Chaos Scripture

Chapter 995 Founder of Medicine King Valley

Chapter 995 Founder of Medicine King Valley

"Well, the country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult!" Li San sighed.However, he was in a good mood when he learned that he heard Fat Ya's voice again.

"Damn little princess, those spirit beasts are too pitiful." The guide seemed very dissatisfied, and said angrily, "Since this guy came, these spirit beasts have not had a peaceful day!"

"Everyone's idea, everyone's idea, those guys are coming, this time, we must hunt and kill No. 9," Fatty's voice came out again.

"Oh my god, this guy is really lawless!" The guide lamented.

"Hahaha shot." Fat Ya's happy voice reached Li San's ears.

Fat Ya's voice stopped immediately, and Yaowang Valley immediately returned to calm.But after a while, Fat Ya's voice sounded again

"Oh brother, sister Xuanba Phoenix, sister Xiaoqing, brother Dahu" that chubby figure appeared in the sight of Li San and the others. At this moment, the fat girl was carrying a small bow and arrow on her back. It wears a crest of fine bird feathers.

Fat Ya's figure flew towards here like a bolt of lightning.

"Hahaha, Fatty, it's been so long since you've seen you, you've gained weight again!" Xuan Ba ​​laughed loudly when he saw Fatty.

Li San was also a little surprised. After seeing him for such a long time, the fat girl was indeed a little fatter than before.

In the tenth year after Li San left the Valley of the Medicine King, the King of Medicine awakened Fat Ya's consciousness, but he could not completely cure Fat Ya's soul.

During this period of time, Fatty had been bored to the core, but now seeing someone she knew, she screamed excitedly, she rushed into Li San's arms, tears immediately rolled down from her two big eyes.

"Brother Wuwu, I thought you guys didn't want to be fat." Fatty cried sadly, and the tears flowed down.

"Hehe, you silly girl, why don't we want you?" Li San gently stroked the fat girl's head, comforting in a low voice.

"Young man, you are here." An old voice sounded behind Li San.

Li San looked back and saw a thin figure standing on a pavilion in the mountains and rivers not far away.That figure floated up slowly, and flew down from the short mountain, and the fluttering of the clothes gave people a feeling of immortality.

"The medicine king?"

"Yes, it's me."

At this moment, Yao Wang looked only 40 to 9 years old, and he was clearly a middle-aged man. This was different from the Yao Wang Li San had seen before. Moreover, Li San could also feel the supernatural power in Yao Wang's body. The degree of divine power is far stronger than that of ordinary gods and [-]th heaven masters.

"Brother, I went to play with Fatty." After Xuanba finished speaking, he immediately carried Fatty and disappeared from Li San's sight.

"Hehe, Li San, let's go for a stroll too." Shenhuo Phoenix and the others said to Li San with a smile, and then walked towards the depths of Yaowang Valley.Only Li San and Yao Wang are left here.

"Let me ask the heroes of the world, who dares to fight me?" Yao Wang sighed to himself, looking at Li San with burning eyes: "Unexpectedly, you, who were still a little god king back then, are now standing on the top of Tianmeng universe !"

"Hehe, I'm being punished!" Li San shook his head helplessly and said.

"Hahaha, it's not that you are being raped, but that you are so talented, people who come out of the forbidden land are just different," Yao Wang said lightly.

"Huh? Senior Yao Wang, you knew from the beginning that I came from a forbidden place?" Li San looked at Yao Wang with some surprise in his heart.

"I used to suspect, but now I am convinced that both you and the Chaos Supreme came out of the taboo."

"Dump Dump"

Li San took three consecutive steps back, looked at Yao Wang in disbelief, then his chest heaved violently, and asked eagerly, "Where is Chaos Supreme? Do you know about him?"

"I don't know." Yao Wang shook his head and said, "I only know that Chaos Supreme is a generation of arrogance. His cultivation is astonishing in the past and the present. He used to intimidate the entire universe just like you."

Li San urgently asked: "How did you know? Since you know his deeds, you must also know what happened back then. Tell me!"

Yao Wang shook his head and said, "I don't know what happened ten thousand years ago, and I only heard about Primal Chaos Supreme. As for where he is at the moment, I'm not sure."

Li San couldn't believe it.Said: "You heard it, who did you hear it from? Can you tell me the details, I really hope to meet that person."

"I understand your feelings, but it is impossible for you to meet that person." Yao Wang explained: "That person is the founder of my Medicine King Valley, but my master has disappeared hundreds of billions of years ago! Just now Those news are all passed down from our Yaowang Valley."

Li San was a little puzzled, and said, "How could you, the founder of Medicine King Valley, pass on this information for no reason?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Through Yao Wang's explanation, Li San knew an amazing thing.

In the distant past, before disappearing, the founder of the Yaowanggu lineage passed down some exercises to tell the younger generations that if a certain clan was born, they must pay close attention to it and take some extraordinary measures if necessary.

At the same time, Yaowanggu passed down a mysterious box. This mysterious box can only be opened by cultivating the Chaos Scripture to the eighth level of Dacheng.

