Chaos Scripture

Chapter 624 Ice King

Chapter 624 Ice King

At this time, at the place where the battle was originally held, everyone was talking about it. Of course, the topic of discussion revolved around Li San, the devil with thousands of faces. Most people were cursing him. powerful.

Xuanba took Li San to fly around the Fallen Leaf City, and then returned to the place where they fought just now.

Li San found Redis, and Redis remained silent, with an unfathomable expression. He was indeed a terrifying young man.He does have the potential to be a hero.

Li San shot two dark lights in his eyes, looked at Radis coldly, and then clenched the hilt of his sword tightly.

At this moment, Fallen Leaf City was full of noise, but this place was still relatively quiet. The cultivator saw Li San escape from here with his own eyes, so he relaxed his search here.

Redis sensed the abnormal fluctuation, and suddenly an ominous feeling rose in his heart. He himself also sensed the great danger from the sky, but it was too late.He had just controlled the flow of divine power in his body, and a pair of sword glows shot down from the air.

"Ah" Radis screamed, the unparalleled sword light pierced through his head, and then shot out from behind his body.

Li San hadn't stopped castration, the Tianmanjian followed Jianmang and penetrated into Redis' head, straight into his viscera.


Redis' body was shattered, and then quickly flew not far away to regroup.Yanyang-level powerhouses can reorganize their bodies in an instant.

After reorganizing his body, Redis found that Li San's blow just now had caused him to lose two thousandths of his divine power.

"Damn Li San"

Redis roared angrily, and ran over with a long sword: "Damn Li San, there will be you without me tonight, and I without you!"

When Redis was about to rush to Li San, he suddenly calmed down and shouted loudly: "Li San, the devil with thousands of faces, is here!"

Then he sneered, looked at Li San with his sword, and stopped moving forward.

Li San sneered in his heart, and rushed forward to Redis.

At this moment, after the great battle just now, many cultivators have been awakened from the retreat, and even those who closed the closed door, many of them have left the closed door.

At this time, the streets of Fallen Leaf City were full of cultivators, and countless people searched for Li San. As soon as Redis finished speaking, nearby experts rushed over, and then the news gradually spread, more and more Many people rushed here.

Li San opened and closed, extremely brave, and when everyone arrived, he had already smashed Redis' body more than a dozen times.

"Kill! Let's go together and kill this demon!" Those western practitioners shouted.

"Hahaha come on"

Li San was not afraid at all, he smiled contemptuously, and then rushed towards the crowd. There were only a few quasi-Yanyang level experts in the crowd, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Li San was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing all the way, countless heads rolled to the ground, blood waves surged, and the scarlet blood boiled on the ground.

When he rushed over, half of the people fell in a pool of blood, and there were countless people who were seriously injured and howled.

For those who rushed towards him with weapons in hand, Li San showed no mercy.His heart is as strong as iron, so that he will not put himself in danger by being soft-hearted.

This was a night of bloodshed, countless people fell in a pool of blood, Fallen Leaf City suffered a great loss of vitality on this night, and countless elites died unexpectedly.

On the other side, Yanyang-level powerhouses rarely take action against people lower than their level, but Li San is not a Yanyang-level powerhouse, and most of the people he deals with are higher than his level.May I ask, on the other side, which star-level powerhouse dares to do this?If so, please invite him into the city of cultivators.

Fallen Leaf City hides dragons and crouching tigers, and there are countless masters, but the real peerless masters will definitely not participate in such a siege.Relying on his keen spiritual sense, Li San never confronts super masters. Against powerful opponents, he always retreats with one blow, and then keeps approaching Redis. Whenever Li San approaches Redis , all using the reincarnation tower to launch the most severe attack on him.

When Li San broke into the east city of Fallen Leaf City, a middle-aged man with a fierce face blocked his way, and the middle-aged man shouted loudly: "Stop, I am Ollie Linde, the devil Li San, your life is over here!" !"

Li San secretly estimated that this person's cultivation base is really tyrannical, and he has already approached the realm of Yanyang-level titles. He sneered and said: "Even the Black Rain King and others dare not say that they can kill me. Are you a guy who has not reached the realm of the title?"

Tonight, he killed countless people, and he didn't want to say anything more at this moment.He rushed over with the reincarnation tower, the dazzling blue light made Ollie Linde's face change drastically, but he still went forward bravely.

There was a loud bang.Ollie Linde was thrown into the air, and it was tens of miles away before he staggered and fell to the ground. Ollie Linde's realm is high, but a high realm does not mean that he is strong in battle. He broke out in the Samsara Tower Under the circumstances, he still couldn't stop Li San.

Li San rushed out like a flash of lightning. Just as Olidrin stabilized his figure, he was sent flying out again by the Samsara Tower.Aldrin spit out blood in the air, and his injuries were extremely serious.

However, at this moment.Li San hesitated for a moment, he was thinking whether he should deal with Ollie Linde, but after thinking about it, he stopped the Samsara Tower, and then he rushed through the encirclement circle of those around him like lightning.

It's been a wild night.The screams in Fallen Leaf City are shaking!

