Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 290 Let Her Live In Your House

Chapter 290 Let Her Live In Your House

Ye Xiaozhu looked at these two words, rolled his big eyes twice, and smiled: "My lord, what did you say to Gu Yiwei just now?"

There was a lot of flattery and flattery in the ethereal voice, and he began to change the subject.

Mo Ziye couldn't help smiling, with a doting smile on his sexy thin lips.He pretended not to hear that Ye Xiaozhu was changing the subject, and said softly, "Want to know?"

"Of course I did."

After all, it was a conversation between her boyfriend and her love rival, so she naturally wanted to know.

"Then promise me one condition."

"Agreed again?" Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes, she really didn't know where her family Emperor Ye came from to ask her so many conditions.

Mo Ziye hummed lightly, "I won't tell you if I don't agree."

"...Well, if you agree, you will agree. Anyway, if you have too much debt, you won't worry about it." Ye Xiaozhu pouted and shrugged her shoulders indifferently.Anyway, her family Ye Huang would not sell her. "I agree, tell me what you said to Gu Yiwei."

"I told her that her feelings for me were not liking, but just a family love affair."

"and then?"

"Even if she is not with me, she can come to live with me."

"Ah? Let her live at your house?!" Ye Xiaozhu was shocked.

Mo Ziye said very calmly: "Well, didn't I tell you that Yiwei often went to my house for dinner when she was a child, and my parents thought she was very pitiful and took good care of her. Yiwei was very lonely when she was a child, Qingran had to train I can’t be with her during the day, and my mother is with her most of the time, even if she goes abroad, she will call my mother every day. Anyway, I don’t go home, so she can still be with my parents when she goes.”

"The reason why she said she likes me is that she wants to be with me, and then go to my house to live in a legitimate way. Her feelings for me are similar to those for Qingran. It's the kind of brother plot. But she is still young, Qingran She is so well protected that she hasn't been out of the house a few times abroad, and hasn't had contact with other boys, so naturally she confuses her feelings for me."

Ye Xiaozhu opened her mouth in surprise: "Isn't it? Foreign countries are so open, she doesn't even know what it feels like to like? How can you study without going out?"

"Qingran hired private tutors for her. They are all female private tutors from noble colleges. They teach her various courses and etiquette at home."

"Well...Gu Yiwei was not only pitiful when she was a child, but also so pitiful when she grew up." Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corners of her mouth and said in disbelief: "I didn't expect that sister Randi would control her to such an extent that she wouldn't let Gu Yiwei go. Academy, no wonder her princess is so seriously ill."

Mo Ziye lowered his eyes, not wanting Ye Xiaozhu to misunderstand Gu Qingran, so he said: "Yiwei is Qingran's only relative in this world, he always feels indebted to Yiwei, so he works hard to make money, and takes the best in the world I gave it all to Yiwei. But not being able to stay with Yiwei made him feel very guilty, so he was much more careful in protecting him."

"Cough... Lord Xianggong, so it is said that Emperor Ran's character of wild goose plucking hairs is also there in reality, right?"

Mo Ziye couldn't help laughing: "Well, almost. Every time he goes out, except for sponsors and advertisers' arrangements, he hardly spends a penny."

"Fortunately, you are popular now. Clothes, shoes and socks, and accessories are all sponsored. Countless sponsors rushed to give them to you. Otherwise, Emperor Ran would not go out naked, hahaha." Ye Xiaozhu smiled, and suddenly said: " Huh? Saying so, Emperor Ran is still very kind to Sister Yang, sending a car of roses and a sports car, it is considered a hemorrhage."

Mo Ziye turned his eyes to the side, and said a little bluntly: "The card I gave you is an unlimited black card, you can buy whatever you like. No matter what kind of sports car, you can afford it."

In this life, he has never even bought gifts for his family members. He has given them money, cards, or asked others to buy them and send them back. He never thought that he should buy them himself.

"Eh..." Ye Xiaozhu blinked, not knowing how to answer Mo Ziye's words.If you always want to give her a gift, shouldn't you buy it yourself?Give her a card and let her buy it herself, what is that?No sincerity at all.

The two were silent for a moment, and the makeup artist knocked on the door to remind: "Brother Ye, the scene is almost done, can I come in?"

Mo Ziye hummed lightly, but did not turn off the team voice.

When Ye Xiaozhu heard someone coming in, he stopped talking.

There was a rare silence between the two. Mo Ziye flew the character to Xiaohu's boat, and Ye Xiaozhu also flew to the boat.

The turquoise lake is covered with golden sunlight, and occasionally cherry blossoms fall, fluttering and falling on the lake, making shallow ripples.

The leisurely and elegant sound of the piano is both romantic and elegant.

The makeup artist looked at the screen. He didn't know that Mo Ziye was using the team voice, and while putting on makeup on Mo Ziye, he said: "Brother Ye, I didn't expect you to be so romantic, and you would take your wife to go shopping. Eye-opening. I don’t know if the lady in your game is your fan, but if she is, then she must be the luckiest knight in the world.”

Mo Ziye hummed lightly, as if wanting to break the atmosphere of silence with Ye Xiaozhu, he said, "My wife saved the entire galaxy in her previous life, and she is now an enemy of the entire universe."

"Hahaha, Brother Ye, you are so interesting. I have been with you for so long, and this is the first time I know that you are so humorous." The makeup artist laughed, and Ye Xiaozhu on the other end blushed in embarrassment.

"I saved the Milky Way in my previous life, and then turned against the entire universe", isn't that what she said at Ye Huang's concert?I didn't expect Emperor Ye to remember it for so long...

Ye Xiaozhu thought for a while, and sent a team message.

Zhulin Tingyu: "Master Xianggong, I'm offline."

Mo Ziye closed his eyes, moved his fingertips, and replied, "Go and buy what you like."

Ye Xiaozhu rolled her eyes, it was stuck in her hand, of course she would buy it herself, but she wanted sincerity.

The makeup artist glanced at the screen and couldn't help but said, "Brother Ye, are you also so domineering in the game? If you want to give someone a gift, you have to buy it yourself to be sincere. Giving someone money directly is a big discount." .”

"Buy it yourself?" Mo Ziye tilted his head.

On the other hand, Ye Xiaozhu kept nodding, saying that the makeup artist brother was so right, he just said something she couldn't say, mighty!

The make-up artist still didn't know that Ye Xiaozhu could hear him, but continued to live up to Ye Xiaozhu's hope: "Yes, you can only be sincere if you buy it yourself. You know what your girlfriend likes, and then you buy it for her. It came out of nowhere. It was a surprise, so romantic!"

"If you give money to let your girlfriend buy it by herself, no matter how expensive the purchase is, people won't like it. People who are not sincere can easily find a girlfriend."

Mo Ziye couldn't help lowering his eyes, and found that what the makeup artist said was similar to what Ye Xiaozhu often said. Could it be that he would really have no girlfriend by doing this?
He tilted his head and asked softly: "If you are handsome, you will be forgiven even if you are less sincere?"

(End of this chapter)

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