Chaos Scripture

Chapter 996

Chapter 996
"What's wrong with Fatty?" Li San looked up at Yao Wang.

"In her soul, I found the breath of Hei Yan's holy power." There was a little bit of light flickering in Yao Wang's eyes.

"Heiyan Saint Power? What stuff?" Li San's eyes widened involuntarily. He himself had Immortal Saint Power and Tianyan Saint Power, but he had never heard of this Black Yan Saint Power.

"Hehe, this Black Yan Saint Power is a very mysterious energy in the universe. This kind of energy is very powerful. She can break anyone with a broken soul and restore all their memories!" Yao Wang Said lightly.

"Let a person with a broken soul restore all his memories?" Li San was completely shocked. His immortal holy power can repair the body and soul of a person. Incorporate other source laws.But this Black Yan Saint Power can restore the memory of a remnant soul, "Doesn't this mean that as long as there is a trace of immortality, it is possible to use the Black Yan Saint Power to restore it?"

Yao Wang nodded, and said: "Theoretically speaking, it is indeed the case."

"But what?"

"However, this Black Yan Saint Power is very mysterious. It can only be found in the most mysterious black hole in the universe. Even the supreme powerhouse would not dare to go deep into that mysterious black hole. I am afraid that it is only the one in the legend. Only the supreme existence of the universe can enter the depths of the black hole." Yao Wang said with a sigh: "It is recorded in the ancient books of our Yaowang Valley that before our cosmic civilization era, the supreme existence of other civilization eras , I once went into that black hole to look for the Black Yan Saint Power, but those supreme beings never found the Black Yan Saint Power at all!"

"According to what you said, senior, fat girl, she has entered a black hole?" Li San looked at Yao Wang in shock.

Yao Wang nodded and said: "Well, she did enter the black hole, and she was very lucky to survive. Her soul was mutated in the black hole. It can be said that her soul has already merged with a trace of black hair. The holy power is fused, if she can enter the black hole again, she should easily sense the black-derived holy power inside the black hole!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Li San couldn't help cursing, there was no black hole in Xiangu, and Fatty had entered a black hole before, so she must have been outside of Xiangu before.

"Hehe, her soul has suffered a huge blow, and the Black Yan Saint Power is very domineering. Only the cosmic miracle, the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, can completely restore her original soul. Now that the Heavenly Spirit Fruit has been obtained, I'm going to Alchemy for Fatty, you can stay in Yaowang Valley for a while!" Yaowang said lightly.

"Well, I'm going to trouble Senior Medicine King!" Li San said respectfully to Medicine King.

"Huh!" Yao Wang's body turned into a white light, and disappeared in front of Li San's eyes in an instant.

Seeing the disappearance of the medicine king, Li San released his consciousness, and immediately found Shenhuo Phoenix and the others.

At this moment, Shenhuo Fenghuang and the others have been arranged to live in a large courtyard.

In the courtyard, Xuan Ba ​​and Fat Ya were leaning on a crane beside a fire.

"Xuan Ba, are you familiar?" Fat Ya sat on Xuan Ba's back, swallowing hard.

"Xiao Qing, add some firewood" Xuan Ba ​​casually said to the Green Snake Girl.

The green snake girl had no choice but to gently put a few dry sticks into the fire.She is used to this kind of life, and she thinks this kind of life is quite good.Seeing Xuan Ba ​​and Fat Ya look so happy together, she also felt very happy.

The Tianxing White Tiger was also sitting beside the fire, looking eagerly at the crane on Xuanba's fork.

Shenhuo Phoenix returned to the house to practice. She is a bird herself, so she couldn't do it if she was asked to eat cranes.

When I was in Li San's family, if Xuanba and the others roasted sweet potatoes, she and Princess Baihe would both eat them.But if it's roast chicken, cranes and the like, she and Princess Baihe will never eat them.

"Cough cough" Li San's figure appeared in the yard, and coughed lightly at Xuanba and the others.

"Senior Brother" Fat Ya and Xuan Ba ​​shouted happily, and Fat Ya flew into Li San's arms all at once.

"Senior brother, where are the senior sisters and the master?" Fat girl raised her head, blinking at Li San with her big eyes.

"Well, master and senior sister are practicing in seclusion!" Li San was stunned, and then said.He wouldn't tell Fat Ya the real situation, if that was the case, Fat Ya would cry to death.

The tattoos of Mu Hongyan, Li San's parents, and others were all sucked into the eighth floor of the Samsara Tower.Now that Li San's Chaos Scripture has been cultivated to the eighth level of Dacheng state, it won't be long before he can open the eighth level of the reincarnation tower.

By opening the eighth floor of the Samsara Tower, Li San will be able to resurrect all those people, but Li San still doesn't know what the eighth floor of the Samsara Tower is like.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten the soup stewed by my senior sister," Fatty said regretfully.

The corner of Li San's mouth twitched involuntarily. The fat girl was hanging on to Mu Hongyan, so she must want to eat the soup stewed by Mu Hongyan.

Among the mountains and rivers in Yaowang Valley, there is a fairy air, exotic flowers are in full bloom, yao grass covers the ground, cranes are flying, and white apes are dancing happily, just like the pure land of bliss.

