Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 137 Mi Army Base

Chapter 137 Mi Army Base
The Fox City Beasts rank high in the NFL rankings, and the football market has always been hot. Almost all the citizens in the city are fans of the team.

Therefore, the construction of the stadium is also quite good. Before Chen Feng came to watch the game, although he was not interested in the game itself, he was deeply impressed by the luxurious and magnificent stadium.

As soon as he entered the stadium, he had a fierce battle with the mutated willow tree. He didn't have time to observe the surroundings. Now that he was finally free, Chen Feng couldn't help but want to take a break, walk around the stadium, and savor the prosperity of the old world.

In the center of the court, the originally neatly trimmed lawn was already overgrown with weeds, and a large piece of the center was lifted to reveal the roots of the big willow tree, which was basically useless.

On the surrounding stands, the high-grade seats were already stained and stained with rust, but a bit of the grand occasion of the past could still be vaguely seen.

Chen Feng took the pets through the stands and arrived at the visitor center, seeing a mess.

In the souvenir shop, most of the counters were smashed. It should be when the end of the world just broke out. Some people wanted to make a fortune by taking advantage of the chaos.

In the corner, Chen Feng unexpectedly found an undamaged counter, inside were some cartoon dolls, including the mascot of the Fox City Beasts team, and other cartoon characters with the Beasts team logo printed on them.

Chen Feng took one casually, played with it for a while, and then threw it into Tony's backpack.

Maybe someone in the camp would like it.

Then he came to the restaurant, found a can of Coca-Cola in the mess, opened the tab and gulped it down, the smell was still the same.

This may be the last batch of Coca-Cola in the world. I wonder if humans can develop such a delicious drink in the future.

There are not many walking corpses inside and outside the stadium of Nuo University. It seems that they should be attracted to the train station and the airport by some mysterious force. The rest are all puppets of the big willow tree. Lost vitality.

Chen Feng searched twice, but he didn't find any particularly valuable materials, so he couldn't help being a little bit uninterested.

It was getting late, Chen Feng was fortunate enough to stay overnight in the visitor center of the stadium.

Early the next morning, before leaving, Chen Feng went to the clothing store, changed into a jacket with the team logo on it, and found a hat to wear.Wearing a piece of clothing for a long time will affect your mood. This theorem is the same in the last days.

Walking out of the court, Chen Feng was suddenly afraid for a while.

If the big willow tree is allowed to continue to evolve, it won't take long before it can evolve self-awareness like the worm queen in the sunset mountain mine, and it will not be so easy to kill it when the time comes.

Only four months have passed since the end of the world, and the frenzy of evolution has just begun, and human beings can no longer be called the overlord of this planet.

And one year later, two years later, ten years later, can human beings survive on this planet?

The next stop is the end of no man's land, the Mi Army base.

The Mi Army base is located at the southernmost tip of the entire Fox City. In fact, to be precise, it has gone beyond the radiation range of the city and is considered independent.

But traditionally, it is still customary to combine the Mi army base with the southern part of the city.

Chen Feng was riding on the back of a nightmare horse, with a gun on his back, a big dog and a white tiger by his side, two pterodactyls and a white crane flying in the sky, followed by a panda, an owl and a fox.

This combination looks weird from any angle.

If it was in the old days, I am afraid that I would immediately become an Internet celebrity, max out Youtube and various social networks, and most likely would get the nickname of "Contemporary Beast Hunter".

But now there is no internet, and even if there is internet, the survivors don't have the mind to watch any videos, so Chen Feng's dream of being an internet celebrity has vanished.

After riding for about half an hour, the environment on both sides of the road gradually became empty and desolate. The original high-rise buildings gradually turned into small bungalows, and then were replaced by endless wilderness.

Finally, at the end of the horizon, a row of barbed wire appeared in Chen Feng's field of vision.

The US military base has arrived.

This base belongs to the US Army, and Chen Feng does not know the specific numbers of the troops stationed there.

But his mood still became tense in an instant.

After all, the Mi Army used to be the most powerful armed force on earth, known as the world's police, for example, the most powerful navy, and even had the ability to pull other countries together.

In the face of this kind of power, everyone must remain in awe.

But since the end of the world, Mi Jun has all disappeared for no reason, which is extremely weird.

Now, Chen Feng had the opportunity to solve the mystery, so of course he would be a little nervous.

From a distance and on the surface, this rice army base seems to be no different from the past, but very quiet!

Through the gates and fences made of barbed wire, you can see that inside the base, tanks, armored vehicles and other combat equipment are parked there as usual, but no one can be seen. The autumn wind blows, only some weeds dance along with it.

Likewise, the gate was closed, but without any guards.

It's easy to get in just by pushing the barbed wire.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, "Since we're here, why don't we go in and have a look."

After all, he clamped his legs on Tony's back and started to move forward.

However, Chen Feng didn't have the patience to push open the barbed wire fence with bare hands, but ordered directly:
"Clash of flames!"


Tony immediately raised his front hooves and charged like a chariot burning with flames.

Da da da, da da da, the horseshoes sounded hurriedly and rhythmically on the road, leaving a path of flames behind, and then with a bang, Tony slammed the two rows of barbed wire fences in front of the gate of the Mi army base. crashed.

By the time the two rows of barbed wire fell down, they had already been charred by the flames.

Chen Feng got off his horse and walked to the gate of the barracks.

The two gates are seven or eight meters high and are made of steel plates, which are very thick.There is a small door in the lower left corner of the door on the left, which is accessible for pedestrians, but is also locked from the inside.

Chen Feng didn't say a word, he picked up the [Terminator] directly, and shot at the lock of the small door.

The small door opened in response.

Chen Feng walked in with Huang Quan, Dabai and others.


Embarrassing things happened.

Tony was too tall to pass.

make life difficult for……

"This..." Chen Feng could only smile wryly, he could only switch the [Terminator] to cutting mode, and according to Tony's height, cut another door out of the door.

After passing through the gate, there is a small square first, and at the end of the square there is a row of green tents, which should be the barracks of the army soldiers.

Although no living person could be seen, the unique sense of majesty of the military camp still rushed to his face.

But when Chen Feng looked around, something happened suddenly!

Behind the tent, three armed helicopters flew up!
All the Vulcan cannons and other weapons on the plane were aimed at Chen Feng's direction, and at the same time, the loudspeaker shouted: "You have broken into the military restricted area, exit immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!"

what happened! !
Chen Feng was shocked.

Could it be that there are still living people in the Mi Army base! ? ?
 It's so weird!Quickly vote for a few recommended votes! ps: Thank you Sky Dark City, 0orange0, brother-in-law from nearby people and golden crab Xiaohuihui for their rewards

(End of this chapter)

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