Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 477 Are you satisfied with the gift of apology

Chapter 477 Are you satisfied with the gift of apology
Ye Xiaozhu waved her hands again and again, and said innocently: "No, I didn't say that she didn't know that we beat her..."

"It's all on her head, how could she know who beat her?" Nan Anyang gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Ye Xiaozhu, you don't want to go with me, do you? I'm afraid of your man No?"

"No, I mean even if we took the sack, she would know that we beat her up. After all, we can't find her now. If you want to find her, you have to call her and ask her out. Whether we show up or not, As long as she was beaten that day, you can guess that we did it."

"That's right... If only I knew where she is now, then I'll go and stay near her."

"It's not okay to stay here. A person like her can drive when traveling, so we can't go carjacking, right? And there are bodyguards beside her, and we can't beat the bodyguards." Ye Xiaozhu shook her head and denied.

"Then you take your two brave and mighty bodyguard brothers with you, and the two of them will deal with the bodyguards, and we'll beat up Jiang Aoxue. should ask the bodyguard brother if he can hijack the car, if he can, we will succeed." rate is even higher.”

"Carjacking?" A low voice cut in, "Why don't you let the bodyguards go and tie Jiang Aoxue here?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Nan Anyang clapped his hands, and when he looked up, he saw Mo Ziye's dark and handsome face.She tugged at the corner of her mouth, and pushed Ye Xiaozhu into Mo Ziye's arms. "Xiao Zhuye, your man is angry, please coax him."

Ye Xiaozhu smiled wryly and fell into Mo Ziye's arms. Before she could move, Mo Ziye wrapped his arms around her body and locked her in his arms. "Master Xianggong, he is a good baby..."

"Hmm." Mo Ziye's face was dark and he didn't speak, but raised his deep eyes.

Ye Xiaozhu followed him and saw Nan Anyang smiling at her with his tongue out.

"Little Zhuye, Emperor Ye is so angry that I'm afraid, you wish for good luck~"

Gu Qingran put his hand on Nan Anyang's shoulder, and said with a half-smile: "My wife, I'm also terrified when I'm angry, do you want to pray for yourself first?"

Nan Anyang was taken aback for a moment, then put on a straight face and pretended that he hadn't done anything.

Gu Qingran shook his head helplessly, and waved to Mo Ziye. "Let's go to the living room downstairs and sit for a while, waiting for you to come down."

He hugged Nan Anyang horizontally, and walked downstairs with her in his arms.

It wasn't until the two disappeared at the door that Ye Xiaozhu burst out laughing. "Yehuang, hahaha, did you see Sister Yang's expression just now? It's obvious that she did something wrong and was caught, and then refused to admit it. It's so interesting, I really want to take a photo, hahaha."

"Are you still in the mood to look at other people's expressions?" Mo Ziye snorted, his handsome face turned cold: "This is the first time I know that Madam is so thoughtful, such a sneak attack with a sack cover, has it been done before?"

Ye Xiaozhu smiled dryly, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "How is it possible, she is a delicate lady, and she never hits anyone."


"Well, Mr. Xianggong, trust me, I really have never hit anyone before."


"..." Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled wryly.

Mo Ziye put his arm around her body, didn't speak, just hugged her like that.

Ye Xiaozhu rolled his big eyes twice, stretched his arms around Mo Ziye's neck, tiptoed, and kissed Mo Ziye's lips.

She took the initiative to stick out her little tongue, and stroked Mo Ziye's lips twice. Not surprisingly, she saw Mo Ziye's darkened eyes.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, let go of Mo Ziye and wanted to speak, but just as he moved, Mo Ziye's arm suddenly squeezed her tightly in his arms, pressing down his thin lips.

The long kiss, from Ye Xiaozhu's active seduction to Mo Ziye's control, seemed to never stop, until Ye Xiaozhu was almost out of breath, Mo Ziye let her go.

"My lord, what about my apology gift?" Ye Xiaozhu raised her small head, her cheeks were blushing, and her voice became charming. "Satisfied?"

Mo Ziye lowered his head, his eyes fixed on Ye Xiaozhu's bright red lips, his eyes were smudged with Yun color. "Yes, I forgive you."

"If Ma'am is willing to be more proactive, I can provide you with a sack."

"Hahaha, Mr. Xianggong?" Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help laughing, leaned over to Mo Ziye and kissed him again, and then said: "Let's go downstairs, don't let Emperor Ran and Sister Yang get married." Waiting downstairs."

"Well, just in time to tell them they can leave."

Mo Ziye's handsome face was cold, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

Ye Xiaozhu followed behind him speechlessly. When the two went downstairs, Gu Qingran and Nan Anyang were already playing games.They used the desktop computer in the living room to log in to the Nan'anyang account 'bring salt for themselves'.

Nan Anyang kept teasing the 'child' in their game, and the whole living room was filled with the baby's soft voice.

"Mommy, the baby likes Mommy~"

"Mommy~Baby loves Mommy~"

"Mommy hug~ Mommy hug~"

The soft, childlike voice kept talking, making Nan Anyang's heart almost melt.

When Ye Xiaozhu and Mo Ziye walked downstairs, they saw Nan Anyang smirking at the computer, and there was maternal love in his smile.

Ye Xiaozhu was shocked. "Sister Yang, you must have taken a fancy to my computer, right? You actually smiled so wickedly at the computer."

"...I'm teasing 'baby', what does it have to do with your computer?" Nan Anyang gave Ye Xiaozhu a white look, and then said braggingly: "Come and see, my baby is four years old and has grown up." Isn't it? Much bigger than your 'daughter'?"

Ye Xiaozhu walked over to take a look, and said faintly: "Well, I have grown up a lot, but I am not as old as my 'daughter'. If Xiaoye Ye follows my account, she will shrink a lot. If she follows Ye It will grow a lot when it is next to the royal account. The estimated size of the baby is determined according to the height of the 'parents', so let's convert it according to a certain ratio."

Fortunately, there is this setting, otherwise their family would be a joke. 'Four-year-old daughter is as old as mother', so sad...

"Babies can compete in martial arts at the age of four, Xiao Zhuye, you are the number one, let's let the children fight!" Nan Anyang said braggingly: "My baby is very good, Gu Qingran sends her to class every day, Train every day, and those with super strength will beat and cry your 'daughter'!"

"Are you sure?" Ye Xiaozhu looked at Nan Anyang with a strange face, and seeing her nodding in affirmation, Ye Xiaozhu said: "Okay, let's fight then, don't blame me if your 'baby' cries."

She placed her laptop opposite Nan Anyang, logged in to the game, and only then showed a smug smile on her face.

Gu Qingran trains babies like that, so does Emperor Ye. Not to mention that her Ye Ye is seven days older than 'Baby' and has gained many more attributes. Just say that she and Mo Ziye have obtained two baby artifacts, Ye Ye has already put it on.Ye Xiaozhu dared to say that her family, Ye Ye, would win this match.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, imitating Mo Ziye and said, "Shall we make a bet?"

(End of this chapter)

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