Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 136 Difficult Victory

Chapter 136 Difficult Victory

"Pay attention to dodge! Don't fight hard!"

Chen Feng quickly reminded Huang Quan and Dabai in front of him, and at the same time, he took Fairy Crane and Tony to move left and right, trying to avoid the bombardment of those white spheres.

As soon as the words fell, the white balls exploded on top of their heads in a row. The huge shock wave was enough to shock people to death. Fortunately, Chen Feng and others had already moved ahead of time to avoid the first wave of attacks.

However, there are too many white balls, all over the sky, no matter where they hide, as long as they are still in the field, it is difficult to escape.

"Continuing like this is not an option, we must take the initiative to attack and break the predicament."

Chen Feng focused his eyes, raised the [Terminator], and used the melee mode to shoot a wave of Tiannv Sanhua. In the blink of an eye, he shot hundreds of ion light bombs, each of which accurately hit a white ball. They were also blasted far into the air.


But under the series of explosions, the momentum was astonishing, and the huge shock wave even spread to the stands, destroying a large area of ​​the seats.

Deep in the center of the explosion, the body of the big willow tree was also severely bombed. This was purely a suicide attack driven to a desperate situation.

Otherwise, these bomb white balls should be used for long-range attacks.

When Chen Feng saw it, his eyes lit up, "Zol Zhuoni! Blow these white balls towards the big willow tree!"

The Ice and Fire Shuanglong immediately understood the master's intention, circled around the big willow tree, and at the same time vigorously vibrated its wings, setting off waves of strong winds, blowing those white balls crazily towards the body of the big willow tree.

Those white balls exploded on the big willow tree in a row, not only the bark was riddled with holes, but the huge trunk was crumbling.

This time, it was really a steal.

Meanwhile, Huang Quan and Da Bai, who were directly below the big willow tree, never gave up on attacking, and they showed all their strength, and slapped their claws on the tree trunk in succession.

boom! boom! boom!
This time, not only the bark fell off, but even the trunk started from the bottom and was punched with a huge crack.

Finally, the big willow tree couldn't bear it anymore!


Chen Feng let out a loud roar, and Zolzhuoni breathed out from two directions at the same time, flames and frost roared in. The life source of the big willow tree had been severely damaged, and it was no longer difficult to resist the terrifying power of the double dragon's breath. Speed ​​withers quickly.

However, the centipede is dead but not stiff. Even at the last moment of its life, the big willow tree still did not give up resistance, and the last remaining more than 300 willow branches quickly entangled together, forming three terrifying willow branches as thick as stone pillars. He strangled Zhuoni who was weaker in defense.

The angles of these three super willow branches are extremely strange. No matter which angle Zhuoni flies to, he can't escape the encirclement. It's almost a certain death situation.


Seeing this, Drow immediately turned his head and exhaled frost, trying to save his brother with all his strength.

Click! Click!

I saw that the three super willow branches were constantly frozen, and broke away in an instant. Although the speed was affected, they were still strangling Zhuoni.


A white light flashed, it was Fairy Crane!Her wings were like two scalpels, and she slashed across the root of one of the willow branches, only to hear a squeak, and it was cut off in the middle!
At the same time, a yellow figure flashed along the trunk and branches of the big willow tree, and it turned out to be Huang Quan!He is frantically using the ability to flicker in the void. The next time he flickers, he will appear directly on the side of a super willow branch. With a bite of his sharp teeth, and a pull of his front paw, he tore off another willow branch with a snort.

Now, the last of the three super willow branches.

But for Zhuoni, it is still not a small threat.

At this time, a blue-purple laser pierced the sky in an instant!

"With me here, don't even think about hurting my pet!"

Chen Feng's eyes were piercing, and while using [Terminator] to cut off the last super willow branch, he took advantage of the situation and cut a deep gash directly on the trunk of the big willow tree.

The cutting mode of [Terminator] can even cut through high-strength alloys, but when it is cut on this super mutant big willow tree, it is still broken and not completely cut.




At this time, Huang Quan, Dabai, and Tony roared together, and at the same time bumped into the deepest part of the big willow tree's broken marks.

The big willow tree with a height of tens of meters finally fell down with a loud noise, and the trunk fell on the lawn of the stadium, digging out a huge depression, as if it was embedded in the ground.

"Huh—" Chen Feng let out a long breath, and finally won.

This battle was very dangerous, especially Zhuoni, who had faced many dangers several times, and finally defeated Da Liushu, which was also the most credited.

Chen Feng called Zall and Zhuoni down from the sky, and rewarded them well.

However, Huang Quan used his front paws to constantly pick up the soil at the root of the big willow tree, and even yelled at Chen Feng twice.

Chen Feng suddenly realized that if the roots were not removed by cutting the weeds, maybe after a while, this big willow tree would revive again and become even stronger.

Organize pets to dig out the roots of the big willow tree, and then serve them in a series of ice and fire double heavens plus [Terminator] cutting mode, and soon die can't die anymore.

"Wait! This is!?"

However, in the ashes at the root of the big willow tree, Chen Feng accidentally found a familiar thing.

A faded crystal.

Compared with the small piece found at the airport before, this piece of crystal is larger, but the color has faded more completely. Basically, no light green can be seen at all, and it has become completely translucent.

"What exactly is this? Could it be that this small piece of crystal created this super mutant willow tree?"

Chen Feng twisted a word "Chuan" between his brows, and faintly felt that the backside of no man's land was not that simple, as if there was an invisible hand controlling everything.

"No matter who you are, I will definitely find you out!"

Chen Feng tightly grasped the crystal in the palm of his hand, his eyes were extremely firm.

After defeating the big willow tree, Chen Feng got two blue evolutionary spirits, that is, a full 20 evolution points. Adding the previous ones, the total number of evolution points has reached 70.5. Another 30 can evolve a level 3 magical animal to level 4!

Chen Feng wondered, is it a luxury?

"Damn, I almost forgot, there's also Panda and those two cute ones!"

When the dust settled, Chen Feng suddenly remembered that the panda and those two immature pets were in the stands all the time, so nothing would happen.

I hurried back to look for it, but when I saw the place, I couldn't laugh or cry.

Panda Panda is sitting cross-legged like the boss, instructing the owl and the fox to steal food for him from the vending machine, which is so beautiful.

"Still eating! Let's go!"

Chen Feng shouted deliberately with a straight face, he can't be too kind to this cunning panda.

Immediately, he looked around the entire stadium, wondering if there is anything good here?

 Recently, this chapter is not very lively, everyone guess, what is going on behind the scenes in no man's land~~ Don't stop recommending votes! PS: Thanks to the corpse king of the cemetery for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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