The founder of Yaowang Valley didn't say why, but only said that that person was from the Chaos Sect. So far, endless doubts have been left.

Afterwards, everyone in Medicine King Valley quickly forgot about this matter.But hundreds of billions of years ago, the mysterious race mentioned by the founder of Medicine King Valley appeared. At that time, people in Medicine King Valley remembered this matter.

About 8000 billion years ago, the Valley of the Medicine Kings flourished to the extreme, and many geniuses emerged, and the power of the Valley of the Medicine Kings further expanded.During this period, the power of Medicine King Valley continued to bloom everywhere in the universe.While collecting all kinds of strange medicines, some seniors of Medicine King Valley accidentally entered a mysterious and vast unknown space.

At that time, several powerful beings from the Medicine King Valley visited the scene in person, and after careful observation, they discovered that the race living in that world was the race the founder had mentioned.

After careful investigation, those strong men in the Valley of the Medicine King gradually understood the unwillingness and ambition of that mysterious race, and later also understood what the founder of the Valley of the Medicine King had told them.After getting a general understanding of the situation, several super-powerful beings from the Medicine King Valley joined forces to seal off this passage and classified it as the top secret.

After that, they still paid attention to the mysterious race intentionally or unintentionally, until that mysterious race reappeared not long ago.

Li San was a little puzzled and a little emotional. The reason why the founder of Medicine King Valley left a message for the descendants of Medicine King Valley seemed to have a lot to do with Chaos Supreme. Could it be that Chaos Supreme entrusted him to do this?

If this is the case, Li San found that the Chaos Supreme seems to have arranged a lot of things, there are many measures to prevent the betrayal of the mysterious race, and entrusting the founder of the Medicine King Valley, there may be even more powerful backers.

Li San sorted out his thoughts, but he still couldn't figure it out in the end, but one thing is certain, although Chaos Supreme has arranged a lot, it is not exhaustive.

Maybe Chaos Supreme knows that someone will come to the third area of ​​Tianmeng universe in Xiangu, but most of them will not expect that it will be so long later. This time may be quite different from Chaos Supreme's expectation, and many things may have changed. .

The Cosmic Demon Whale was perhaps the biggest surprise.The cosmic demon whale back then fled to the second universe area, and blocked the passage leading to the third universe area on the other side. If it wasn't for the abnormality of Li San, no one could really defeat the demon whale king. A cosmic channel to enter the third cosmic region.

"Senior Medicine King, you just said that the founder of your Medicine King Valley has a mysterious box that can only be opened by someone who has cultivated to the eighth level of the Chaos Scripture. I don't know where the box is?" Li Sanren Can't stop talking.

Yao Wang shook his head and said, "To be honest, I don't know where the box is, but the founder left one thing behind. Wait a minute."

After Yao Wang finished speaking, his figure disappeared immediately.

When Yao Wang appeared again, Li San saw a yellow book in his hand.

"Here, here you are, this is what the founder left behind!" Yao Wang threw the yellow book in his hand to Li San.

After Li San took the yellow paper, he gently opened it.The characters on the yellow book were very strange and ancient, and Li San didn't know any of them.

"Huh? Senior Yao Wang, do you know the characters in this book?" Li San frowned and said to Yao Wang.

Yao Wang shook his head, "I've never seen this word before!"

"What's the use of this book?" Li San frowned even more. The words in this book didn't have any spiritual imprint at all, as if they were books that bothered the world.

Without the spiritual imprint, and without knowing the words on the book, the book would lose any value at all.

"Hehe, study it slowly by yourself. This book is related to that mysterious box. Did you get the spirit fruit that day?" Yao Wang said to Li San with a smile.

"Well, I got it." Li San nodded, and then took out the box containing the Sky Spirit Fruit.

Yao Wang took the box from Li San's hand, breaking all the restrictions on it with both hands.


The Yuhe containing the Sky Spirit Fruit was finally opened, and a burst of purple light shot out from inside.

When Yao Wang fully opened the lid of the Yuhe, he found a purple fruit the size of a fist inside.

"What a powerful soul breath" Li San couldn't help sighing as he looked at the spiritual fruit that day.

"Hahaha, that's of course. According to the legend, the Sky Spirit Fruit can easily raise a person's soul vitality to a ten-star level. When the soul vitality reaches ten stars, it is only a matter of time before becoming a strong king, because Tianling The strange energy in the fruit can turn any useless cultivator into a genius!"

Yao Wang looked at the Sky Spirit Fruit in the box, laughed and said, "Do you know why I want you to get the Sky Spirit Fruit before I can help you?"

Li San shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"Hehe! Because only the Heavenly Spirit Fruit can erase the wounds in the fat girl's spirit." Yao Wang smiled.

"It turned out to be like this." Li San was stunned, and looked at Yao Wang with some surprise. At first, he thought that Yao Wang wanted him to get the Tianling Fruit, just as a reward for saving the fat girl, but he didn't expect that only this Tianling fruit If you do it, you can save Fatty.

"After these years of research, I finally figured out what's wrong with Fatty!" Yao Wang said to Li San with a proud face.

"Oh? What's wrong with that?" Li San couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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