Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 151 Wait 1 Wait!

Chapter 151 Wait! (Ten updates are complete! Make every effort to subscribe!)


Hearing a dragon chant, Wolfgang felt ecstasy in his heart, turned his head suddenly, and saw Chen Feng riding a nightmare horse into the battlefield like a god of war.

After the shot from the gods and ghosts retreated, the boss yelled:
"Bear Big Bear Two, retreat!"

Wolfgang's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the boss's favorite large-scale AOE attack was coming.

Sure enough, as soon as the two three-headed hellhounds stepped back, a flame that seemed to burn everything in the world fell from the sky, engulfing Dexar and Lester in an instant.

"Zhoni! Well done!"

In this scene, Wolfgang waved his arms excitedly.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of Scarlet Mad Wolf, especially the new recruits, all stared wide-eyed. Unexpectedly, the head of the legion had such a side. It was as if they saw fans of their idols.

On the contrary, those veterans, such as Draven, looked calm, and even wanted to vent their ecstasy.

They know that when the boss appears, the game is sealed!

The goddess of victory is smiling!
Li Cha, Du Wei, Luo Li and the others also stared blankly at the two pterosaurs roaring in the sky, and then turned their gazes to Chen Feng.

The man called the boss was riding on the back of a fiery war horse, staring sternly at the two apostles who were engulfed by the dragon flames.

"This is my goal!" Li Cha's mind flashed this idea, "One day, I will become a strong man like him."

"Chen Feng!!"

On the other side, [Meat Dragon] Bolton gritted his teeth as he watched the man who appeared suddenly.

How could he not know the famous Boss of Doom City?
"Since you're here! Leave it to me!"

Bolton stomped his feet suddenly, and pointed at Chen Feng with a row of stabs.

"Boss be careful!" Wolfgang shouted repeatedly. It's not that he didn't believe in Chen Feng's strength, but he was just afraid that the boss would accidentally say it.

However, Chen Feng rode on the horse and didn't even move, he didn't even lift his eyelids.It seems that [Flesh Dragon] Bolton's full attack is not as threatening as a mosquito in his eyes.

A white light flashed.

All the ground thorns were split in two during the journey and fell to both sides.

And that white light continued unabated, piercing [Flesh Dragon] Bolton's heart like a legendary fairy sword.

On the line of life and death, [Flesh Dragon] Bolton once again showed agility that was completely out of proportion to his size. With a twist, he barely avoided the fate of being pierced to death.It's just that there was a cut in the arm with a deep bone visible.

Bolton looked back with lingering fear, and saw an elegant white figure standing gracefully.

Who else is coming besides Fairy Crane?
"Where...where did the crane come from?" Bolton may never be able to figure this out.

Because Wolfgang had already clenched his fists and charged forward with his bone spurs—if all the enemies were killed by the boss, he would be out of a job!
At this time, [Cancer] and [Death Ray] finally rushed out from Zhuoni's dragon flame, and they are still alive!

In order to protect Lester, Dexar endured most of the dragon flames. At this time, most of his skin as hard as steel had melted away, and his pair of claws were more like roasted crab claws, very brittle .

And Lester was not much better. Although the protected half of his body was fine, the other side was burned extensively, and one arm was completely burned to ashes.


Lester let out a painful howl, full of remorse and unwillingness. He never thought that this trip to Fox City would end like this.

I thought it was just an easy mission, after helping [Heisha] to repel the enemy, just return to the headquarters.

Thinking of it there, such a group of monsters suddenly appeared.

But as the inspector of the New Hope Company, even if he dies in battle, he must make the other party pay the price!
"Death to me!"

Lester let out a roar, and an unprecedented high-energy ray burst out from his navel, shooting straight at Zhuoni's chest!

Another dragon chant sounded in the sky.

Drow was sprinkling frost breath at the place where [Heisha] members were most dense, and suddenly found that his brothers were in crisis again.

Immediately twisting the faucet, a frosty breath flew across the sky, intercepting and killing the high-energy ray halfway.


However, this was the strongest blow of Lester's lifetime ability, how could he be stopped so easily, he actually broke through the barrier of Frost Dragon's Breath and continued to move forward.

"It's done!"

This scene immediately relaxed Lester's mood. Even if he died here today, he would have taken a dragon with him as a backup, so it was worth it.

However, just before the high-energy ray hit the target, a blue-purple laser shot straight through the center of Lester's ray from bottom to top, and disappeared instantly.


Lester's eyes widened immediately, unable to believe what he had just seen.

The high-energy rays he was proud of were defeated head-on?
Looking down along the blue-purple laser, Lester saw in astonishment that Chen Feng was holding the black and white, futuristic rifle and swung it down.


Lester's world was divided in two halves, which could never be closed again.

[Death Ray] Lester, die!

Chen Feng put down the gun, just activated the cutting mode, [Terminator] still needs 5 minutes of cooling time.

And he wants to end this battle within 5 minutes.


Witnessing the death of his comrades in battle, Dexar let out a mournful roar, and resolutely charged Chen Feng regardless of his injuries.

Doomed to a futile charge.


A tiger roar.

Dabai rushed over, and slapped Dexar's claws with one paw, smashing it to pieces.

"Tiger!?" Dexar opened his mouth to bite Dabai's ear, even though he was already in a deadlock.

remarkably brave.

However, two words must be used to describe it, that is - looking for death!
Dabai turned his head, and suddenly opened his tiger's mouth, a mouthful of terrifying fangs instantly engulfed Dexar's entire head, and bit down with a bang.

A headless corpse crashed to the ground.

"Dabai, spit out the human head. Remember, under no circumstances cannibalism is allowed." Chen Feng said coldly while riding on the horse.

Upon hearing this, Dabai shrank his neck like a big cat being reprimanded by his master, and immediately spit out Dexar's dead head.

This scene completely frightened the remaining [Heisha] soldiers, one by one put down their weapons and raised their hands, hoping to save their lives.

At this time, Wolfgang's bone spur also suddenly pierced into [Flesh Dragon] Bolton's heart.

Who knew that this guy who weighed more than half a ton had a thick layer of fat covering his atrium, so he didn't die from this blow!
Unknowingly, a strange force erupted from there, pushed Wolfgang away, and fled.

"Damn it, a fat pig is so hard to kill!"

Fighting [Flesh Dragon] is not easy, Wolfgang used the bloody form to defeat, how can he be allowed to escape at this time?Just about to catch up and make up for the last blow.

A voice suddenly came, "Wait a minute!"

 The author is already tired, readers, gentlemen, recommend tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, what come and go, let’s go~ let’s go~
(End of this chapter)

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