The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 1009 It's not fun to have landslides

Chapter 1009 It's not fun to have landslides
"Speaking of which, this is a good place to test firepower." Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes in satisfaction after hearing Si Linyuan's words, and then quickly moved from the space of her scepter. He took out several bottles of colorful potions.

"Is this an upgraded version of the explosive potion you used before?" Beigong Huoyin frowned deeply, then looked at Ye Qianyue and asked.

Seeing Ye Qianyue nodding to herself, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily despite Beigong Huoyin's concentration.

At the beginning, he almost suffered a big loss from the explosive agent. Although he was not really injured at the time, it was because his strength was much higher than that of Ye Qianyue at that time.

Now Ye Qianyue's strength has been greatly improved, and this potion has also been greatly improved. The combination of the two makes Beigong Huoyin feel uncertain.

At least one thing is certain is that the power of this potion must be very powerful.

Almost to verify Beigong Huoyin's conjecture, Ye Qianyue quickly took two steps forward, and then smashed one of the bottles of medicine at the barrier through the air.

Immediately, the medicine bottle shattered and covered the surface of the barrier.

"What is Qianyue doing?" Mo Ning looked at Ye Qianyue's posture and asked with some confusion.

"You'll know it when you see it." Mingxiu obviously had great confidence in Ye Qianyue, so he raised the corners of his lips and said slowly.

Seeing that Mingxiu had said the same thing, Mo Ning looked at Ye Qianyue with anticipation and excitement in his heart.

Ye Qianyue always has all kinds of weird and good things on her body, and each of those things is more novel and powerful than the other, which makes Mo Ning also excited.

Bei Gong Xiyan stood on the side, his eagle-like eyes were fixed on Ye Qianyue all the time.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her lips, and Ye Qianyue smashed all the medicine bottles in her hand on the barrier as if planning a strategy.

Soon, the seven-color liquid medicine covered the barrier like a thin film, making everyone even more curious.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue also took a little breath.

"Everyone mobilizes their thought power, dragging the walls around the entire tunnel, and don't let go of any place easily." Ye Qianyue said with a smile, with bursts of light beating in her dark eyes.

I really didn't understand what Ye Qianyue meant, but Mo Ning and the others obediently followed suit, "Qianyue, why is that?"

"In order to support the whole thing, it's no fun not to cause landslides in a while." Ye Qianyue smiled lightly, retreated to the side of the crowd, and at the same time pushed out a little bit of her thoughts, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitched. He evoked a shallow smile, and then slowly spit out three words from his mouth.

"Blast me!"

"Boom!" After Ye Qianyue's words fell, that inconspicuous thought force was like a fuse, and it exploded completely with a bang!

A huge impact swept across in an instant, and there was also a violent turmoil in the cave where everyone was. The splashed stones and soil turned into dust and flew up. The entire tunnel is about to collapse, and by then, everyone will be buried!
(End of this chapter)

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