Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 446 Signed the most important name

Chapter 446 The Most Important Name Ever Signed

Mo Ziye's indifferent tone was clear and cold, but the last sentence 'You don't want to live anymore? 'Suddenly raised up, which contains a lot of threats.

In the past, when Ye Xiaozhu heard this kind of tone, he would immediately beg for mercy.But today Ye Xiaozhu didn't respond at all. She looked at Su Jun's company information seriously and completely ignored Mo Ziye.

"Ma'am, you..."

"Don't talk." Ye Xiaozhu stretched out a hand to cover Mo Ziye's mouth, still reading the information seriously.

Mo Ziye's eyes were dark, and the color inside became darker and darker.When he was about to reach the limit, Ye Xiaozhu finally let him go.

"Strange, why do you feel that their company's introduction is very good? I can't see the clue at all."

Muttering, Ye Xiaozhu searched the pictures and found that in the eyes of passers-by, Su Jun's manager was very kind to Su Jun, holding an umbrella for him and getting him water, just like other managers. .

"It turns out that Su Jun's manager is still a beautiful woman, very pretty." Would such a beautiful woman be as powerful as the manager who abused those little girls in 'CAT'?

Thinking about it, Ye Xiaozhu moved her fingertips again, and Mo Ziye, who had been neglected all this time, grabbed her hand.

"Ye Xiaozhu, do you believe that I will make you regret it?"

"Regret? Why do you make me regret?" Ye Xiaozhu looked back at Mo Ziye, and said provocatively, "Do you still want to find some newcomers to come over and say hello to you? Or do you agree to other women sitting next to you? "

Mo Ziye paused, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ye Xiaozhu withdrew his finger and bared his teeth at Mo Ziye.Then go ahead and search for 'Baby-Cat'.

She was on the web page of pictures, and all the hottest pictures of 'Baby-Cat' were found when she searched, but when she saw the pictures, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"This...those girls were hacked?" She raised her eyebrows, looking at those extremely ugly photos.The pores on everyone's face are clearly visible, as well as those eye-catching red acne marks. "How did the bare-faced photos of those girls get exposed? It's almost unrecognizable without makeup."

"Who told them that the photo of the wife needs PS, I just want them to take a good look at their own appearance." Mo Ziye said flatly.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help raising the eyebrows, "So, you sent these photos of them?"

"No, I just bought some unedited pictures from the front line and let them release them."

"Okay... black-bellied... No matter how I say it, I have had a relationship with you for a while." Ye Xiaozhu muttered, moving a little away from Mo Ziye.

Mo Ziye stared at Ye Xiaozhu, with a bit of complaint in his tone: "I didn't say a word to them that day, I just let them into the lounge. It's not like Madam, who gave Su Jun a thumbs up and sent a private message , What a fun chat."

"I..." Ye Xiaozhu blinked, it was rare to see Mo Ziye's expression, and couldn't help but playfully said, "I'm happy, you bit me?"

"Ma'am, jealous men are very scary. I will not only bite you, but also punish you." Mo Ziye squinted his eyes and threw himself at Ye Xiaozhu.

The two quarreled on the sofa for a long time, but they fell asleep very early.The two of them got up before three o'clock the next day. After putting on their makeup, they went to take morning photos, and went to the beach to take two sets of wedding photos.

I was busy until four o'clock in the afternoon before the filming was finished.

Mo Ziye picked out the wedding photos on the spot, and Ye Xiaozhu picked them out for a while, and found that every one was very beautiful.Not to mention that the photographers are very good, the main reason is that after having Mo Ziye, the whole photo becomes more handsome.

Her man is handsome~
The nympho laughed for a while, and Ye Xiaozhu felt tricky, so he sat in the car and played with his mobile phone.

The first thing she went to was naturally Weibo, and found that the official Weibo of 'The King' had sent a lawyer's letter, and Mo Ziye's personal agency 'Princess Project' had also sent a lawyer's letter.Netizens have already rioted, shouting to tear it apart.

Not to be outdone, Han Ying continued to break the news, not afraid of the lawyer's letter at all.He even publicly admitted that Mo Ziye played "Sword Dance World", and threatened Mo Ziye that if he did not withdraw the lawyer's letter, she would disclose his account information.

When it comes to games, some netizens broke the news about Ye Xiaozhu playing games yesterday.After the news that Ye Xiaozhu asked Han Ying to kneel broke out, she was still in the mood to play games and had no intention of repenting at all.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at it twice, curled her mouth, and didn't bother to talk about it.

"Xiaozhu, the boss is looking for you." Xie Shuangxue opened the car door and called Ye Xiaozhu out.

Mo Ziye had already selected the photos, and even edited some of them.He waved his hand and said to Ye Xiaozhu: "Ma'am, take a look at which of these photos you like, let them refine them, and if you are satisfied, you can post them on the Internet."

"Okay." Ye Xiaozhu carefully chose with his head down.

The wedding photos taken in such a quick way always give people a feeling of being too anxious, but Mo Ziye did it very carefully, whether it was the wedding dress or all kinds of locations, it was the best. Although there was not much time to prepare, Ye Xiaozhu has no regrets at all.

She carefully selected a few photos, and then told Mo Ziye.Mo Ziye asked the artist to refine it.

After about half an hour, the seven photos were repaired, and Mo Ziye uploaded them to his mobile phone and posted them on Weibo. "Ma'am, go and reprint."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded and reposted Mo Ziye's Weibo.

Mo Ziye: The most important name I have ever signed in my life is on the marriage certificate. '

After Ye Xiaozhu reposted it, she replied: "Yehuang's little public opinion: The most important signature in my life is on the marriage certificate." '

After reposting, Ye Xiaozhu opened the picture and took a closer look. In addition to the seven wedding photos, there were two marriage certificates attached to the Weibo.One is two small red books placed together, but the other is open, and the date can be seen on it.

After the two microblogs were sent out, the comments exploded in an instant, not only Mo Ziye's place, but also Ye Xiaozhu's place was captured by netizens.

"Shuangye (Ye) CP group: ... completely dumbfounded, okay... it really made me guess right... I... I need to go quietly..."

"Sansheng is lucky to meet you: this is... married... the registration time is October 10st, I... I also need to go quietly... sisters, see you on the rooftop. '

"Hua Mulan who served in the army for her father: This is the fastest couple of stars I have ever seen admit to marriage.Just two days after announcing the relationship, it was confirmed...the wedding photos are still so beautiful...look for quiet people on the rooftop, take me one...'

'It's so beautiful: am I the only one who notices the time?Emperor Ye's last Weibo post indicated November 11st, and today is November 21st. Is this a special day?My husband has been robbed by others, why should I be so witty... Woohoo, I want to go to the rooftop too...'

(End of this chapter)

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