Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 450 The Power of Old Bacon

Chapter 450 The Power of Old Bacon
Ye Xiaozhu rolled her big eyes, and said quietly: "Xiao Liuli went to find her boss, and by visual inspection her boss is her father. Then..."

"She just said that she doesn't like Emperor Ye, but Su Jun, because Su Jun is younger than Emperor Ye."

After typing this line, seeing Mo Ziye's darkened handsome face as expected, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but smile.

(Team formation) I invite you to eat insects: "Sister-in-law, if you say that about Emperor Ye, you are not afraid that Emperor Ye will be angry. Although Emperor Ye and Su Jun are older, they are very attractive. To be honest, I I still like people like Emperor Ye, who are masculine, cold and domineering."

(Team formation) Moran Ziye: "You are very discerning."

Ye Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue, and replied: "Age is a flaw, and fresh meat is popular now, who still likes old bacon."

(Team formation) Invite you to eat worms: "I'll wipe...Little sister-in-law, you said your man is old bacon, am I right?"

(Team formation) I invite you to eat insects: "Stunned! You even said that Emperor Ye is an old bacon. You can't say that because of your close relationship with Emperor Ye."

(Team formation) Invite you to eat insects: "Sister-in-law? Little sister-in-law? ... Uh, hang up? Hang up even without opening the treasure chest. Boss and I will wait for you to come back."

(Team formation) I invite you to eat bugs: "Boss... Puff, why are you still not moving? Did you hang up too? What are you doing? Play a dungeon and hit half of the people offline, and the treasure chest came out You actually hung up the phone, you guys are too much..."

Please eat Chongchong roaring in the game alone, while Ye Xiaozhu was hugged by Mo Ziye in front of the computer.

She struggled and kicked her calves hard. "Mo Ziye! What are you doing, let me go, I still want to play games!"

"Madam thinks I'm old?" Mo Ziye raised his brows, his handsome face darkened. "Like tender ones? Huh?"

"Well...that's...that's what Xiao Liuli likes." Ye Xiaozhu smiled dryly, thinking that Mo Ziye's appearance was very cute, and it was so funny that he got black face because of jealousy.

"I'm old bacon?"

Ye Xiaozhu suppressed a smile, and said seriously: "...It's okay, 25 years old is not too old."

"Hmph." Mo Ziye said coldly, and walked directly to the bed with Ye Xiaozhu in his arms.He threw Ye Xiaozhu on the bed, and said in a cold voice, "I will let you taste the power of 'Old Bacon' tonight."

The man had a handsome face and exuded a tough and domineering aura all over his body, pressing towards Ye Xiaozhu.

Ye Xiaozhu hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, hubby! Our game is still hanging on it, and the treasure chest of artifacts has not been opened yet, and the dungeon will be automatically released after a while, so the treasure chest of artifacts will be wasted... How dangerous it is to stand outside the city. What should I do if I sneak attack? Husband... um..."

The man's hot thin lips were printed on Ye Xiaozhu's lips, swallowing her unfinished words.

The room is full of ambiguity, only the screens of two adjacent laptops are on, and a sentence pops up from time to time, which is incompatible with the ambiguous atmosphere.

(Team formation) I invite you to eat worms: "Boss... sister-in-law... why did you go... remember to log off when you are not there, what is it to hang up in a strange area... If you don't come back, I will leave It's..."

(Team formation) Invite you to eat insects: "Boss...little come back quickly...I can't bear it alone..."

The next morning, Ye Xiaozhu got up early habitually, she looked sideways at Mo Ziye for a while, and once again sighed in her heart that a man can be so handsome.Her face is oily when she gets up early, and her face is fair and shiny when she gets up early, which makes her wake up every morning by her handsomeness.

He tiptoed to the bathroom, and after taking a shower, Ye Xiaozhu sat in front of the computer, suddenly remembering that they didn't close the game yesterday.

At this time, the computer screen was already black, and neither of them was plugged in. The laptop should have shut down automatically when it ran out of power.

Ye Xiaozhu silently calculated that her computer would shut down automatically in about five hours, Yehuang's was similar to hers, that is to say, she and Mo Ziye's account stood in the strange area for five hours...

Ye Xiaozhu quickly plugged in the power, and hurriedly started the game.God bless them not to be killed by owed players, and bless them not to be killed by passing monsters...

After playing the game, Ye Xiaozhu found that her level hadn't dropped at all. When she checked the level of 'Mo Ran Zi Ye', she found that her level hadn't dropped either. She silently breathed a sigh of relief.

System prompt: You have an unread letter, please pay attention to check it.

Ye Xiaozhu opened it casually, and found that it was an email from 'Please Eat Chongchong'.

'Please eat worms: sister-in-law...what happened to you yesterday?Why and the boss suddenly stopped moving, didn't even open the treasure chest, and hung in the strange area and didn't go offline. Do you know that I protected you all last night...I'm also very busy, okay?I'm also a busy person who has to go out to play a trumpet, and I'll be angry if you do this again next time.The offline didn't even say a word... Ignore my hard work all night, I don't care, I want to make up!Without your and Yehuang's signatures, my injured little heart will never heal. '

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, "Please eat worms" is offline, so she can only reply the letter to him.I agreed to his request, and asked for his address by the way, and then mailed the signature photo.

After sitting in front of the computer and playing for a while, Mo Ziye woke up.He packed up and the two of them had breakfast before Xiao Jiu and Xie Shuangxue came to inform them to record the show.

A few people just came to the TV station and found that there are many fans outside.Xie Shuangxue explained: "Last night, a newspaper published your itinerary overnight, and fans rushed over overnight to support you."

Mo Ziye and Ye Xiaozhu nodded, indicating that they knew about it.When the car drove outside the TV station, Mo Ziye got out of the car first.

Even if he was sitting in the car, Ye Xiaozhu could still hear the cheers from outside.She couldn't help but get nervous. Will the fans scold her face to face when they see her?
"Ma'am, don't move." Mo Ziye stood at the car door, took off the sunglasses he was wearing on his face, put them on Ye Xiaozhu's face, and then stretched out his hand to her.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

The finger stretched out in front of her was well-knit and beautiful, as if as long as she held that hand, she didn't need to be afraid of anything.

Ye Xiaozhu curled her lips and smiled lightly, with him around, what did she have to worry about?
"I'm an inspirational woman who wants to stand by your side, and now it's just the beginning. Don't worry, my lord, I'll make everyone feel that you didn't make a mistake in choosing me."

Ye Xiaozhu said in a low voice, and it was no surprise to see a doting smile on Mo Ziye's face.

She put her hand on his and slowly got out of the car.

The screaming fans all watched silently, until Ye Xiaozhu came down, there was a burst of crying all around.

"Emperor Ye, as long as you are happy...we... woo woo woo... we bless you, woo woo..."

(End of this chapter)

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