Chapter 102 Go, put on the skirt

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"How dare you!" Si Linyuan gritted his teeth and said angrily, never expecting Ye Qianyue to hold back for a long time to give herself such a name.

"Don't like it? If you don't like it, just hold back. I like to call you Wangcai. If you dare not agree, I will let you pack up and leave now." I like watching Si Linyuan run away the most. After Ye Qianyue said this After speaking, he made a grimace at the evildoer in front of him, and then walked towards the dormitory with big strides.

Thinking that he would kill Ye Qianyue after the matter was over, Si Linyuan flicked his sleeves coldly and followed with strides.

Back in the dormitory, Ye Qianyue saw that there was only one bed for herself and Qinglan in the room, and after struggling for a while, Ye Qianyue went to Qinglan's room.

Qinglan hasn't come back so late, presumably she won't come back tonight, so she just sleeps in her bed for the whole night, and will buy a bed for that bastard monster tomorrow.

Originally, she also wanted Si Linyuan to play the floor, but since Qinglan was not there, Ye Qianyue mercifully let him go.

Lying on the bed, Ye Qianyue quickly closed her eyes sleepily.

"I remember that there is a first-grade potion that can change the voice..." Thinking about the voice-changing potion, Ye Qianyue thought that she had to go to the black market to find some medicinal materials to refine this potion.

If Si Linyuan's identity was revealed, it would indeed be bad for her, so she had to find a way to cover up his voice.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue also fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Ye Qianyue got up early and pushed open the door of Si Linyuan's room.

Seeing Si Linyuan wearing a thin undershirt at a glance, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows involuntarily.

Although Si Linyuan's personality is perverted, but this skin is very perfect.

Involuntarily, Ye Qianyue looked twice more, seeing that Si Linyuan was also looking at her coldly, and finally said, "Go, put on the skirt."

There was a cold murderous intent brewing in the gilt eyes, Si Linyuan sat on the spot coldly and did not move.

"After you put on the skirt, I'll take you out to buy some healing potions." Seeing Si Linyuan's eyes move, Ye Qianyue took advantage of the victory and chased after her, "What are you still doing stupidly? Heal your injuries as soon as possible, so I can get rid of them sooner." !"

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Si Linyuan finally let out a cold snort, then stood up and went to get dressed.

There was an inherent charm in the casual movements, even if Si Linyuan put on a skirt, he would not look disobedient, on the contrary, he carried a trace of heroism that ordinary women did not have, and his eyes were breathtaking.

Seeing the evildoer in front of her changing clothes, Ye Qianyue thought to herself that fortunately she had good concentration, otherwise she was afraid that she would be seduced by this goblin.

Taking Si Linyuan out of the academy, Ye Qianyue was surrounded by many students along the way.

In the past, there were always people looking at her when she went out, but today more students put their eyes on Si Linyuan.

As a big iceberg beauty, Si Linyuan's gestures are domineering, her delicate face is cold, her eyes are cold and sweeping, freezing everyone is even more addictive!

Staring at countless eyes and leaving the academy, Ye Qianyue almost wanted to find a quick scarf to cover Si Linyuan's face.

And when Ye Qianyue was thinking this way, Si Linyuan was finally willing to speak.

"Where are you going?" A faint sentence, the indifference can no longer be indifferent.

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(End of this chapter)

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