Li San followed Redis all the way from the east of the city to the south of the city, and then from the south of the city to the west of the city. The shouts of killing in the city shook the sky, and it was destined to be a sleepless night.

"This guy's life is really tough." Xuan Ba ​​poked his head out of Li San's arms and looked at Redis who was bouncing all the way in front of him.

"Chirp..." The eight-legged gecko lay on Xuanba's tortoise shell, nodded and called twice.

"Ah" Redis reorganized his body again, and yelled at the city in front of him: "Ice King, save me!"

"Not good, there are title-level powerhouses"

Li San's face changed, and then a powerful aura emanated from the dilapidated house in front of him.

"Where is this junior, dare to go wild in our Fallen Leaf City?"

The Ice King, but a middle-aged man about 40 years old, stretched out wearing a silver armor, with blue hair fluttering in the breeze.There was an icy aura exuding from him.An enormous pressure spread across the entire space.

"Great, it's the Ice King. I didn't expect him to be in our Fallen Leaf City."

After those cultivators saw the appearance of the Ice King, they were all excited, and hid away from a distance, as if they couldn't bear the dull and unbearable pressure!

Yanyang level title master!
Li San was startled. He had always avoided a fierce battle with such a strong man, but this time he still ran into him. I'm afraid he couldn't retreat like the previous few times.

He strode forward, each foot was as heavy as ten thousand jun, the entire space was shaking, huge cracks appeared under his feet, and spread forward.

The tremendous pressure rushed forward, and collided with the powerful force field released by the Ice King, causing violent energy fluctuations in the street, and the whole space trembled!

"He Fang kid, report your name"

"Thousand-faced Demon Lord Li San is also"

The Ice King stood still, and Li San slowed down, showing a dignified look on his face. This is definitely a formidable opponent, and his cultivation may have reached the middle title level.

Li San felt that the pressure was getting bigger and bigger. Every time he took a step forward, there was a thunder in the air. It was the result of the fierce collision between the two people, and the ears of the cultivators watching the battle in the distance were buzzing.

When he walked a hundred meters away from the middle-aged man.The huge cracks made by his feet have already criss-crossed into deep trenches on the street!

After a loud bang, a violent energy storm erupted between the two of them, and this space was bombarded by an invisible energy to form a huge pit more than one foot deep. At the same time, many houses on both sides of the street were also It collapsed suddenly during the dark battle, and the rumbling sound of the collapse can be heard endlessly.

The whole world seemed to shake. Many practitioners watching the battle in the distance were thrown to the ground by an invisible force, and everyone hurriedly backed away in shock.

The surging power fluctuated mightily, and after a long time, it gradually calmed down.

"Kill!" Li San spat out the word "kill" softly, stepped on the fairy dust's Jueying movement, his body turned into a flash of lightning in an instant, and the tower of reincarnation erupted with a dazzling strong blue light, with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, to the sky. The Ice King smacked.

The Ice King didn't change his face. Facing the mighty Tower of Reincarnation, he punched out, and a strong punch brought up a violent gust of wind. All the water vapor in the air turned into ice crystals.

The houses on both sides of the street were creaked by the blowing, and the bluestone slabs on the ground were blown into the air like the leaves, and finally burst into pieces in the fist wind.

The dazzling light shot straight into the sky, and at this moment, the sky and the earth were bright, and the vast energy storm shook violently in the sky, and the houses on both sides and the ground of the street were instantly reduced to powder.

The Ice King and Li San spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and they looked at each other slightly.

"Run!" Originally, Redis thought that the Ice King could overwhelm Li San, but when he saw that Li San and the Ice King were evenly matched, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, because Li San There were too many things that surprised him.

A star-level powerhouse was able to kill a junior Yanyang powerhouse to self-destruct, and he was able to retreat completely, which shocked Redis in his heart.Now, the divine power in his body is only 30.00% left. If he is bombarded by Li San's terrifying pagoda a few times, his life will be in danger.

"call out!"

Redis' body turned into a stream of light and flew towards the outskirts of Fallen Leaf City. He decided to leave this city, because even the strongest Ice King in this city could not suppress Li San, so he felt great fear .

"Xuan Ba, you come and hold the Ice King, I'll kill that Redis!" Li San said to Xuan Ba.

"Okay!" Xuan Ba ​​nodded, then flew into Li San's arms and turned into a black light, rushing towards the Ice King.


The Ice King didn't expect Li San to have such a tyrannical helper by his side.

"It's a star-level guy again." The Ice King couldn't help cursing after seeing that the thing that attacked him was a star-level tortoise.


Li San's figure immediately turned into a ray of light, chasing and killing Redis. He had absolute confidence in Xuan Ba, who could hold back even the Eagle Claw King who was titled the peak realm, let alone this one who only had Titled the Ice King of the middle realm.

"The Fallen Leaf City is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!" Li San sighed softly, and kept chasing after Redis.

There was an uproar in Fallen Leaf City, and the cultivators in this city were all panicked. They didn't know what happened. Fallen Leaf City had never been in such chaos as it is today.

It's a crazy night, it's a bloody night, the city's screaming

On this night, Li San chased Redis from the Fallen Leaf City to the outside of the Fallen Leaf City

(End of this chapter)

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