Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 478 Successor practice match

Chapter 478 Successor practice match
"What are you betting on? Don't you want to bet on someone's child with me too?" Nan Anyang looked at Ye Xiaozhu speechlessly.Is betting popular now?Or is gambling popular in their family?
"Hey, it's enough for their men to bet on such a big event as having a child. Let's bet on something small." Ye Xiaozhu narrowed his eyes and smiled innocently. "For example, let's compare the timing of the wedding."

"Time? Didn't Emperor Ye just say that the wedding will be on the same day as ours? Both are on January 1st."

"That's the day. I'm talking about the time. That's the order of 'I'm willing'." Ye Xiaozhu raised her small hand and tapped the table lightly. "I suggest that we hold a wedding together. Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran know the same people, and our classmates and friends are also the same. If we do it separately, it will make everyone more difficult. Go to your wedding." If you offend me at the wedding, if you come to my wedding, you will offend me. Why don't other students come to our wedding with their photos? That would be too weird."

"And let's hold a wedding together. There are many people and it's lively. The cost of the wedding can be shared equally, half of the family. And the students and friends will give you a lot of money. It's so cost-effective." Ye Xiaozhu snapped his fingers, Count like a miser how much money you can save.

Looking at her appearance, Nan Anyang said to Mo Ziye speechlessly: "Emperor Ye, have you treated us little Zhuye badly? How did you make her look like this?"

"The passbook has been handed over to her." So he won't take the blame.

Mo Ziye said softly, "I can afford to hold the wedding, and I don't have to divide it equally."

"Of course I know that you don't care about the wedding expenses, and Emperor Ran doesn't care either. You are all rich people. But save as much as you can, why spend so much money." Ye Xiaozhu said solemnly: "The key is We have to think about our classmates, right? We can’t really let them hold their photos to attend our wedding, can we? When the priest said that we should thank the wedding guests, we turned around and looked down the stage. Half of the people and half of the photos came... ...The atmosphere is even scarier than a mourning hall. People who don’t know it think that the people in the photo are our deceased friends, which is the biggest embarrassment in history.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Xiaozhu took a long breath, and said earnestly: "We are thinking of our classmates and friends. They only use one place, and they can see our two weddings. Since they don't need to offend anyone, they can Seeing Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran at the same time, it is simply not too happy. And Ms. Yang and I made an agreement when we were young, we will get married together, on the same day and at the same place, this is what made us fulfill our childhood Wish. Of course, it will save money, but that's not important."

"Agreement...why the agreement, I, the client, don't know?"

"You were too young at that time, of course you can't remember."

"When exactly did it happen, why do I have no memory at all?"

"It's said that you are young, so you definitely don't remember." Ye Xiaozhu clapped his hands, "Let's make a happy decision like this. Kill three birds with one stone, that's great."

"Ye Xiaozhu, my sister remembers everything when she was three years old. If there was such an agreement, how could I not remember it?" Nan Anyang did not hesitate to expose Ye Xiaozhu. "You're just trying to save money."

"What's wrong with saving money? Is it wrong to save money? I call it frugal housekeeping! You remember the three-year-old thing, and the promise was made when we were two years old. Precocious can't do it?!" Ye Xiaozhu continued, baring her teeth. : "Let's bet, the winning party can let the priest read the presiding speech first, how about it?"

"We haven't agreed to hold a wedding together yet..."

"Don't you dare? Just admit it if you don't dare, what's the big deal." Ye Xiaozhu pouted her mouth, showing disdain.But he was laughing from the bottom of his heart, to deal with Nan Anyang, aggressive method is the best way, 100% will be hooked.

Sure enough, when Ye Xiaozhu said that, Nan Anyang immediately replied: "If you don't dare, just gamble, I'm afraid of you!"

Ye Xiaozhu suppressed a smile, and directly invited 'Baby' to participate in the "Successor Practice Match" in the game.

"Successor Practice Game" is a PK between babies, and you can add your own bets or no bets.The side that wins gets one point of victory, and the side that loses will not receive any penalty.

What is the use of the decisive point? The system has not announced it yet, and Ye Xiaozhu is not rushing to the decisive point.

The screens of the two went dark at the same time, and within a second, they appeared next to a huge arena at the same time.There are many NPCs in the arena watching the battle, Ye Xiaozhu's "Bamboo Forest Listening to the Rain" and Nan Anyang's "Bring Salt for Yourself" are also standing in the audience, only Ye Ye and Baobao are on the stage.

The screen is in the air, and the countdown is 10 seconds.Ye Ye's childish voice full of fighting desire came from the speaker: "Competition? I can finally let go and fight hard!"

Then the baby also said: "Don't worry, Mommy, the baby will definitely win!"

After talking harshly to each other, the ten-second countdown counted down, and the game officially started.

Both characters are under the ring, but the angle of view automatically shifts to the ring. "Successor Practice Match" cannot be operated, so Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang can only watch from the audience.

Ye Ye took the lead, and suddenly shot out a blue fireball from his little hand, like fox fire, and rushed towards the baby.

The baby was floating in the air, flashing to the side, two small hands compared to the rectangle, and a transparent energy light shield stood in front of her.The fireball hit the light shield and disappeared with a bang.

Not to be outdone, the baby also used the same fireball, and Ye Ye also used the energy light shield to resist, but the speed and shape of the baby's fireball were smaller than Ye Ye's, but Ye Ye's energy light shield was larger and more condensed than the baby's. Reality.

The fireball hit the light shield, and there was also a 'bang', but the fireball disappeared, and the light shield was still there.

From the same moves, one can see the strength of Ye Ye and the baby.

Ye Xiaozhu curled his lips and smiled triumphantly.

Ye Ye shouted: "Explosive Flame Technique!"

Countless fireballs suddenly appeared in the air, attacking the baby from all directions.

The baby quickly condensed an energy light shield, but there were too many fireballs, her light shield only offset one fireball, and the rest of the fireballs all hit the baby.

At the top of the screen, the baby's blood volume plummeted, and within a few seconds, the voice of the system's ruling was heard: "Game-over!"

Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, turned around and hugged Mo Ziye's arm. "Master Xianggong, our little princess won the competition, we can complete the wedding before Emperor Ran, are you happy?"

Mo Ziye was stunned for a moment before realizing that she spared such a big circle just to let him complete the wedding earlier than Gu Qingran.

Did he know that he didn't like to fall behind, so he did it?
"Not bad, very satisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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