Chapter 138 Battle!
The three armed helicopters flew closer and closer, and the roar of the propellers kept bombarding Chen Feng's heart.

It's all so weird!It was so shocking!
Didn't it be agreed that all the Mi troops would disappear and that the south of the city would be no man's land?
But what happened to these three armed helicopters?How did it fly without a pilot?

In an instant, Chen Feng's mind was like a paste, a mess, countless thoughts swarmed at once, and he hardly knew what was true.

But the three armed helicopters obviously didn't intend to give Chen Feng any time to think, so the six Vulcan cannons aimed at Chen Feng and fired at the same time!
chug chug!

The rate of fire of the Vulcan cannon can reach 100 rounds per second, and in an instant, hundreds of rounds roared in.

These 7.62mm caliber bullets can penetrate any non-heavy armored object within 100 meters. If they all hit Chen Feng's body, they will definitely turn into a puddle of flesh, without a whole body.

At the critical moment, Huang Quan rushed out and took away Chen Feng before the Vulcan Cannon, so he survived.

But at his original location, the asphalt floor was riddled with holes.

After brushing shoulders with the god of death, Chen Feng woke up suddenly, wishing to give himself a mouthful, what are you doing, is this the time to be distracted?

If it wasn't for Huang Quan, I would have died again!
While remorseful, killing intent suddenly arose in Chen Feng's heart, "I don't care if you are the real Mi Jun, dare to fire at me? Die!"

"Zolzhuoni! Get rid of them!"

With Chen Feng's order, the two pterosaurs sped up suddenly, and the huge shadows flew across the ground in an instant, and they were within 20 meters of the three armed helicopters.

Followed by.

The blazing flames and the extremely cold frost attacked the armed helicopter on the left and the right, and two brilliant light clusters bloomed in the sky.

One of the helicopters exploded directly in the air, setting off fireworks.

The other one was directly frozen into an ice sculpture, fell directly like diving, and shattered into ice slag on the ground.

The third gunship was right in the middle, blocking most of the breath, so it didn't fall immediately, but was still shaking in the sky.

The strange thing is that even though it was already shaky, the loudspeaker still shouted: "You have broken into the military restricted zone, exit immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!"

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, as if he caught something.

right!From the beginning to the present, the content of the loudspeaker's announcement remains unchanged, and it seems that it is not like an instant announcement, but more like a pre-recorded one.

Could it be that……

There is no driver in the gunship, or is the driver not a living person?
"Zolzhuoni, stop!"

Chen Feng hastily stopped the next round of attacks by the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons, otherwise, the plane would be destroyed under the breath, and nothing could be seen.

And he took off the [Terminator] from behind with his backhand, and used the least powerful melee mode to point at the last gunship and pull the trigger.

Bang bang bang!
Seven or eight light-emitting bombs hit the top propeller and tail in succession, and the plane wobbled and fell to the ground more than 100 meters away without exploding.

Chen Feng rushed over quickly, and when he reached the normal level of running, he suddenly stopped.

"It really is!!"

The scene in front of him made Chen Feng's pupils shrink instantly, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

In the cockpit of the armed helicopter, two pilots climbed out, rolled around on the ground, and then stood up tremblingly. It seemed that they were not fatally injured.

Both of them were wearing military uniforms, wearing Mark boots of the American military standard, but they didn't wear pilot hats, but simply wore a green beret.

And under the berets, the skin of both of them was already festered. In the center of the sunken eye sockets, the blood-red eyes stared straight at Chen Feng, with indistinct growls from their mouths, they rushed over step by step.

These soldiers are not living people, they are walking corpses!

But, have you ever seen a walking corpse that can fly a fighter jet?

what on earth is it?

The two walking corpses were both injured, their legs and feet were inconvenient, and they walked for a while before reaching Chen Feng's side.

Chen Feng was also unwilling to waste the energy of the [Terminator], so he simply pulled out the dagger from his waist. When his figure moved, the light of the knife was like two bolts of lightning, opening two big holes in the skulls of the two walking corpses.

"Huh? What is this?"

The two walking corpses fell down, and Chen Feng suddenly noticed that there was a green nerve-like thing in the brains of both of them. With the death of the main body, it withered and withered instantly like a flower without nutrients.

This kind of thing doesn't exist in the minds of ordinary walking corpses.

Chen Feng thought of the puppet walking corpses controlled by the big willow tree in the stadium. Could it be that these soldiers also turned into puppets after the corpse transformation?
If this is the case, then it is undoubtedly better to control their existence, and even allow these walking corpses to retain their skills in life, such as flying a gunship.

Suddenly, there was a bustling sound from the direction of the green tent in the distance, just like the sound of students squeezing out of the teaching building during middle school exercises in China.

Now that we are in the military camp, that is to say...the military camp is assembled?
Suddenly, Chen Feng thought of a terrifying possibility, if all the people in this military base were still there, but turned into walking corpses, and they still retained the ability to use weapons...

This idea just came up, and I saw countless walking corpses in military uniforms swarming out of those green tents.

Every walking corpse is not only strong and strong, but also fully armed, wearing a full set of US Army equipment, body armor, multi-functional helmet, holding an automatic rifle in his hand, and clips and grenades on his waist. Also carrying an RPG rocket launcher, it can be said that it has everything that one expects to find.

This is basically an intact American army!
Chen Feng's eyelids twitched as he watched, thinking that he had played too much this time, and actually wanted to confront the walking corpse Mi Jun.


However, to make matters worse, after all the walking corpses came out of the green tent, the tent was instantly overwhelmed by some huge shadows.

It's a tank!
Chen Feng's eyes almost popped out, more than a dozen of the newest main battle tanks of the Mi Army rolled over the top of the tent.

The roaring engine, the rolling tracks, and the murderous gun barrel make people shudder.

It's okay to say that it's just walking dead infantry, but the power of infantry paired with tanks is by no means as simple as 1+1=2.

Soon, Chen Feng found that his eyes were not enough, because after the green tent was overwhelmed, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be a few aircraft parked deep in the base of the US military. In addition to armed helicopters, there were also Harrier fighter jets. !

Whoosh whoosh—

A few black shadows also approached quickly from a distance, they should be mutant military dogs!
"I'll be good! The whole army is dispatched!"

At this moment, Chen Feng calmed down, and opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the army of walking corpses rushing towards him.

"Then, let's fight!"

 It's finally started. The pet army is fighting against the army of the United States. Are you excited or surprised?Recommended tickets to go! ps: Thank you Guoda who wished Yixin Ruochu and Jin Taihua for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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