Chaos Scripture

Chapter 220 Evolution Attack Mystery

Chapter 220 Evolution Attack Mystery
In the Zhuxian Sword Tomb, Li San's body slowly flew towards the Zhuxian Sword in the central area of ​​the Sword Tomb.


Li San felt as if he was on a huge battlefield, and a very ancient and vicissitudes of life rushed towards his face.Along with this ancient vicissitudes of life, there is also a very strong smell of blood.

Remnants of limbs were everywhere, blood flowed like rivers, and people were devastated.

Li San felt as if he was on a doomsday battlefield. In the same place, the river diverted, the mountains collapsed, the ground cracked, blood clouds rolled, and thunder flashed.Huge space cracks appear at any time, and then devour everything around.

Suddenly, Li San felt a murderous intent from Ling Lie, which came from the depths of the void in front of him, and instantly locked onto Li San.

"Hoo!" A sharp sword energy shot towards Li San from deep in the void.Under the murderous intent of Ling Lie, Li San found that his body could not move at all.

That sword energy split his body into two halves in an instant, and Liangsan wanted to reorganize his body, but at this moment, he had an absurd feeling. , but it is hundreds of millions of miles away, or even farther.


Li San roared in his heart, and instantly got rid of that absurd feeling, and the two halves of his body instantly joined together.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed again, and Li San felt several sword shadows appeared in front of his eyes. Each sword shadow was not as strong as the one just now, but the nine sword shadows merged together almost instantly, forming a contrasting The sword light was several times stronger just now.

"Hey!" The sword light flashed past, Li San's body froze, a very small blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, and in Li San's sea of ​​consciousness, his soul had already been bombarded to pieces.


Li San felt very depressed. In the face of this tyrannical power, he couldn't afford any resistance at all.The shattered soul was reassembled, but Li San didn't feel anything special about this attack at all.


It was these sword qi, either Li San's body was traumatized, or his soul was shattered.It took a while for the outside world, but Li San's soul has been inside for thousands of years.

"How did this happen? Attacking Xuan'ao?" Li San shouted loudly in his heart, but he couldn't make a sound at all.



Li San slowly closed his eyes, carefully feeling the attacks.But after a long time, Li San didn't feel anything special about these attacks.

In the outside world, Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San's trembling body, nodded involuntarily, and said in his heart: "It's unexpected that he was able to persist for such a long time when he realized the attack on Xuan'ao for the first time."

Just after Li San entered the state of comprehension, the outside world has passed ten breaths of time.In such a short time, Emperor Xuanhuang actually sighed in his heart that Li San's time has been too long.Because when Emperor Xuanhuang first comprehended the mystery of immortality on Zhuxian Sword, he only persisted for six breaths.Compared to Emperor Xuanhuang, Emperor Liuli lasted for eight breaths when he realized the attack on Xuan Ao for the first time.

People like Emperor Xuanhuang and Emperor Liuli had experienced thousands or even tens of thousands of times before they could reach the threshold of attacking Xuanao.Generally speaking, the longer you persist each time, the greater the chance of comprehending the mystery of the attack.

Whether it is the attacking mystery, the defense mystery, or the undead mystery, it is a kind of mysterious and mysterious secret method. These secret methods cannot be taught at all, and can only be comprehended by oneself.Just like Li San's current secret pattern strengthening secret method, if you ask him to teach others to practice, he can't do it at all.Because these things cannot be taught, everyone's physical fitness is different, although a secret technique such as attacking the mystery can be realized by the cultivator through the Zhuxian Sword.But it doesn't mean that everyone perceives the same attack method.

In Zhuxian Sword Sect, there are many factions of cultivators. There are people who practice the five original laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Of course, there are also those who practice the Chaos Scripture.

These people practice different origin laws, and the attacking mysteries comprehended in the Jade Sword will also be different. The attacking mysteries they comprehend are all very suitable for their own use. The law of cultivation is different, and it is impossible to learn at all.If you want to learn to possess the mystery of attack, you have to comprehend it by yourself.This is the only way.

Li San's tenacity was beyond the expectations of Emperor Xuanhuang, his body was fixed in the void like this, facing Zhu Xianjian.The shaking of the body became more and more severe.Emperor Xuanhuang knew that Li San was enduring a huge pain that no human could bear.

Generally speaking, the higher the soul state, the stronger the ability to perceive, but Li San's current soul state is the ordinary state of the Mahayana stage, but his soul power is more than 9200 times that of ordinary Mahayana stage masters. The power and the energy contained in the body have almost reached a ratio of 1:1.

So, now Li San's soul power is almost comparable to a strong man at the peak of the imperial level.If Li San uses the secret method to strengthen his own strength, the soul power will also become stronger.Li San's foundation is much stronger than that of ordinary practitioners.

