Chapter 447

Ye Xiaozhu looked down at the comments with a smug smile on his face.

Mo Ziye leaned close to her and asked in a low voice, "What are you laughing at?"

"The women whose husbands were robbed by me are going to form a group to go to the rooftop, and I'm watching the fun."

"I didn't expect Madam to be so charming. There are so many men that girls like, but they like Madam. Can I interview Madam how she feels now?"

Mo Ziye smiled lowly, and stretched out his hand to run along Ye Xiaozhu's hair.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked and said seriously: "Well, if you use one word to describe it, it's 'cool', if you use three words to describe it, it's 'cool', and if you use two words to describe it, it's 'want to tear it up'."

"Ma'am, please pay attention to the order of 'one, two, three', don't mess it up."

"I'm happy~ At least until now, no one has scolded me for being unworthy of you, and I really want to know how Han Ying will react." Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, and really wanted to know what Han Ying's reaction would be.

"If Madam wants to know, you can call her. But I don't agree with this matter. We can wait until we go back tomorrow, in front of the national audience..."

"Hit now."

Before Mo Ziye could finish speaking, Ye Xiaozhu hugged his arm and said excitedly, "Call now, I'm going to call her right now."

Her excited eyes lit up, and Mo Ziye couldn't refuse, so he could only say: "Okay, then fight now."

He took out his mobile phone, found Han Ying's phone number and dialed it. "This is Han Ying's private number. Few people know it. Her current phone number should be blown up, and I don't know if this number can be connected."

The phone rang twice, Ye Xiaozhu pressed the phone to his ear, and Han Ying's voice came over. "Ziye, you finally called me, you figured it out, right?"

Ye Xiaozhu raised his eyebrows, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and he didn't speak.

The silence at this end didn't make Han Ying feel strange, because Han Ying called Mo Ziye in the same way many times before. Most of the time, she was talking to herself, and Mo Ziye didn't answer.

On the other end of the phone, there was a faint sigh from Han Ying. "Ziye, actually, I don't want to treat you like this, and I don't want to slander you, but what you did really disappointed me. How could you get involved with that bitch?"

Ye Xiaozhu still didn't speak, Han Ying paused, and said hastily: "I, I take back what I just said, Ziye, I know you like Ye Xiaozhu now, I won't call her a slut, don't you Get angry, okay? I already know I was wrong. If you can take back the lawyer’s letter and let me come back to you, I will remove those words on the Internet and won’t interfere with you and Ye Xiaozhu anymore. You guys I can do whatever I want, I... can I wait for you to change your mind?"

"Ziye...Ziye? Why don't you speak?"

"I'm sorry, Emperor Ye is not here, I'm Ye Xiaozhu." Ye Xiaozhu smiled coldly, curling the corners of his lips.

"Ye, Xiaozhu?" Han Ying seemed to have used a lot of affection, and was a little bit overwhelmed. "Why is Ziye's phone with you? How do you know my number... You stole Ziye's phone?"

"Han Ying, don't keep calling 'Ziye, Ziye'. No other woman can call this name except me." Ye Xiaozhu tapped her fingertips, which flicked on the table, and there was a sound. shallow voice.

Mo Ziye, who was at the side, looked at her domineering appearance, smiled dotingly, and raised his hand to hand her the iced coffee on the table.

Ye Xiaozhu took the coffee and took a sip, when Han Ying's voice suddenly became sharp. "Ye Xiaozhu! You bitch! I don't know what method you used to seduce Mo Ziye! But let me tell you, Mo Ziye is mine! He is mine! I brought him from a first-line singer to an international superstar , he is mine! His achievement is half of mine! His glory is half of mine! You can't take him away! Give him back to me! Give me back..."

At the end, Han Ying started to cry.

Ye Xiaozhu's eyes were always cold. Hearing Han Ying's heart-piercing cry and her heart-wrenching cry, no matter what kind of voice it was, Ye Xiaozhu's eyes could not move.

After a while, Ye Xiaozhu said softly: "Han Ying, I called you today just to tell you that Mo Ziye and I got married. We got married when you tried to frame me."

"A normal person will never understand what a brain-dead idea is, so I will never understand your peculiar point of view. Emperor Ye's achievements today are all due to his own talent and hard work. Before I met you He is already very famous, after meeting you, it is only a matter of course to go international."

"I can't understand why you put Emperor Ye in your private domain, but I can understand that you are thinking about it privately because Emperor Ye is so good. Put away your whims, a woman like you is always worthy Not Mo Ziye."

"You're so dirty."

"Dirty... I'm not dirty! I'm not dirty! Why do you call me dirty! You who have done nothing for Ziye, why do you call me dirty! You bitch! I will never let you go Yes! I want your life to be worse than death!" Han Ying shouted so loudly that Mo Ziye, who was sitting beside her, could hear her clearly.

Ye Xiaozhu sneered, and said softly: "This sentence is exactly what I want to give you. You are not fit to live in the world of normal people. Since you insist on entering the world of normal people, then you must prepare to be cast aside for the rest of your life." Prepare yourself. Han Ying, I will definitely ruin your reputation and make your life worse than death."

After speaking, Ye Xiaozhu ignored Han Ying's clamor and hung up the phone.

Her voice was very low, so low that there was no strength at all, but anyone who heard it was shocked by the chill in her voice.

Mo Ziye got up and hugged Ye Xiaozhu in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Are you angry?"

"It's okay, it's a lie to say that I'm not angry. Han Ying hasn't admitted that she was wrong until now. I really don't understand what she thinks." Ye Xiaozhu muttered, and said sullenly: "Let's make our relationship public." At most, her words will be doubted? Can I post Weibo to refute her? I have many photos of my childhood, which can prove that I have not had plastic surgery, and my classmates and teachers can prove that I have never had a boyfriend. She Those words are not valid, I want to refute her, so that she can't hold her head up for the rest of her life."

"I will naturally support what Madam wants to do, but I advise Madam not to talk about it. We have a talk show tomorrow night. If there is anything, it would be great to say it directly in front of the national audience. I said it on the Internet, and I am not relieved at all. .”

"talk show?"

Mo Ziye said 'hmm', "That's the one I wanted to tell you just now."

(End of this chapter)

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