Xuan Ba ​​and Fat Ya haunt these green mountains and green waters every day. Those cranes, white apes, sika deer, and cute little rabbits, whether they are flying in the sky, swimming in the water, or crawling on the ground, these two guys, Will not let go.Even those strange insects were caught by two guys, skewered together with bamboo sticks and roasted.

In the Valley of the Medicine Kings, these insects are very powerful. Even the people who grow medicine in the Valley of the Medicine Kings can easily break through the restrictions placed by the divine power.And these insects are elusive.No one knows when they will come out to take medicine, and there is no way to guard against them.

Since these insects grew up eating elixir, the taste is simply not comparable to those ordinary insects.

Halfway up the mountain, Li San stood in a pavilion, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, he was puzzled.

A broken book left by the founder of Medicine King Valley, no matter how hard he pondered, he couldn't find any way.

He has used the methods of blood recognition, soul recognition, water soaking, fire, etc., but this thing has no reflection at all.However, through constant exploration, he found that the material of this book was very special, even if he used the Supreme Immortal Treasure Tianmang Sword to cut it, it would be difficult to cut it open.

"Numb, these old guys must have forgotten something?" Li San cursed secretly in his heart.

The Primal Chaos left behind that mysterious box back then, but even the people in Medicine King Valley didn't know where that mysterious box was. Isn't this a scam?
"We have to wait until we return to the Chaos Sect and ask the Great Elder to see if he has any clues." Li San sighed in his heart.

Yao Wang appeared silently on a huge rock not far from Li San.

"Senior Yao Wang, has the pill been refined?" Seeing the appearance of Yao Wang, Li San was overjoyed.

Yao Wang shook his head and said, "No, I suddenly discovered that a very special thing is needed to refine that kind of elixir!"

"What?" Li San immediately became nervous. After all, this elixir was directly related to Fatty's life.

"Hehe, you don't have to be nervous. It's not hard to find this thing. You Chaos Sect has it," Yao Wang said to Li San with a smile.

"Oh? What? I'll fetch it for you right now!" Li San said immediately.

Yao Wang smiled and said: "It's also hard for me to tell what it is, and that thing, in the holy land space of your Chaos Sect, can only be obtained if I go there. Move to your Chaos Sect, after all, the universe is now in turmoil!"

"That's fine." Li San hesitated for a moment, then nodded.With his current strength, he will definitely have a super high status in the Chaos Sect. If people from the Medicine King Valley join the Chaos Sect, I believe that no one else will dare to dispute it.Moreover, Yaowanggu itself has a very strong background. Many great forces in the universe wanted to win over Yaowanggu, but they were all rejected by Yaowanggu.

The previous Yaowang Valley was neutral and did not favor any ancient forces. It was precisely because of this that the Yaowang Valley was able to be passed down for such a long time.

Now, the decision made by Yaowang undoubtedly showed his position.

The current Chaos God Sect, because of Li San's appearance, even the five ancient forces, now dare not provoke Li San, the evil star.

Moreover, from the conversation between Yaowang and Li San, Li San also knew that this Yaowang Valley had friendship with Chaos Supreme a long time ago, which may also be the factor for Yaowang's decision at this time.

Yao Wang's body floated to the sky above Yao Wang Valley, his hands continuously formed negative and complicated marks in front of him, and those marks kept shooting towards all directions of Yao Wang Valley.


Yaowang Valley suddenly shook violently.Rays of divine light rose from the sky.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xuan Ba ​​and Fat Ya, who were hunting, felt puzzled when they sensed the changes in the Valley of the Medicine Kings.

When these divine lights rose from the sky, Yaowang Valley also slowly rose above this planet, slowly separated from this week, and flew towards the direction where Yunmeng was.

Suddenly, the entire Medicine King Valley erupted with a brilliant light, and then disappeared from the original place.

Li San and the others are at this moment.It feels like the world is spinning for a while, and this valley is tearing up the space.Leading them into a space channel and galloping quickly.

Surrounded by the light of chaos, the speed of Yaowang Valley is extremely fast.

Just at this time.Fat Ya screamed, and said, "Oh, yeah, yeah, we're flying!"

I don't know how long it took, the medicine king drove the medicine king valley to break through the space, the light in front of him was bright, and the fresh air rushed into his mouth and nose.They rushed out from the space channel, and the scene in front of them made them dazed for a while.A soft light came into view.A bright moon hung in the sky in front of them, seeming to be very close to them.

"Could this be the Holy Land of Chaos Sect?" Shenhuo Phoenix muttered softly.

Li San had to be amazed.The Holy Land of Chaos God Sect is even more magnificent than everyone imagined.

The majestic and majestic sacred mountain rises from the ground, and there are many deep mountains, which are like huge swords, as if they are about to rush into the starry sky, and the roaring river.Across thousands of miles, the momentum is magnificent.

Except for the majestic mountains and rivers.The beautiful Kawasawa is even more picturesque.Colorful clouds flow.There are fairy mountains.Reiki people.Asgard is ethereal.Rare birds and animals appear from time to time.

Pieces of green hills and green valleys are full of rich breath of life.The flowers are blooming like a piece of brocade.The scenery is picturesque.

When Li San entered here, three rays of light flew towards him immediately.

Li San took a closer look, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "It's a fragment of the Five Elements Coin!"

(End of this chapter)

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