Chapter 293

Bengsha Karaka: "Quack, I like the one with the bet. I'll bet on Liuli to win, and the bet is also a full-level orange outfit!"

The second handsome man in the world: "I bet [-] gold coins, Liuli will win."

Ziyan Guanglong: "I will add [-] gold coins, and Liuli will win."


As soon as Ye Xiaozhu's proposal came out, most players in the gang began to participate.The players they ganged up with were all local tyrants who were too idle and rich, and the lowest bidder was [-] gold coins.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at everything with a smile, while she silently counted from the side.

After more than ten minutes, everyone's enthusiasm dissipated.Ye Xiaozhu checked the statistics he had calculated one by one, and then said very righteously: "Okay, everyone's bet is like this, please confirm. Betting on Brother Chongchong won a total of 15 gold coins and three sets of orange outfits, betting on Liuli to win." The total is [-] million gold coins plus ten sets of orange outfits. Since I proposed this bet, I will be the banker. All brothers and sisters who trust me, please post the bet you just made to my mailbox , wait until three days later, or after the news of the MV shooting is confirmed, I will distribute these bets to everyone, how about it?"

Invite you to eat Chongchong: "OK! I can trust my little sister-in-law. Your husband is so rich that he won't miss this little thing from us. I'll post the bet first."

Bengsha Karaka: "The things have been mailed, and my sister-in-law has made a record."

General Gong: "It's been posted, you've worked hard to help the lady, okay?"


Ye Xiaozhu's system notifications began to ring non-stop, all of which were reminders of receiving new emails.She carefully compared everyone's bets with the mailed items before announcing: "Okay, the bet has been established, let's wait for three days."

Please eat worms: "Sister-in-law, you support me so much, believe me, I will never let you lose."

Ye Xiaozhu smiled like a fox who stole meat, extremely treacherous.But the reply message was full of strong emotion: "Brother Chongchong, you are so kind to me, even if the news is false, I will support you."

Inviting you to eat insects without knowing it was a mess, I didn't expect Ye Xiaozhu to be so kind to him.At this moment, I want you to eat worms, and I can't wait to show my heart to Ye Xiaozhu: "Sister-in-law, with your words, no matter what happens in the future, I will stand behind you! Even if you fight against the boss, I will support you! "

Ye Xiaozhu smiled and accepted your loyalty to eat Chongchong, and took the calculator to calculate how much money she could make from this bet.

After playing until ten o'clock, Xie Shuangxue came over to urge her to sleep.The MV will be filmed tomorrow, so she needs to go to bed early to look better.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the time and said with a bit of resentment: "Emperor Ye is still on the plane. He got off the plane in the early morning, and it will be one o'clock before arriving at the hotel. He will be able to go to bed at two o'clock at the earliest. Will he be very tired?"

"Ye Huang has good skin, and it doesn't matter if his complexion is a little bit worse. The MV to be shot tomorrow is very important to you. When you become famous in the future, this MV will be replayed by countless media as a classic. You must shoot better. Go to sleep." Xie Shuangxue turned off Ye Xiaozhu's computer and watched her go to bed before leaving.

Ye Xiaozhu thought that she would be too nervous to fall asleep, but she fell asleep after lying down for a while.

When Mo Ziye got off the plane, it was already half past midnight. As soon as he got off the plane, he saw Ye Xiaozhu's message. He curled his lips into an extremely charming smile.

Do you sleep?It looked like he was adding another item to his plan.

On the car back to the hotel, Mo Ziye asked Xiao Jiu: "Is Xiao Zhu asleep?"

Xiao Jiu was taken aback, picked up the phone and said, "Brother Ye, do you want me to call Miss Xiao Zhu?"

Mo Ziye shook his head and said flatly, "Call Xie Shuangxue."

Xiao Jiu's hands froze for a moment, and the phone almost slipped from his hands.So Brother Ye, you asked him because you wanted him to call Xie Shuangxue, right?He was afraid that Miss Xiaozhu would wake her up if she fell asleep, so if he called Xie Shuangxue, wouldn't he be afraid of waking up Xie Shuangxue? !

Xiao Jiu showed a stiff smile and called Xie Shuangxue, but she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Mo Ziye, expressing deep admiration for his behavior of pampering Zhuzi.

After getting the news that Ye Xiaozhu had fallen asleep, Mo Ziye remained silent all the way.After returning to the hotel to take a shower and change his clothes, he asked for Ye Xiaozhu's room card from Xie Shuangxue.

Ignoring the surprised eyes of Xie Shuangxue and Xiao Jiu, he opened the door of Ye Xiaozhu's room and walked in.

Outside the door, Xie Shuangxue didn't feel sleepy at all. She looked at the door in a daze, and then pushed Xiao Jiu after a long while: "Has the relationship between BOSS and Xiao Zhu developed to this level?"

"I don't know... I just found out..."

Xiao Jiu was even more surprised. After being stunned for a while, he pulled Xie Shuangxue away: "Let's go and find the hotel manager. We can't keep the video on this floor tonight."

Xie Shuangxue followed quickly. In order to protect the privacy of Mo Ziye and Ye Xiaozhu, the video on this floor of the hotel cannot be kept tonight.


Using the key card to open the door, Mo Ziye walked lightly and walked carefully to Ye Xiaozhu's bedside.

She turned on the bedside lamp, and the gentle light shone on her face, adding a touch of softness.

Mo Ziye walked lightly to the side of the bed, and carefully described her appearance with his eyes.

We haven't seen each other for half a month, and he misses her very much.

He has been working non-stop for half a month, and he only sleeps two or three hours a day, in order to finish the announcement quickly and spare the days after the National Day, because he has more important things to do.

In the bright star pupils, there is a soft light.

Mo Ziye squinted his eyes lightly, as if looking at the most precious treasure, he couldn't bear to blink.

After staring at Ye Xiaozhu for a long time, he couldn't help reaching out and touching her little face.

Ye Xiaozhu moved slightly, as if feeling itchy, raised her small hand to sweep Mo Ziye's big hand.Immediately, his body moved and turned to the side.

Her snow-white arms were exposed, and the suspender skirt was loose, revealing a large area of ​​her shoulders, and her snow-white chest could be faintly seen under the quilt.

Mo Ziye was taken aback for a moment, and his pupils shrank suddenly, rendering them dark.

After a long time, he smiled wryly, forced himself to look aside, and carefully stretched out his hand to cover Ye Xiaozhu with the quilt.

The quilt was just tugged, but Ye Xiaozhu hugged her arm.

Through the quilt, Mo Ziye could feel her soft flesh.

Like a kitten, Ye Xiaozhu rubbed against Mo Ziye's arm, sleeping contentedly.

Mo Ziye's whole body was stiff, and he leaned over, not daring to move.

After a while, he couldn't help smiling.That day when Ye Xiaozhu went to his room to crawl on the bed and was dragged onto the bed by him, it was the same as him now, right?Didn't even dare to move.

Is this retribution?

Mo Ziye smiled helplessly, pondered for a moment, turned over carefully on the bed, hugged Ye Xiaozhu through the quilt, and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, Ye Xiaozhu opened her eyes, she was in a daze for a moment, her first feeling was that she was very tired, and there was a heavy weight on her waist.

She turned her head and saw Mo Ziye's magnified handsome face at a glance.

Ye Xiaozhu was startled, her body shook involuntarily, waking up the sleeping Mo Ziye.

Opening his eyes, Mo Ziye saw that Ye Xiaozhu was in a stunned state like a surprised rabbit.He smiled and said lightly, "Morning."

(End of this chapter)

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