Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 292 Laughing Like a Fox

Chapter 292 Laughing Like a Fox
After sending the message, Ye Xiaozhu turned on the computer and started playing games.

At this time, Mo Ziye was on the plane and couldn't see her message, so Ye Xiaozhu didn't expect to receive a reply from Mo Ziye.

When I started the game, the petite and delicate fox girl appeared in the center of the screen, but the difference was that the current fox girl was much bloated and her belly bulged.

The pregnancy time is nine days, which is four and a half months according to the game, and the bulge in the lower abdomen is already clearly visible.

Ye Xiaozhu logged into the game and directly appeared in the wedding room. Just after he appeared, the system prompt sounded.

System prompt: You have received a package from player Mo Ranziye, please pay attention to check it.

She sighed leisurely, opened the package, and there was a bowl of soup inside.

Soup is the so-called anti-fetal medicine, which is released when the baby system is updated, and can be bought in pharmacies and restaurants in the game.Since the last time he went shopping, Mo Ziye would buy her this soup every day.

To be honest, Ye Xiaozhu thinks she doesn't need it at all. First, she doesn't fight monsters, doesn't do strenuous exercise, and doesn't need to drink medicine at all; walk.The last point, which is also the most important point, is because this miscarriage medicine is too expensive, a bowl of 100 gold coins is equivalent to [-] RMB.

Tucao, she still drank the tocolytic, after all, she bought everything, and it would be more wasteful not to drink.

After drinking the medicine, Ye Xiaozhu went to wander around the city.The city I went to today is Luoyang City, a [-]th-level town. The town is antique, with small bridges, weeping willows, and stone roads. NPCs are also wearing ancient clothes. Walking in Luoyang City, there will be a feeling of time travel.

Although Ye Xiaozhu has reached the full level, he still thinks that the low-level maps are the most pleasing to the eye, and he likes to come to low-level towns the most.

After wandering around the city for a while, she saw the scenery outside the city, hesitated for a while but did not leave the city.You can PK when you go out of the city, what if you encounter someone attacking her?
She is pregnant with Liujia now, and she can't afford to die.

After wandering around for a while, Ye Xiaozhu found a quiet and artistic place to practice alchemy.Since she was pregnant, whenever Mo Ziye was not around, she would find a quiet and artistic place to practice alchemy, and then turn on the world channel and the gang channel to spy on the screen.

The world channel is very calm, there are chatterers, and there are also professional businessmen using their horns.In comparison, the gang channel is much more lively.

Please eat Chongchong: "Did you see what I said? Don't believe me, this is inside information! Mo Ziye is really going to endorse "Sword Dance World", and I heard that the MV will be filmed tomorrow!"

Da Zonggong: "Okay, okay, we saw it. We also believe it, okay? By the way, you can also say that Gu Qingran also endorsed it."

Tengsha Karaka: "I also believe it. After all, "Sword Dance World" is still very powerful. If we can invite both of them to endorse at the same time, how much will the endorsement fee be?"

Liuli in the night: "That's right, I also believe it. After all, "Sword Dance World" is popular all over the country, so there must be money."

General attack: "However, Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran are people who can't afford to hire even if they have money, hahaha. Alright, let's make an appointment, and the daily copy will be deducted by 1."

Invite you to eat Chongchong: "You don't believe me? I'm an insider, it's accurate! I heard that the MV will be filmed tomorrow!"

Liuli at night: "We believe it, and we didn't say we didn't believe it. Mr. Zonggong, bring me a daily dungeon. 111"

The second most handsome man in the world: "+1."

Ziyan Guanglong: "+1."


Seeing this, Ye Xiaozhu, who was watching the screen, couldn't help but smile.

Invite you to eat worms: "You people, you all say you believe me, you will really shoot the MV tomorrow!"

Zhulin Tingyu: "I believe in you! I will definitely shoot the MV tomorrow!"

Invite you to eat insects: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

Ye Xiaozhu hid in front of the computer and laughed, of course she believed it, because tomorrow she was going to shoot the MV with Ye Huang.

"Brother Chongchong, where did you hear this news?"

Please eat insects: "Quack, of course I got the inside information. It took a lot of effort! It's a pity that I told these guys, but they didn't take it seriously, huh! When the news is released, some When they regret it!"

Ye Xiaozhu nodded in agreement, knowing that the words of asking you to eat Chongchong are true, and when the news comes out, those who ignore the news will regret it to death.

General Gong: "Mrs. Gang Leader, do you really believe what Chongchong says? How could Mo Ziye endorse "Sword Dance World"?"

Liuli in the night: "That's right, Miss Xiaozhu, don't believe what Chongchong said, he is inaccurate. Let me tell you, in fact, I am a reporter by profession, and I haven't even heard about it. How could Chongchong's words be true?" Really."

Invite you to eat worms: "Damn it! You are a reporter! Then be careful what you say. If you expose me, I will be hard to guard against."

Liuli at night: "Bah! Who has the time to gossip about you? You're not a celebrity."

Zhulin Tingyu: "Liuli, so you are a reporter, you are so good, you must have seen many big stars!"

Liuli in the night: "It's okay, I'm just a reporter from a tabloid office, and I haven't seen a few real big stars. Why don't I have time to play games with everyone every day. But to be honest, my news must be smarter than everyone's." One point, if Emperor Ye really got an endorsement, I would know for sure."

Ye Xiaozhu smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, and complained silently in his heart: It seems that Liuli's newspaper office is really small.

But this time the MV endorsement matter seems to be tightly sealed, no news has leaked out, and there is no news about her fan base.

Thinking about it, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but be very impressed with inviting you to eat worms.It seems that I invite you to eat insects and meet people in "Sword Dance World" must be very powerful.

Everyone started chatting in the gang, "Please eat worms" and "Night Liuli" started a fierce verbal war, and the entire gang channel was dominated by them.

Ye Xiaozhu thought for a while, and a calculating cunning flashed in his eyes. "Don't swipe the screen, you two, why don't you make a bet."

Invite you to eat bugs: "What are you betting on?"

Zhulin Tingyu: "Just bet on whether Mo Ziye will shoot the MV for the endorsement of "Sword Dance World", within three days from now, if Mo Ziye really has to shoot the MV for "Sword Dance World", then it will be Brother Chongchong Win. If the MV is not filmed within three days, Liuli will win, how about it?"

Liuli in the night: "Yes! I don't believe that your news is better than that of a reporter like me! If Chongchong wins, I will recognize him as the boss, and serve him with tea and water from now on. If he loses, I will give him I will be your younger brother, dare you?"

Invite you to eat worms: "Okay! It's settled like this, don't admit it if you lose!"

The two reached an agreement, Ye Xiaozhu squinted his big eyes, and smiled like a fox: "It's just you two betting, it's so boring. How about this, I bet Brother Chong Chong to win, and the bet is a full-level orange outfit. Liuli won?"

(End of this chapter)

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