Chaos Scripture

Chapter 625 I Won't Kill You

Chapter 625 I Won't Kill You

"Haha" Li San laughed, and then came to Redis, his hands were like lightning, and immediately subdued Reddis.

"What are you going to do?" Redis looked at Li San in horror.

"Hehe, don't worry, I won't kill you"

Li San said with a smile to Redis.

"You won't kill me?" Redis was taken aback, in disbelief.

"Haha, don't worry, I, Li San, keep my word." Li San laughed, and then shot that tattoo into Redis's sea of ​​souls.This is a special tattoo, which is different from the tattoo that Li San gave Xuan Ba ​​and others to fuse memories. This tattoo can temporarily change a person's soul breath.

"Ah damn Li San, if you kill me, my master will avenge me." Redis felt desperate now, he wanted to blow himself up, but when he thought of the former Yanyang who protected him The self-destruction of the junior strong man didn't even hurt Li San's hair, so he completely gave up this idea. Now the divine power in his body has dropped to 20.00%.Even if he blew himself up, his power would not be comparable to that of the former Yanyang junior powerhouse.

"Hey, I'm afraid that the Black Rain King won't dare to come to me." Li San sneered, and the Samsara Tower was smashed out again.


Redis screamed, and after reorganizing his body, he flew back towards the Fallen Leaf City again.

"Hahaha, Redis, you won't be able to escape today"

Standing in the void, Li San didn't chase after that Redis, but isolated a chaotic pattern in his own soul sea, and dealt with this chaotic pattern, Li San accelerated Fly towards Redis.

At this time, Redis had fled to the central square of Fallen Leaf City.

"Ah, run, that thousand-faced devil Li San is back again."

"The city lord seems to be dying"

Chaos in Fallen Leaf City

"Eight Desolation Locking Immortal Picture"

Li San opened the Eight Desolation Immortal Locking Map in an instant, and enveloped Redis inside.

"Ah, what did you do to me?" Redis yelled at Li San.

There was a smile on the corner of Li San's mouth, and then imitating the voice of Redis, he shouted loudly: "Li San, I want to die with you!"

After Li San finished speaking, he pulled out a secret texture ball from the Five Elements Heavenly Lake.

"Boom" the secret pattern ball exploded, and Li San's body got into the reincarnation tower, and the reincarnation tower became half a foot in size, and flew towards the place where Xuanba and Ice King were fighting.

"Xuan Ba, withdraw"

Li San said to Xuanba via voice transmission.


Xuan Ba ​​responded, and then immediately withdrew.

"Brother, why didn't you kill that Redis?" Xuanba said to Li San through voice transmission with some doubts.

"Hey, you'll know it when you look at it"

In a remote corner of Fallen Leaf City, Li San came out of the Samsara Tower, and then used the Eight Desolation Lock Immortal Picture to restrain his aura.

At this moment, in the central square of Fallen Leaf City, the tyrannical energy storm disappeared, and the figure of Redis fell from the sky, his breath was already very weak.

"Huh? Lord City Master?" Those people in Fallen Leaf City couldn't help being startled when they saw Radis.

"Damn, he's not the city lord, he's the thousand-faced devil," said a soldier who often followed Redis.

When Redis heard those people's words, his face changed instantly, and he shouted at them: "Bastard, I am your city lord!"

"Bullshit, you don't want to quibble anymore, now who doesn't know that you can change your appearance, and you can also change your soul breath?"

"Yes, the city lord blew himself up just now, you thousand-faced demon lord is seriously injured and wants to pretend to be the city lord, do you think we are?"

"Brothers, go, kill the Thousand Faced Demon Lord and avenge the city lord"

"Kill, avenge the city lord"

Those cultivators from Fallen Leaf City, seeing that the 'Thousand-Faced Demon Lord' was seriously injured, became extremely heroic one by one, and rushed towards the 'Thousand-Faced Demon Lord'.

At this moment, Redis's face turned completely green. He wanted to cry but had no tears. He really wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of Li San's ancestors.

"Hey, Lord Thousand Faces, you never thought you would have today!" The sky was already full of people, only ten feet away from him, and the surrounding area was tight.

Redis turned around, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and said, "Everyone, I"

"What are you, where did your arrogance go?" someone sarcastically said.

"I, I'm really the lord of the city." Redis's face was green, as if he wanted to eat a dead toad. He didn't expect that Li San could change his soul breath, and at this time, the divine power in his body was extinguished Feng, the power of the soul is imprisoned, even if you want to explode yourself, it is impossible.

"Hahahahahaha" Yuan Kong, Li San laughed wildly, causing people around to look sideways, but at this time, Li San changed his appearance again, and those people thought that the Demon Lord in front was really surrounded by them.So Li San was ignored at all.

"Everyone, kill him quickly, he is the real 'Thousand-Faced Demon Lord'" Redis saw Li San laughing wildly in the distance, and shouted to everyone.

"Fuck, who are you fooling, pretending to be us?" Those people were very disdainful of Redis' words!
Li San also had the urge to beat the ground, and laughed heartily. He was extremely happy to see Redes so depressed.

"Hahaha" Xuan Ba ​​laughed wildly, and transmitted voice to Li San.

"Chirp..." The eight-legged gecko was actually grinning secretly, obviously it couldn't laugh yet.

