Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 152 Evolution!Hell 3 dogs!

Chapter 152 Evolution!Hell three-headed dog! (The first update, please subscribe!)

"Wait a minute!"

Hearing this shout, Wolfgang was taken aback, almost thinking that the enemy came to reinforce him again.

Looking back, I saw a young man with black hair. Although he was still immature, his brows and eyes were not only heroic, but also iron-blooded.

"Li Cha? What do you want?"

Wolfgang was chatting, but his hands kept moving, and he decisively stabbed [Meat Dragon] Bolton's Achilles tendon and knee each to ensure that the opponent lost his ability to move.

With the support of [Super Leap] ability, Li Cha jumped more than 20 meters and came to Wolfgang. Uncle Yang, before that, we forced people in Chinatown to provide him with supplies, and my father died indirectly at his hands, and I have a sworn feud with this person."

"Oh?" Wolfgang raised his eyebrows, and then secretly gave Chen Feng a look.

Chen Feng blinked and signaled to your people, you have the final say.

Although he is the boss, he must give Wolfgang sufficient authority for the internal affairs of [Blood Mad Wolf] unless necessary.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Wolfgang patted Li Cha's shoulder, turned around and walked towards Chen Feng.

I haven't seen him for a few days, but he finally caught the boss. We must have a good talk, it's best to have a candlelit night talk, hehe.

Behind Wolfgang, Li Cha greeted Du Wei and Luo Li, and the three of them pulled [Meat Dragon] Bolton to the corner, hung him upside down, and brutally killed him.

The first is to cut off the tendons of the hands and feet, then dig out the five sense organs, cut the throat, but hang on for a while.

The details are too bloody, and even many [Blood Wolf] people can't bear to look directly at it.

Chen Feng got off Tony's back, stood side by side with Wolfgang, bumped his shoulder and said with a smile, "I said, where did you get these three boys, and the methods are very spicy."

Wolfgang chuckled, "The black fat man who was hung up didn't come to the door." By the way, he reported the situation when he took down Chinatown to the boss.

After Chen Feng heard it, he couldn't help sighing, Wolfgang's protagonist Halo Silk is too buggy. "These three teenagers are talents to be made. You can cultivate them well. Maybe one day, I will ask you to borrow them."

Wolfgang laughed loudly, "Boss, don't worry." Immediately, he remembered something and asked, "Boss, where have you been these few days? Let me see why you came back from the south?"

Chen Feng was playing with Xiong Da and Xiong Er, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, when he heard Wolfgang's question, he answered casually, "Well, I went to the no-man's land, and now it has been leveled by me, but there are still some small obstacles. But it won’t be long before you can enter on a large scale. At that time, you have to organize your people to transport the materials inside.”

"By the way, I found a brand new Aston Martin sports car over there, and I'll give it to you."

"What!!" Wolfgang was dumbfounded.


Until everyone walked into [Meat Dragon] Bolton Manor, sat down in a comfortable and luxurious room, and began to direct his men to collect the spoils, Wolfgang still hadn't recovered from the shock.

I have to say that although Bolton is a scumbag, his taste in enjoyment is not bad.

At least, the hall is well furnished.
Chen Feng leaned comfortably on the sofa. Opposite him were Wolfgang, Draven and the backbone of the [Scarlet Wolf] Legion. Besides, there were three newcomers including Li Cha, Du Wei and Luo Li.

It was the first time for this young man to formally meet the legendary boss, so he was somewhat cautious.

Chen Feng didn't take it too seriously, young people still need more experience.

On the contrary, Wolfgang, Delevingne and others kept asking Chen Feng what he had seen and heard in no man's land.

Chen Feng was speechless, but he hadn't had a good chat with these old brothers for a long time, so he simply talked about it from the beginning to the end, which shocked a few people.

"I can't believe that there is actually a giant anaconda that swallowed an 8-meter-long crocodile in one bite?"

"What's the matter, you haven't seen the [Terminator] of the boss, no matter how big the snake is, it can be killed."

"What's even more frightening is the army of walking corpses who can fly planes and tanks in the rice army base. It's a modern army. It's hard to imagine how the boss took down the entire base by himself."

Wolfgang and the others were speechless, and from time to time they took a sneak peek at Dabai and Crane Fairy who were relaxing in the yard.

Although the two masters are basking in the sun leisurely now, Dabai is lying on the lawn, licking the fur on his paws with his tongue, while Fairy Crane is walking around, spreading his wings from time to time, as if dancing, Very elegant.

That's the master of tearing tanks and penetrating fighters!
Although Wolfgang is now a 3-star evolutionary with 3 highly coordinated abilities, compared with the boss's pet army, he has no confidence in defeating any of them.

"Boss, what's the matter with the green mist? There are also supplies from no man's land, when will we bring them back?" Wolfgang asked.

"I don't know too well, but don't worry, I will figure it out one day. Don't worry about those supplies, wait until the green mist clears away. For some urgently needed items, I will let the giant worker ants dig an underground passage to transport them first." return."

Chen Feng thought for a while, and then added, "In this way, after half a month, if there are no other accidents, you can arrange a few [Heisha] war criminals to go in and test the way, and if there are no abnormal changes, then you can The area north of the stadium has been developed. As for the south of the stadium and the rice military base, we need to wait another month."

"Understood." Wolfgang nodded.

Now is the end of the world.human rights?nonexistent.

Especially for the enemy, talking about human rights is undoubtedly tantamount to slow suicide.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the lawn outside the window, and the pets seemed to be attracted by something.

A magic flame shot up and was reflected in Chen Feng's field of vision through the glass window. Then, a low roar that seemed to come from the depths of hell came over.

Both Chen Feng and Wolfgang suddenly stood up and looked at each other, "It's Xiong Daxiong Er!"

Could it be that Xiong Da Xiong Er evolved autonomously again?
The two rushed out immediately. Although Draven, Li Cha and others didn't know what happened, but from the reaction of the two adults, it can be seen that it must be a major event not to be missed, and they all followed out immediately.

I saw a corner of the lawn, the big bear and the big bear stretched out their front legs straight, their back legs bent, and the three heads turned to the sky. The bones in their bodies crackled, and terrifying hell flames continuously emerged from their bodies, making people feel uncomfortable. Just looking at it, I feel fear from the depths of my soul.

There is no doubt that Bear Big Bear II is evolving again!
 Yesterday 08a rewarded 10000 starting coins, midnight sword sound tipped 20000 starting coins, added three chapters, plus the previous two chapters and one is 5 chapters, I remember them all.This is the first update, and it is also a tipping and update to return the sky ∽ mark.

(End of this chapter)

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