Chapter 101 You Are Called Wangcai
After a while, a slender figure slowly came out of the woods. Fortunately, Ye Qianyue found him the largest size dress, which fit him well.

Under the moonlight, even though Si Linyuan was wearing women's clothing, he was still unrivaled in a monster, even more stunning than a woman!

His face was as cold as frost, Si Linyuan looked at the narrow smile in Ye Qianyue's eyes, couldn't help but clenched his fists, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in his eyes, "You can go now."

Seeing Si Linyuan gnashing her teeth angrily, Ye Qianyue raised her brows high.

I just feel that Si Linyuan's angry face is so pleasing to the eye, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes have a hint of playfulness, and her gaze falls directly on Si Linyuan.

Glancing up and down, Ye Qianyue quickly fixed her gaze on Si Linyuan's chest.

Flat and flat, it looks really shabby.

"Why do you have no breasts?" Tilting her head and looking at Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue still had a smirk on her lips.

"I'm a man!" After growling this sentence, Si Linyuan's eyes were filled with intense anger, and he was about to burst into flames!
This woman is so courageous, she dared to humiliate him with such a question!
His gilt eyes stared coldly at Ye Qianyue, and Si Linyuan pursed his lips in silence.

In fact, Si Linyuan could have chosen Maya before, but for some reason, he was unhappy with that woman in Maya, so he killed Maya and chose Ye Qianyue.

Counting today, he only met Ye Qianyue three times, but Si Linyuan always remembered her.

Not because of anything else, but because of Ye Qianyue's arrogance that shines from the bottom of her bones, which no other woman has.

So, in just one thought, he chose Ye Qianyue and signed a life and death contract with her.

Looking down at the long skirt on his body, Si Linyuan felt his temples twitching, and he was extremely irritable.

As if she couldn't feel Si Linyuan's anger, Ye Qianyue shook her head while sighing, "It's fine if you don't have breasts, but this voice is so low, it doesn't look like a girl from a rich family at all."

"Woman, do you really want to die?" Si Linyuan narrowed his eyes fiercely, and a strong killing intent appeared on Si Linyuan's face.

Although he can't use mind power now, his body is equally strong, and Ye Qianyue's small body may not be able to take his fist.

"Killing me won't do you any good, you don't have to act aggressively like this." Spreading her hands casually at Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue continued, "I'm helping you now, you Think about it, if you are discovered by the people who chased you, it will not be good for me, I don't want to die yet, so please cooperate with me and don't make trouble for nothing. "

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Si Linyuan gritted his teeth angrily, but could only bear it.

Ye Qianyue was indeed helping him, but this black-bellied woman was also playing tricks on him at the same time!

The fist under the sleeve was tightly clenched, Si Linyuan couldn't do anything to Ye Qianyue, he could only stare at her with murderous eyes.

"Besides, my name is Ye Qianyue, and you will call me Miss from now on." Not caring about Si Linyuan's almost cannibalistic gaze, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes with a smirk, "As for you, from today onwards Let’s call it Wangcai.”

(End of this chapter)

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