From a certain point of view, Li San's secret pattern strengthening is stronger than attacking Xuan'ao. After all, this secret pattern strengthening can also enhance his own strength and make his strength soar.In the strengthened state, not only did Li San's attack power become terrifying, but his own defense also increased accordingly.Let Li San have a very good defense while gaining a strong attack power.This is an incomparable benefit of Li San's secret pattern enhancement.

Time passed quickly, and Li San had persisted for 300 breaths. At this time, his body was shaking very violently.

"He has just broken through to the Mahayana stage, and he can persist for such a long time. How much willpower is needed to do it?" Emperor Xuanhuang was slightly surprised in his heart. He knew that the more advanced the mysterious evolution, the later. The pain caused to the soul will be greater. The time of more than 300 breaths, the pain is much stronger than that of more than ten breaths!

Back then, Emperor Xuanhuang also began to enter the Zhuxian Sword Tomb in the Mahayana period to understand the mystery of attacking.But he tried countless times, and only when he reached the emperor level did he get started with the Immortal Mystery.It took nearly 800 years in total.

It took 800 years to cultivate Attack Xuan'ao to the entry level.Among the Nine Swords Alliance, he is considered a genius.Although it took less than a hundred years for some people to touch the threshold of attacking Xuan Ao, those people's comprehension of the law is progressing slowly. limited.For example, an ordinary master of the Mahayana period, who has comprehended the attacking mystery to the level of Dzogchen, and exerted thousands of times of combat power, is at most a peak emperor-level combat power.If you can't become an emperor-level master, or if you are stronger, it won't be of much use.

When approaching 400 breaths, Li San's body shook very violently.

"Well, the preparations are coming to an end!" Emperor Xuanhuang also raised his head slowly, looking at Li San.However, just when he thought that Li San was going to be unable to hold on

"The secret pattern was once strengthened!" Li San roared in his heart.

"Boom!" A tyrannical aura radiated from Li San's body. After passing through the catastrophe and entering the Mahayana period, the secret patterns on Li San's body surface strengthened and increased, up to 1000 times.Now that it has been strengthened once, the increase in strength can strengthen Li San's overall body strength by 10 times.

"Huh? The breath suddenly became ten times stronger!" Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San in shock.He didn't expect Li San to be able to use such a secret technique to support it.

After performing a secret rune enhancement, Li San felt that the pressure was greatly reduced. His soul, his consciousness, had already been attacked countless times in the environment of mysterious evolution.Faintly, Li San seemed to have discovered something, a clue to attack Xuan Ao!
Once the secret lines were strengthened, Li San persisted until 700 breaths.Li San's body trembled again.

"It should be over this time!" Emperor Xuanhuang said secretly in his heart.But the result surprised him again.

"Secret patterns are strengthened twice!"

"Boom!" The aura on Li San's body was once again strengthened by ten times, more than 10 times higher than before it was not strengthened.

"Well, there is more?" Emperor Xuanhuang's eyes almost popped out. In the past, no one could persist for more than 100 breaths when he first comprehended the evolution of Xuan Ao, but Li San's current record is far away. surpassed that record.

The second strengthening just made Li San persist until 900 breaths, and then he could no longer persist.

"It's time to stop this time!" Emperor Xuanhuang felt that he was a little nervous at this moment, and looked at Li San's trembling body.He whispered in his heart.

"Secret lines are strengthened three times! The source of divine power is burning"

"Boom!" The power in Li San's body finally soared to the extreme.

Even Emperor Xuanhuang was given a note by this sudden change. Looking at Li San's back, he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart: "You boy, you really shocked me!"

With the power fully turned on, Li San's soul power instantly rose to a very high level.Time keeps passing.

910 interest, 920 interest, 930 interest

It wasn't until 1000 breaths that Li San's breath weakened instantly, causing Li San to open his eyes suddenly, and screamed loudly: "Haha, attacking Xuan'ao, that's how it is, that's how it is, I finally touched the threshold !Hahaha"

"Getting started?" Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San, who was laughing wildly, and was frightened again. The first time he realized the evolution of Xuan'ao, he was able to touch the threshold of attacking Xuan'ao. Then he himself, who only touched the entry level in 800 years , even if he is a genius, then Li San has comprehended the entry level in more than 1000 breaths of time?What is that?Emperor Xuanhuang was completely speechless.There is simply no comparison between the two, the difference is too great.Looking at Li San who was laughing wildly, Emperor Xuanhuang still couldn't believe it.

"Li San, have you really touched the threshold of attacking Xuan'ao?" Emperor Xuanhuang asked in disbelief.

"Well, this thing is really difficult. If I hadn't been more tenacious, I would have failed. How about it, Master, did I not disappoint you?" Li San looked at Emperor Xuanhuang with a hint of pride on his face.

"Uh, this is very good!" Emperor Xuanhuang was a little stunned for a while, and secretly cursed in his heart: You kid almost scared me to death!Thinking of this, Emperor Xuanhuang glanced around with some guilt, and after finding no one, he recovered his usual calm expression, and said to Li San lightly: "Li San, you will take your The attack mystery you have comprehended, demonstrate it in front of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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