Chapter 1007 You Just Keep Up

Without missing the expression of Beigong Xiyan, Ye Qianyue squinted slightly to look at Beigong Xiyan, a strange light quickly flashed across the dark eyes.

It seems that the relationship between the Beigong family and the Tianshen family is more complicated than she thought.

I don't know what Ye Qianyue is thinking at the moment, Bei Gong Xiyan is still cold and unruly, and then gently raises his hand.

I saw a faint layer of smoke lingering on the palm of Bei Gong Xiyan's hand, faintly revealing a dark and fiery smell.

He has always liked to do things by himself, Bei Gong Xiyan's expression at this moment contained a hint of coldness, and a slow glance of his eyes was enough to make people's hearts tremble together.

Such a terrifying hostility can even make the hairs on the back of a person tremble.

The expressions on their faces all changed drastically, and everyone watched the smoke slowly suppress, arousing a bit of fiery breath, and at the same time, quickly swallowed up the sea water completely.

It was completely impossible to see where the seawater was swallowed up, and a faint gloomy aura permeated out, making everyone fall into silence.

"I'll go first, you just follow up." Bei Gong Xiyan's eagle-like eyes danced faintly with an unruly cold light, as if he didn't want to say a word to everyone, he jumped straight away. He jumped into the deep pit.

Seeing that Bei Gong Xiyan looked like he could handle everything by himself, Ye Qianyue and the others also narrowed their eyes slowly, and then quickly followed.

The speed was not slow, and Ye Qianyue and the others filed in one by one.

Still tightly protect Ye Qianyue in the most central position, but this time, there will be more Beigong Xiyan in the front of the crowd.

Although the tunnel is inclined, the arc of the inclination is not large, making it easy for Ye Qianyue and the others to reach the deepest part of the tunnel.

I don't know what kind of flame the Beigong Erosion Flame is using. It actually possesses such terrifying power. Not to mention evaporating all the moisture in the air, it also bakes the surrounding walls and dries up together. It has been soaked by seawater There is no trace of it.

The tunnel was also nearly 200 meters deep, and before the last Killing Seven came in, he also built a spiritual barrier to seal the entrance of the cave.

Naturally, it is impossible to separate the seawater all the time. After Shiqi sealed the entrance of the cave, Beigong Xiyan also released the seawater.

There was a muffled sound of 'boom'. Although the sea water did not seep into the cave, the sound of the waves still swept in with a sense of shade.

Thinking of the sea water above them that could swallow them completely, everyone still couldn't help feeling a little vigilant.

Except for Beigong Xiyan, everyone present had already taken energy beads, just in case.

When they came to the deepest part of the tunnel, everyone looked at the magnificent and astonishingly huge palace gate in front of them with a bit of amazement on their faces.

The walls are inlaid with very bright sunlight beads, making the entire palace gate as bright as day.

The palace gate made of clear white jade is inlaid with golden threads, revealing a faint sense of luxury, and the grandeur is even more impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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