Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 289 Your Lady Has Short Legs

Chapter 289 Your Lady Has Short Legs
Ye Xiaozhu looked at Gu Qingran speechlessly, and he was gentle and considerate when talking to his girlfriend and sister, and when he came to her, he just greeted him casually, the difference in treatment was too great.

"Yes, good afternoon Randi, you have worked hard recording songs, go back and rest quickly, and take your girlfriend and sister away by the way. My temple here is too small to accommodate those two great Buddhas." Ye Xiaozhu's tone was resentful And speechless, his eyes are full of lovelessness.

Gu Qingran was slightly taken aback, before he could speak, Gu Yiwei said: "Ye Xiaozhu, what's your attitude? Are you not happy when my brother talks to you? Do you know how many people are waiting for my brother?" Greetings, it is your honor to speak with my brother!"

With a straight face, Gu Qingran said seriously: "Yiwei, you can't talk like that. Did your teacher teach you to talk to others like this?"

"Brother..." Gu Yiwei pouted, staring at Ye Xiaozhu angrily.

Ye Xiaozhu glanced at Gu Qingran, then at Nan Anyang who was watching the excitement, and walked out with his phone in hand. "Emperor Ran, I still have class, you guys talk first, I'm going to class!"

She waved her hand and ran out of the classroom like flying, as if she would be turned into scum by the overflowing brother-sister love if she stayed a little longer.

Running back to her lounge in one breath, Ye Xiaozhu started the game to relax.Just went online, but saw Mo Ziye online.

(Private chat) Mo Ranziye said to you: "Madam, you are here."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked twice, checked the time before replying: "My lord, shouldn't you be preparing to shoot commercials now? Why do you have time to be online?"

"I am making up."

"Um, aren't you afraid that the makeup artist will see your account?"

"It's okay, it's my own." Mo Ziye smiled, and teleported to Ye Xiaozhu's little fox girl, and circled around the fox girl twice. "No change, are you sure you're really pregnant?"

Ye Xiaozhu jumped up and down, brought up her information bar, and said seriously: "Of course, the system shows that she is half a month pregnant, quack, it takes 20 days to give birth to a baby in reality, and according to the ten pregnancy Calculated monthly, one day in reality is half a month in the game. I have just been pregnant for half a month, so of course nothing has changed."

"Really." Mo Ziye smiled, and said coolly: "You are so short, even if you are ten months pregnant, there is probably no change. Let's go."

"Where are you going? I can't do dungeons right now. I need to reduce fighting, or I will have a miscarriage." Ye Xiaozhu looked at her status reminder, speechless.

The pregnancy system of "Sword Dance World" is very realistic. After pregnancy, the combat effectiveness of female players will decrease little by little. If there are too many fights, it is easy to miscarry.Moreover, the number of miscarriages is too many, and it is easy to infertility in the future.

"Master Xianggong, do you think the person who designed this program is a woman? Or the one who has given birth to a baby, otherwise how would he know so many things. He even specially reminded that it is not easy to exercise vigorously in the first three months of pregnancy, and it is not easy to have a bridal chamber during pregnancy... Ah, so speechless." Ye Xiaozhu looked at the system prompt and was speechless.

Mo Ziye smiled, "Who knows, when you go to film the promotional MV of "Sword Dance World" in a few days, you can ask them, maybe it's the same as your guess."

"Yeah, there are still ten days left to shoot the MV. I'm so nervous. Sister Xue took me to measure the size yesterday, as if she wanted to customize clothes. Sister Xue also said that these days let me lose weight and be thinner for the camera. It's pretty."

"No need to lose weight, this is just right." Mo Ziye said flatly: "The body proportions are good, too thin doesn't look good."

Ye Xiaozhu blushed, and asked in a low voice, "My lord, is there anyone at your place who can see your screen?"

Mo Ziye turned his head and winked at the makeup artist who was putting on makeup. The makeup artist showed a knowing smile and walked out of the dressing room.

Mo Ziye was the only one left in the dressing room. He turned on the team voice and said flatly, "There is no one else."

Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, and said excitedly: "My lord, do you know that I have a good figure, is it because I am comfortable to hold? Quack~"

"It's okay, I just have your size data." Mo Ziye hooked his lower lip, his eyes were full of doting, but he said coolly: "After measuring your size yesterday, Xie Shuangxue sent your size data Sent it to me."

"Um, Sister Xue is too fast." Ye Xiaozhu said quietly: "But I still need to lose weight. I heard that breasts are the first thing to lose weight. Don't you like girls with a lot of meat? Breast reduction."

"It's just right, there's no need to reduce it." Mo Ziye raised his eyes, but he didn't expect Ye Xiaozhu to remember such words.Couldn't she hear that it was just an excuse? "Let's take a walk in the city. Proper walking is good for the fetus."

"Oh." Ye Xiaozhu followed behind Mo Ziye, walking in the city.

The town level is not high, but it is very beautiful. There are cherry blossom trees everywhere, and the light pink cherry blossoms are falling, which is extremely beautiful.The music is also a melodious piano sound, which is particularly artistic.

After walking for a while, Ye Xiaozhu still couldn't help but said: "Master Xianggong, you obviously don't like girls with a lot of flesh, isn't it just right for me to lose weight?"

"There is a deck chair under the cherry blossom tree over there, go and lie down for a while." Mo Ziye ignored her, but changed the subject.

"Oh, okay." The fox girl lay on the recliner, watching the cherry blossoms falling from the sky, with an expression of enjoyment on her delicate face.

"Master Xianggong, you know a lot of people, help me to ask which hospital does a good breast reduction operation, I will find a time to shrink." Ye Xiaozhu continued to speak, her ethereal voice was full of seriousness.

"It's enough to lie down. Let's continue walking. There is a small lake in front of us. Let's go boating."

"I just lay down..." Ye Xiaozhu said, but Mo Ranziye was already walking towards the small lake.

She got up quickly and chased after him with small steps. "Master in front, walk slowly, your wife has short legs and can't keep up with you."

"Know that you have short legs, concentrate on walking, don't talk too much." Mo Ranziye stopped aside, his handsome face exuded endless domineering.

Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, walked to his side, and couldn't help but said, "My lord, are you really not going to help me find a hospital, then I can only ask Sister Xue to help me find it."

"Do you dare?" Mo Ziye said coldly: "Ye Xiaozhu, if you dare to go to the hospital for breast reduction, I will throw you out."

"But don't you dislike girls with lots of meat?" Ye Xiaozhu asked back, with an unconcealable smile hidden in her voice.

Mo Ziye's ears turned red, and he didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"You obviously like it, why do you pretend to hate it?" Ye Xiaozhu sighed faintly, with a smile in his eyes. "Don't all of you men like women with big breasts? How could anyone like women with small breasts? My lord, you are so hypocritical."

"Ye Xiaozhu, have you had enough trouble?" Mo Ziye squeezed out his deep voice from between his teeth: "Do you think I'm pregnant so I won't dare to punish you?"

(End of this chapter)

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