Chaos Scripture

Chapter 219 The Four Immortal Execution Swords

Chapter 219 Four Immortal Execution Swords

The Zhuxian Sword Sect is known as the most powerful sword sect in the Nine Swords League. Almost every day, geniuses are sent into the Liuli Sword Tomb to hunt for the Excalibur.

The divine swords in the Sword Tomb are generally divided into two categories, one is the swords used by the geniuses of the Zhuxian Sword Sect after they died, and they are usually put back into the Sword Tomb; The divine swords are the newly released divine swords. These divine swords have been bred for many years in the Zhuxian Sword Tomb, and they also contain the original law.

Those who were sent into the Sword Tomb, if they understood the laws contained in the Divine Sword, they could be recognized by the Divine Sword.If you haven't reached the emperor-level law, it is impossible to get rid of the emperor-level magic weapon in the sword mound.

In the Nine Swords League, there is another place where you can get magic weapons, and that is the sword prison that opens immediately after the end of each golden core stage elite competition.

In Sword Prison, no matter how low your understanding of the law of the origin of fish is, it is possible to obtain emperor-level divine weapons or magic weapons.However, many of the weapons in the Sword Prison are broken. The reason why the Sword Prison is opened every time after the Golden Core Stage Elite Competition is to give these elites a chance to exercise. During the exercise, they can also get Some extra bonuses.

Back then, Li San met Emperor Lishang in the Sword Prison. If it wasn't for this, Li San would not have been able to inherit the power of life from Emperor Lishang.

Zhuxian Sword Tomb.

It gave Li San a different feeling from Fengxie Sword Tomb and Liuli Sword Tomb.In Zhuxian Sword Tomb, Li San felt an incomparable domineering aura.

In the vast and incomparably vast space of swords, the secrets are slow, and there are as many divine swords as stars in the nine heavens, shining with various lights.Dotted with the entire Zhuxian Sword Tomb.

If Fengxie Sword Tomb gives people a sense of vitality, then Liuli Sword gives people a sense of righteousness, and Zhuxian Sword Tomb, that is a kind of domineering aura of a king.

In the Zhuxian Sword Tomb, Li San saw many cultivators sitting cross-legged on a handful of divine swords, comprehending the mysteries in the divine swords.There are many cultivators in Zhuxian Sword Tomb, and there will be a cultivator practicing in the area of ​​almost hundreds of divine swords.

Emperor Xuanhuang didn't speak, just took Li San to fly in Zhuxian Sword Tomb.

Whether it is the Zhuxian Sword Tomb or other sword tombs, the outermost divine swords and the lowest level are all divine swords of the mysterious level, from the outside to the inside, to spiritual weapons, to king-grade weapons, to royal-grade weapons, Imperial weapon.

When he came to the area where the emperor-level divine sword was located, Li San found that the swords here were much rarer. At this time, they were also close to the core of Zhuxian Sword Tomb.

"My God!"

When Li San saw the core area of ​​the Zhuxian Sword Tomb, he couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of him, because there were four identical giant swords in the Zhuxian Sword Tomb and the core area. It was almost the same as the Liulijian restored to its peak state.

"Four Zhuxian swords? There are four Zhuxian swords!" Li San was confused.

"Hey, Li San, are you shocked?" Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San with a smile on his face.

"En!" Li San nodded subconsciously.It would be a lie to say that he was not shocked, after all, what appeared in front of him now were four supreme emperor-level divine swords.Nine Swords Union, the reason why it is named after this is because it has a complete set of divine swords.The nine great swords can form a peerless sword formation, both offensive and defensive.The power is against the sky.

In Immortal Ancient, many people know that the Nine Swords Alliance has nine powerful divine swords, and when the nine divine swords are combined, ordinary heaven-defying emperor treasures cannot compete with them at all.

Li San looked in shock at the four identical Zhuxian swords in front of him. At this time, the Zhuxian sword in the sword mound was [-] meters long. To the west of the sword is a misty space, and the base of Li San's sword tomb is in that misty space.

Four huge long swords, the lines on the sword body are smooth, and when approaching one-third of the sword body, the wide sword body suddenly becomes narrower by two-fifths.A line of blood stretched from the hilt to the tip of the sword.When Li San resisted the bloodline, he felt that his mind couldn't help being drawn into it, and the chaotic divine power in his body couldn't help moving towards the exercise route of the Shura Bible.

After reaching the Mahayana period, Li San's Chaos Scripture has reached the realm of the second and fifth heavens, but after breaking through the first bottleneck, Li San will soon raise the realm of the Chaos Scripture.