"Damn it, Demon Lord with Thousand Faces? I made you crazy, and you turned into our city lord?"

Everyone surrounded Redis on the top of the mountain, all of them looked like they were playing, just now, the Thousand Faced Demon Lord was too arrogant, but seeing him want to cry now, they are all extremely happy.

"I'm really the lord of the city." Redis had a disheveled face, and his eyes rolled back and forth, trying to find an acquaintance.

"Where is your momentum? Go on! Didn't you say that whoever blocks me will die? Come and kill me now if you have the ability!" These words were said by a strong fairy master.

Redis smashed his teeth and swallowed it. He couldn't tell the pain. Just now, Li San was too high-profile and made a lot of harsh words. Now he is not the real devil with a thousand faces, but he has to bear the anger of these people.

"Stupid, why don't you say harsh words now?" Someone laughed.

"Hmph, if our city lord hadn't sacrificed himself for others and blew himself up to seriously injure you at the last moment, I'm afraid we would have let you escape!" the cultivators of Fallen Leaf City said one after another.

"Hmph, let me tell you guys, I am the real Redis, and I am your city lord. If you dare to attack me, I will definitely kill you!"

As a high-ranking city lord on weekdays, where has Redis been so angry?Facing the ridicule of these people, he couldn't help cursing.

"Your uncle! Are you still crazy?"

"Brothers, don't waste your time. According to rumors, this 'thousand-faced devil' is very cunning. We should immediately kill his city lord and avenge the dead brothers, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"I heard that the 'Thousand-Faced Demon Lord' is a mobile treasury"

"Grandma, I saw this guy was just holding a pagoda with power against the sky. This guy is holding the pagoda and beating the city lord until he has no power to fight back!"




A group of people rushed up, most of them were cultivators at the level of fairy lords, and began to surround and beat Redis, all kinds of magic weapons flew all over the sky, beating him and fleeing in embarrassment.

"I'm really the lord of the city, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh therefore')!" Redis kept yelling as he hid XZ among these people.

In the distance, Xuanba smiled and said: "This guy is really tragic!"

"Everyone get out of the way, let me kill him"

A tyrannical energy fluctuation came from afar.

"Ah, the Ice King"

"Damn, it looks like we won't be able to get the treasure of the Thousand Faced Demon Lord"

Seeing the Ice Dynasty flying over here, those cultivators said with a look of regret.

"Even if you can't get the magic weapon, you still have to have fun"

"Yes, many people want to teach this thousand-faced devil a lesson but have no chance"

"In the future, when we go back, we will tell people that the Demon Lord was beaten by us before."

Some cultivators say each other sentence by sentence.

"Grass, Lord Thousand Faces, I will beat you into a pig's head today"

All those cultivators stretched out their fists and threw them at Radis' face.

"Me, me, me..." Redis' face had been beaten into a pig's head. He really wanted to scold someone, but he didn't know what to scold for a while.

Redis' body was like a sandbag, being bombarded by those people in the sky.

"Get away from me"

At this time, the Ice King came to the central square of Fallen Leaf City
"Hahaha, it turns out that you, the Demon Lord with Thousand Faces, have such a great background. You have a lot of magic weapons, and they all belong to my Ice King, haha." He also didn't know about the huge spar vein during the Battle of Hexin Island. He had just learned all this information from an ordinary cultivator in Fallen Leaf City.When the Ice King learned that Li San not only had a magic weapon that could restore his body, but also a special magic weapon that could change his soul, and even had that extremely powerful pagoda.
In short, this Li San is like a mobile treasure house.

The Ice King didn't expect Li San to fall back into his hands. He seemed to be able to see countless treasures, and these treasures would soon become his Ice King's.

"When I get this treasure, I will seek revenge from the Demon Flame King. Even if the Demon Flame King has the Immortal Extinction Armor, I will not be afraid."

At this moment, the Ice King had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He didn't know that even the Immortal Extinction Armor of the Demon Flame King was now on Li San's body.

"Die!" Thinking of this, two fierce lights flickered in the Ice King's eyes, and then with a wave of his hand, a misty ice air shot towards the 'thousand-faced devil'.

"Oh no"

Seeing the tyrannical icy air attacking him, Radis cried out in despair.


The icy air submerged into Redis' body in an instant, freezing the dying Redis in an instant.


"Hahaha treasure, it's all mine, it's all mine"

The Ice King laughed excitedly, but the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.Because, he found that there were no immortal treasures in the 'Thousand-faced Demon Lord'. In the thunder sky, there were only a few scattered treasures, a token, a giant sword, and a Space ring!
"Oh my god, that seems to be the order of the city lord"

"That giant sword seems to be the sword of the city lord's earth"

"He, he is really the lord of the city. The person we beat up just now turned out to be the lord of the city"

"The City Lord was killed by the Ice King"

These cultivators simply couldn't believe everything in front of them. They originally thought that the real city lord had already blew himself up, and the person in front of him who looked exactly like the city lord was Thousand Faced Demon Lord.

However, they realized that they were wrong. The person in front of them was their city lord, and they were about to beat up their own city lord, and now, the city lord was killed by the Ice King.

"How could this be?" Looking at the scene in front of him, the Ice King felt that his hands and feet were getting cold. He didn't expect that the one he just killed was actually Redis.

(End of this chapter)

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