozhu, you have to be nice to my brother Ziye, otherwise I will still snatch brother Ziye back." Gu Yiwei's tone was very serious.

Ye Xiaozhu nodded and smiled generously: "I won't give you this chance."

The afternoon sun is lazy and charming, shining on Ye Xiaozhu, it seems to add a dazzling light to her, which cannot be ignored.

Gu Yiwei couldn't help looking at Ye Xiaozhu seriously, and for the first time found that she had the charm of a goddess.

But Ye Xiaozhu, who looks like a goddess in appearance, is complaining in her heart. She didn't expect that her rival in love would retreat without a fight, and she has no sense of accomplishment.

"Anyang, Yiwei, are you bored of waiting?" A clear and cold voice suddenly sounded, Gu Qingran pushed open the door of the vocal music classroom, and said lightly, "Xiao Zhuye, good afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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