Chapter 1008 is a good experiment

It is more majestic than the previous two underground palaces, but at the same time as the underground palace in front of you is gorgeous, a faint dangerous atmosphere also permeates out, giving people a sense of oppression.

"This place is not simple." Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes lightly, and then said this very seriously and firmly.

Seeing that there is still a thick barrier between them and the palace gate, the corners of Bei Gong Xiyan's lips twitched into a sneer, "It seems that someone really left here one step ahead of us. The Dao enchantment didn’t appear for a long time, at most it’s only about seven days.”

After hearing Bei Gong Xiyan's words, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes lightly, and then swept her gaze towards the palace gate.

The people of the Celestial Clan may be behind this palace gate, waiting for them to pass by and throw themselves into the trap.

Ye Qianyue just thought of this, and Beigong Xiyan made a move first, and a fiery black gas quickly rose from his palm, and then aggressively attacked the barrier past.

The speed was so fast that it was dizzying. I saw that vicious attack slammed on the barrier fiercely, and there was a loud muffled sound immediately.

There was nothing wrong with the barrier that was supposed to be shattered like this. The powerful and terrifying energy seemed to be directly absorbed by the barrier!
It seems that the energy in the attack was successfully converted, and the barrier instantly absorbed the power in the attack, and then strengthened the barrier.

"You can actually absorb energy and use it for yourself." Looking at the barrier over there, Ye Qianyue slightly squinted her eyes, and there was a slight gleam of surprise in her dark eyes.

It doesn't matter how strong this barrier is, it can actually absorb energy, which is indeed too rare to see.

"People of the Celestial Clan still like to play mysteries so much." After squeezing out such a sentence through his teeth coldly, Bei Gong Xiyan looked at the barrier and felt a strong displeasure in his heart, "It seems that I want to use Breaking through this barrier with thought power is impossible."

Seeing Beigong Xiyan's unhappy expression, Ye Qianyuexin said that the relationship between this old guy and the Celestial Clan is really not so bad.

Thinking so in her heart, Ye Qianyue naturally wouldn't care about the reason, or even if Ye Qianyue was very curious, Bei Gong Xiyan might not tell her.

As for Bei Gong Xiyan's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

This barrier is particularly strong, and it contains a terrifying energy that is so distasteful that it is difficult to break it with the power of thought. Now that the power of thought cannot be used, do they need to use brute force?
And just when everyone was deeply frowning, Si Linyuan seemed to have thought of something, walked forward quickly, looked at Ye Qianyue and asked, "Ah Yue, what are the medicines you refined before?" Is there any?"

After hearing Si Linyuan's question, Ye Qianyue thought about it for a while, and then her eyes lit up, "Are you talking about those potions that can explode?"

"Well, didn't you tell me before that when you were idle and bored, you made an enhanced version of the explosive agent, but that thing is too destructive, and you haven't found a suitable opportunity to use it. Now this barrier is all there. Here, it’s a good test case.”

 There is an update today~
(End of this chapter)

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