Chapter 449

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help laughing, and replied in the game: "Xiao Liuli, how many red envelopes does your boss give you, so that you can call me the God of Wealth?"

(Team formation) Liuli in the night: "My monthly salary is 3500+, woo woo woo, I gave it twice... twice... 7000 yuan, that's [-] yuan less..."

Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback, and asked you to eat insects and said: "Little follower, you spend no less than your salary in the game every month, right? 7000 yuan is worth your happiness?"

(Team formation) Liuli at night: "I'm not just trying to keep up with the progress of you local tyrants. If I don't spend money on medicine pills, house decorations, or rare ore refiners every month, I will I'm sorry to hang out with you local tyrants."

(Team formation) Invite you to eat worms: "Quack, then your family must be rich, otherwise you wouldn't have money to play games."

(Team formation) Liuli at night: "No, my family is poor, super poor, and my money has to be handed over to my parents every month. Then I play games every month and don't eat. That's right, I eat dirt every day. What are you doing?"

The two were chatting in the team channel, but Ye Xiaozhu remembered that the last time she saw "Liuli in the Night", she was wearing a very simple white shirt, but the quality of that suit was super good, it looked just like ordinary clothes. The clothes are different and should be very expensive.

So she dared to conclude that 'Liuli in the Night' was a very rich girl, so she said it just to make everyone laugh.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but interjected, "Xiao Liuli, since your boss sent you a red envelope, shouldn't you give me a copy?"

(Team formation) Liuli at night: "Little master, your man is so rich, do you still miss my red envelope money?"

"The God of Wealth also needs to burn incense. If you don't share my red envelopes, aren't you afraid that I will cut off your money?"

(Team formation) Liuli in the night: "What a scary woman, Lord Gang Leader, save me... Well, Lord Lord, I have an occupational disease again, and I want to ask you a question, do you know that Zhulin Tingyu is Mo Ziye's wife? They posted their marriage certificate on Weibo today. Regarding the matter of 'your wife in the game is Mo Ziye's real wife', what do you think, Mr. Gang Leader?"

Ye Xiaozhu looked back at Mo Ziye, wondering how her black-bellied Emperor Ye would answer.Will he tell them his true identity?

(Team formation) Invite you to eat insects: "Yes, boss, my sister-in-law is Emperor Ye's wife. If she is with you, you won't be afraid that Emperor Ye's fans will come and scold you."

(Team formation) Moran Ziye: "She is the wife I am marrying, so she can only be with me."

(Team formation) Invite you to eat insects: "Uh...boss, if your words get out, Mo Ziye will be angry, right?"

(Team formation) Liuli in the night: "Your lord is mighty, and your lord is brave...but why do I have a strange premonition that our gang will be wiped out by Emperor Ye's fans in a few days. I want to consider joining There are other gangs."

Ye Xiaozhu laughed out loud, and couldn't help but join in the fun. "Master Xianggong, since the little girl has made a life-long commitment with him, she will never abandon him. No matter what status I am in reality, I am willing to be with him."

(Team formation) I invite you to eat worms: "'re bloody, little sister-in-law, I took a screenshot, and I'm going to post it on Weibo @禹皇 to let him know your true face. If you don't want me to post this If the word spreads, let the boss take me and Liuli to make a copy of the artifact."

(Team formation) Liuli in the night: "That's right, this new copy of the artifact is too perverted, the two of us can't beat it at all. Tonight, the brothers from the gang are all on Weibo to watch the excitement again, there are very few people , there is no good player in the world to play a dungeon, sad... I want an artifact!"

Mo Ziye looked at the time and replied, "Let's play the dungeon, it's getting late, go to bed early after finishing the dungeon."

He operated 'Mo Ran Zi Ye' to enter the dungeon, and everyone jumped off the cliff and landed directly beside the Qinglei Pond.

Before the Thunder Beast appeared, Ye Xiaozhu operated 'Bamboo Forest Listening to the Rain' and stood outside the pond where the Thunder Beast couldn't attack.

Liuli at night is also standing beside her, please eat the insects and stay in the Qinglei Pond to attack the Sky Thunder Beast together.

Ye Xiaozhu and Ye Liuli chatted without saying a word, chatting with Ye Liuli and said: "My lord, I have read all the reports on the Internet. As a reporter, I don't believe those reports at all. With what Han Ying said, I also summed up many loopholes, I will tell you about those loopholes, you can post a Weibo to refute her."

Ye Xiaozhu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Liuli at night to sum up such a thing, it was a waste of time and energy.It is often necessary to read Han Ying's words carefully several times, and to compare them before and after to find out the differences, which cannot be done in a short time.

Unexpectedly, 'Liuli in the Night' would care so much about her.

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "Let's talk in the private chat channel, don't hinder the leader and the boss from fighting monsters. I know that Emperor Ye has a professional team around him. If I don't do these things, they will help you sort them out. But I Idle is idle, you just think I am pleasing the God of Wealth, don't have any psychological burden."

(Private chat) Zhulin Tingyu: "Xiao Liuli, if you are so good to me, you are also in love with my husband, right? Let me tell you, even if you are good to me, I will not give up my husband to you .”

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "My lord, do you dare not joke with me...Although I like Emperor Ye very much, I like Su Jun even more, I like tender ones, hahahaha~ By the way, you Tell me your email, and I'll send the summarized loopholes to your email, or to your broker's email, as long as you remember to check it."

Ye Xiaozhu responded, she was a little embarrassed that Liuli in the night was so kind to her.After thinking for a while, Ye Xiaozhu asked Mo Ziye who was on the side, "Emperor Ye, has an announcement been made about our participation in the live broadcast tomorrow?"

Mo Ziye was fighting monsters, when he heard the words, he said softly, "No, this is something I decided on today, and the TV station will make an announcement tomorrow morning."

"Then can I tell Xiao Liuli about this? She helped me sum up the loopholes in Han Ying's words. I'm embarrassed."

"Ma'am, whatever you want." Mo Ziye replied, seriously beating the monster.

Ye Xiaozhu turned around and replied in the game: "Little Liuli~ According to reliable sources, Mo Ziye and I will participate in the 'Never Keep' talk show tomorrow, thank you for summarizing the loopholes, it was a great help gone."

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "Damn it! It's really the God of Wealth, hahahaha, my master~ I'm going to find my dad right now... no, my boss, hahahaha..."

Liuli in the night went offline after finishing speaking. At the same time, the Sky Thunder Beast crashed to the ground, and the treasure chest burst out.

Please Chi Chongchong asked strangely: "What's wrong with my little follower? Why did you go offline suddenly?"

 There are still [-] words in the daytime, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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