The reason why the Chaos Scripture is so difficult to cultivate to a high level is because every level of it is more powerful than ordinary exercises.First of all, it is difficult to get started at the first level.The second is that after getting started, it is difficult to break through to the Mahayana stage.It is even more difficult to break through to the emperor level in the Mahayana period.Every time a realm is raised, the bottlenecks that appear in the Chaos Scripture are super abnormal.

The 46 heavens of the second layer of the Chaos Heavenly Scripture are the ordinary realm of the Mahayana period, and the 79 heavens are the general realm of the Dacheng period.

The third layer of the Chaos Heavenly Scripture, the 13th heaven is the Mahayana king level, the 46th heaven is the Mahayana emperor level, and the 79th heaven is the emperor level.

The level of the realm of Chaos Scripture is directly proportional to the speed of absorbing and refining external energy.The higher the realm, the faster the absorption and refining of external energy will be.The level of realm has a great impact on the overall combat power of the whole person.

The Chaos Heavenly Scripture has broken through to the 5th layer of the second layer, but Li San's "Sura Bible" has cultivated to the 6th layer of Dacheng. Surprised.Because the sixth level of the Dacheng realm in the Shura Bible has already reached the peak realm of Mahayana.If it breaks through to the 6th floor, it will be at the emperor level.Li San has only practiced the Asura Bible for more than twenty years, and he has achieved such an achievement, which is enough to shock them.

The 7th floor of the "Sura Bible" is the emperor-level realm, the 8th floor is the Taoist realm, and the 9th floor is the emperor's realm.Back then, Emperor Shura had cultivated a complete set of "Sura Bible" to the ninth level of Dzogchen, and his strength was extremely powerful. As for whether Emperor Shura had broken through to the Venerable, people outside did not know at all.

After running the Chaos Scripture for a while, Li San calmed down his mind.

Emperor Xuanhuang seemed to have also sensed the changes in Li San, and he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart: "My apprentice, it seems that my attainments in soul and will are no worse than ordinary Daoist-level powerhouses!"

Emperor Xuanhuang knew that the line of blood on Zhu Xianjian's sword had the effect of confusing the mind, and ordinary Taoist level powerhouses would be confused by the period if they were not paying attention.

After calming down his mind, Li San then turned his eyes back to the four huge Zhuxian swords, turned his head to look at Emperor Xuanhuang beside him and asked, "Master, why are there four Zhuxian swords?"

Emperor Xuanhuang looked up at the four huge divine swords in the core area of ​​the Sword Tomb, and said proudly: "Li San, what you saw is a secret of our Nine Swords Alliance. This secret, apart from our Nine Swords Alliance's Except for the few masters among them, the outsiders don't know it at all. Outsiders think that the Zhuxian sword is the same as other divine swords, but they are wrong! Our Zhuxian of the Nine Swords Alliance There are four swords in total, and each of them has reached the rank of a supreme imperial soldier!"

"Everyone in the outside world knows that the Nine Swords League has Zhuxian, Liuli, Fengxie, Longyin, and other nine divine swords, each of which is powerful enough to defy the sky, and" the Emperor Xuanhuang said here, and suddenly stopped .

"And what?" Li San couldn't help asking curiously.

Emperor Xuanhuang looked at the four Zhuxian swords again, and then said slowly: "Actually, according to the news handed down by the founder, we originally had nine Zhuxian swords, and only nine Zhuxian swords are complete. The attacking ability of the formation will be brought to the extreme! Nine Qis come out, no one can stop, legend, even a real fairy can kill, so it is called Zhuxian!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Xuanhuang's gaze stayed on the line of blood on the sword of Zhu Xian, "It is said that the line of blood on the body of the sword of Zhu Xian is the blood of immortals!"

"Immortal blood?" Li San couldn't help being dumbfounded after hearing Emperor Xuanhuang's words.

"That's right. If an ordinary master of the Great Emperor level is injured once by an ordinary Supreme Emperor soldier, the origin of the Dao will only be damaged a little bit, but if he is injured by the Jade Immortal Sword, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die! The Jade Immortal Sword belongs to our Nine Swords Alliance. A big hole card, and it will never be used until the critical moment!" When Emperor Xuanhuang said this, a faint murderous intent emanated from him, and even Li San couldn't help trembling.

"This Immortal Execution Sword, has it really killed the legendary immortal?" Li San looked at the Immortal Execution Sword, and his heart was full of waves.After all, in Immortal Ancient, immortals would only appear in misty legends forever.Whether immortals really exist in reality is still unknown.However, immortals have not appeared, and now weapons capable of killing immortals have appeared.

After a long time, Emperor Xuanhuang finally looked back at Zhuxian Sword, and Li San immediately felt that he was being pushed by a soft energy to fly Li Xiang's Zhuxian Sword.

"Li San, feel it with your heart! The attack of Zhuxian Sword is absolutely unique in the ancient times!" The voice of Emperor Xuanhuang rang in Li San's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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